A lot of people are turning up to make a lot of noise whose sole purpose is to deflect from the only issue I'm raising here: that there is a provable, long-term crisis of excess deaths, and our governments, media and regulators are doing precisely nothing to get to the bottom of *why* it is happening. If that doesn't bother you, it's because you're a Big Pharma tribalist, whether you realise it or not. If you don't want to know why there are excess deaths, be brave and say so. Stop changing the subject.

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Yes the vaccines are bad for you, don't have them, but age and population adjusted death rates are going down.

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Jonathan I am anti-vax, anti big pharma and team no virus but there is no provable long-term crisis in 'excess deaths' at all. We have never been so long lived (if unhealthy), there is no genocide via the jabs it's all part of income generation to keep us fat, sick and on drugs. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/excess-mortality-what-does-it-show?utm_source=publication-search I want to know why this narrative has taken such hold. I think it's all part of the conspiracy of depopulation and control using fake climate change that we're being fed.

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Jonathan, I would like to suggest you interview the Suspended Dr William Bay. He is currently suing AHPRA, Qld Govt and the AMA in the High Court of Australia. You can read his legal documents on QPP.life.

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"A black and horrible deamon is always ready to strike at the hopes of humanity...." William Godwin wrote, in response to the 18th century "Theory of Population Growth" by Thomas Robert Malthus.

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I don't even know where to start looking for a "provable, long-term crises of excess deaths".

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Office of national statistics? Our-world-in-data?

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Ex Nurse John, and health freedom in general, have unfortunately been greatly manipulated on 'excess deaths' caused by the jabs. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/the-continued-manipulation-of-health?utm_source=publication-search

People in the west are not dying in greater numbers - the age and population adjusted death rate is actually going back down again after the midazolam murders of 2020. 'Excess deaths' only appear when compared to the incredibly low death year of 2019 https://jowaller.substack.com/p/deaths-england-and-wales-2020-2022?utm_source=publication-search

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The only comment I can possibly make about the above article is gutless, supremely gutless. There is currently *enough* evidence to prove that vaccines are the cause of excess deaths worldwide-they absolutely need to be withdrawn. Delay will be lethal to huge numbers of people.

I am in regular contact with a senior government pathologist in Bulgaria. THEY advise against the vaccine and have since the begining of covid which they recognized as fake from the getgo. Bulgaria's vaccine uptake is an encouragingly low 10% st present.

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Perhaps you should give an example of the ‘conspiracy theories’ you found - that way we can actually debate. Or perhaps you prefer simple name calling?

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With reference to the properties of Vitamin D, do people remember the two Bakersfield doctors? They gave a news conference back in April (?) 2020 extolling the virtues of Vitamin D; stating that children should go out and get dirty, to build up the immune system...

They further stated that, using government figures, the number of deaths were no worse than a bad flu year. Firstly, their video was quickly taken off YouTube - it had to be viewed on bitchute..... Then, they were investigated by the American Medical Association... If THAT didn't get people thinking, then those people were already susceptible to being duped.

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Truly excellent. I would only add that when you control the police the courts and the tax collectors the decision to collaborate with big money is just that: a calculated decision taken to increase one’s power and wealth. This is the nature of politics.

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For those of us who have been paying attention, the cause is already well-known, well-explained, irrefutable, predicted by top MDs from the beginning... No excuse for not knowing the truth today. A few articles at my substack:


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After reading through many of the nay-sayer comments, I just cannot help but believe many are paid shills.

You see a lot of this on other social media outlets where the nay-sayers distract from the subject; make accusations of incompetence; insist the published article is making claims it doesn't; reference articles from propaganda outlets; and consistently repeat themselves over and over again "to hurdle the disinformation".

This kind of thing is very much present in discussions concerning the Ukraine war.

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Excellent article Jonathon ! There are a growing number of voices in the independent media who echo your views, The Grayzone, Jimmy Dore, Tucker Carlson, Matt Taaibi, Glenn Greenwald, Russell Brand, Judge Napapoliano, Redacted, Chris Hedges any many more. The USA political scene, RFK and Cornell West are really stirring the pot and as expected are being trashed by the MSM and in RFK's case his own party the crooked DNC. The establishment and deep state must be really starting to be worried about these truth tellers, how long before they are censored ?

Keep up the great work mate !!

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I have reas many excellent. interesting, informative articles that Mr. Cook has written about the Middle East and British Politics. This article presents no empirical evidence to support his statements about Covid and excess deaths, so I am going take what is being stated with a gain of salt.

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I'm a bit disappointed in Jonathan Cook for this diversion away from the very good work he does on other topics.

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I've waited three years for a left wing journalist to pick up this story, and the excess deaths is just one of its many threads. You're a brave man Jonathan to raise your head above the parapet. Thank you. The "science" behind the COVID groupthink has been challenged by many eminent immunologists, epidemiologists etc, eg in the Great Barrington Declaration in 2020 (Comrades, read it!). Its authors have been hounded ever since and the

main news platforms available to them have been those of the political right. It's weird, but I'm not surprised by the furious and incurious response of your followers, but it is depressing and doesn't bode well for the future. It was instructive to see Matt Hancock accusing Andrew Bridgen MP of antisemitism when he raised the matter of excess deaths in the UK parliament... we should by now be familiar with that particular smear as a strategy for shutting down discussion...

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Surely, in a fair and truthful world this topic should have been discussed in the MSM, but sadly it won't, anyway thanks for your thoughtful article!

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By mid-May 2021, slightly over 50% of people aged 25 to 49 had already received at least one dose, while about 40% were fully vaccinated (Figure 2). But as we can see from the excess death graph on Dowd’s website, excess deaths actually fell close to pre-vaccine times between January and July 2021.

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Deaths on the rise before Covid; look it up. And it was a pandemic in 2020, now it’s endemic.

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Fun? What a dumb remark

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In this video from Nutritionfacts.org, Dr. Michael Greger examines the effectiveness of vitamin D supplements in randomised controlled trials for various conditions. While observational studies have suggested many health benefits of higher vitamin D levels, Dr. Greger highlights the importance of rigorous scientific studies to establish causation. He discusses the results of trials on conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), critical illness, cardiovascular disease, depression prevention and treatment, obesity, and cancer survival.

For COPD, vitamin D supplements have shown positive effects, improving lung function, six-minute walk distance, and reducing exacerbations and symptoms. However, in critically ill adult patients, vitamin D supplementation did not significantly impact mortality rates. Similarly, despite the association between low vitamin D levels and cardiovascular disease, randomised controlled trials did not find any benefits in preventing heart attacks, strokes, or mortality. Dr. Greger emphasises that addressing heart disease requires dietary changes.

Regarding depression, long-term vitamin D supplementation did not prevent depression in older adults, but in patients suffering from major depression, the trials demonstrated benefits over placebo, although it may take several months to see results. Vitamin D supplementation did not have a significant effect on measures of obesity, including BMI and waist circumference, according to the analysed trials.

In terms of cancer, vitamin D supplementation did not show a significant difference in lung cancer survival rates overall, but when focusing on patients with low vitamin D levels, there appeared to be a benefit. For prostate cancer, there were no significant differences in total mortality between participants who received vitamin D supplementation and those who received a placebo. However, for colorectal cancer survival, supplementation showed a 30 percent reduction in negative outcomes, a 24 percent reduction in colorectal cancer-specific mortality, and a lower risk of disease progression or death from any cause.

In summary, while vitamin D supplementation has shown positive effects for COPD, it did not have a significant impact on critically ill patients, cardiovascular disease, depression prevention, obesity, lung cancer survival (except in patients with low vitamin D levels), and prostate cancer survival. However, it did show promising results for colorectal cancer survival. The video emphasises the need for further research to determine optimal dosages for specific conditions.


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Yes, but this also has to do with the limitations, and poor science, of many of these studies. I explain this problem here: https://www.jonathan-cook.net/blog/2021-02-22/doctors-vitamin-d-erode-trust/

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I appreciate your response. The video I referred to is just a small part of the extensive collection of publications on the topic of vitamin D available on nutritionfacts.org. According to the website, vitamin D supplementation has been shown to have positive effects on certain conditions and can potentially lower mortality rates. If you have the time and interest, you can explore more about this topic on nutritionfacts.org by visiting the following link: https://nutritionfacts.org/?s=vitamin%20D%20

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We need some kind of testing of Vitamin D - but no drug company is going to test something cheap!

Maybe we need something called a National Health Service!

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