This essay has aged well, I didn’t realize till “One, Elizabeth McGill” that it was from a past before the second horrors of Al Shifa. It’s from when Mother Teresa turned out to Hamas. Why didn’t the pope excommunicate the Biden? Finkelstein’s slave revolt analogy is good- Hamas has exposed that warehousing the dispossessed on diminishing Bantustans will be resisted and the global south and civil society will stand in solidarity. The narrative is cracking, as you note via Halper on the shrinking Bantustans we are all Palestinian. The war machines run on fossil fuels but keeping the guards armed with the changing climate is doubly suicidal.

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Thank you Jonathan for setting out this truth so cogently. I hope you have sent it personally to the leaders of the Western World, so they can take a good look at themselves!

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To end the wars end the income tax and the federal reserve

The rules are simple and the founders knew them

Unfortunately no one believes in them now

Both parties support income tax and the federal reserve

The culture changed

The only solutions are collapse or nuclear destruction or revolution

None are pretty

Or just call a constitutional convention and reboot the system with a new constitution

Direct democracy

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"Vietnam, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Ukraine were all sold based on lies. The true goal of the US, and its Nato sidekicks, was plundering the resources of others, maintaining Washington as the global top dog, and enriching a western elite."

This. This is the reason US & NATO allows the genocide of Gaza to go on. Not only that, it equips and arms Israel without blinking an eye. It's salivating over the possibility of oil and natural gas deposits off the coast of Gaza. "Freedom and democracy" (TM) have nothing to do with it. The war criminals in Washington, DC and elsewhere should be locked up for life.

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I salute you for this.

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Now can we talk about AIPAc, The most dangerous and corrosive force in US politics currently

Now they own Biden. in I’m a Jewish leftist, my family were never Zionist! They opposed the idea of a religious states everywhere.

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The villain here is thinking only one side has villainous and protective tendencies. The Israelis and the Gaza side both have their heroes and villains and dead loved ones and lots of pain and anger.

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Jonathan I have not heard from you lately please don’t stop educating us with your writing

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You give aid and comfort to Hamas, ruthless, fanatical terrorists bent on genocide, who are solely responsible for the plight of Gaza.

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The clarity of this truth could not be better written. This once again is some excellent writing and well appreciated! The point we are at rots the core of one's being with the horror being done to our fellow human beings. The masks are all off laying on the floor and everyone can see the corruption with few but the corrupt denying it any longer. There really isn't a good way out of this nightmare.

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Think Dresden 1945. That's our fate for trusting the serpents when we know we shouldn't. Cowardice

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I've had an interesting e-mail from mail online today. I've been permanently banned from commenting there. I've had the account for years and have certainly said some controversial things on their comment threads over the years.

I wasn't there last week to read their articles, but one of those lurid accounts of abuse was published. I just said that they were lies. And it was one of those comments that is "moderated" before being printed.

It just goes to show how bad the media is at the moment. Free speech is fine in the British media just so long as you don't criticise the state of Israel.

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Just take a look at the 118th Congress and it’s theocratic Speaker and his boss the SadoPopulist

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Brilliant enlightening piece, Jonathan. Many thanks.

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Well said.

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