It has been the Second Nazi Holocaust since October '23!!!

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Hello, I am slowly getting in touch with a period of time, post WW2, known as "Stalinist communism"

I am not pretending that the Nazi's atrocities are to be under-considered; on the opposite, I feel that every single drop of blood must be accounted for, accordingly


Seems to me that speaking of an under-estimation of "Stalinist communism" in terms of damage is accurate; nobody cares about it, and common world views don't seem to include a proper place PROPERLY RELATING to "Stalinist communism".

It appears that this was a completely out of hand mad butchery. I invite the reader to check a bit more about this discrepancy, as there seems to be something

This is "odd" - and very wrong. Something is wrong about that. The Nazi atrocities took the "horror" room in our minds - but we'll have to deal with "Stalinist communism" - and it's not pretty.

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The New Nazis I cannot spot the difference ,it's time the pity party stopped !

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Nazi Israel is a sick, monstrous, festered pustule the human contents of which are a decayed and stinking human mass. It must be destroyed.

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The answer to all ? is: yesterday.. time is ticking before we completely lose our humanity and forever remain barbarians..

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The answer is...whenever Bibi feels he's extracted his pound of flesh.

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Good luck with that. Asking any of these questions will bring charges of “antisemitism” & “Nazi” raining down upon you — but you are absolutely right.

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We've reached that point.

Enough is enough, has " empathy" just curled up and died.

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Really. And Israel knew nothing about its imminence: really. Yes, some pigs fly….

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Sep 10Liked by Jonathan Cook

Your article made me cry. I agree with everything you wrote. Thank you for being a true Mensch.

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When Parliament & MSM serves a healthy democracy, we may live in a healthy democracy. Both BBC & Channel 4 fail to comply with their Public Service Broadcasting Charters.

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What has Hamas done to protect their people? They knew Israel’s response would be harsh after they brutally murdered, raped, burned and took Israeli hostages. You are blaming the wrong people. The Palestinian Arabs could have had sovereignty 75 years ago but their leaders were more interested in erasing Israel than creating a state of their own.

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No burning, no raoing, no murderd babies

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“Dear naive anti-Israel activist

1. 'Palestine' is a name given to the Jewish holy land by Christian European empires.... It has nowt to do with indigenous people, Islam or Judaism.

2. The map of 'Palestine' you hold up as sacred was drawn just over 100 years ago by a colonial pen. It is entirely a modern colonial construct.

Basically the enemies of Israel just piggybacked on your ignorance and antisemitism... to get you to support a fictional narrative - and today you are just a person in the west, trying to dicate and impose a completely western and alien concept on people living 1000s of miles away...

No different from how supremacists in European empires were acting 100s of years ago.

You are EXACTLY what you say you despise.”

-David Collier

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Racist genocidal Zionist fool

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Chill, Aaron. First you call the fascist Ziobots names, then, all ablaze, you go misreading other comments and call me a fool (before deleting your comment). Yes, I obviously am aware that hasbara is an Israeli Hebrew term and was commenting on the hasbara, not your comment. Either way, the above cut-and-paste hasbara worked on you by helping you lose your cool and degrade this conversational space, including getting you to instigate infighting amongst allies.

Take a breath, learn their game and marry contemplation and consideration to your beautiful passion.

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I do things my way, not yours

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Don't f**king tel me to chill, when there a year's genocide and ethnic cleansing been going on!!! Idiot

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My mistake. I deleted within two minutes. Chill

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Your angry little insult still showed up in my inbox.

Chill, you say? I think that I am in fact chilled. You however don't seem so, hence my suggestion. It remains, along with one towards civility.

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Screw civility with these genocidal Nazi ZIOnists!!!

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I misread your post, dude, that is all..

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This is crap hasbara

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Dear naive zioNazi: Israel is a fake country. Good luck with the next 76 years.. you’ll probably end up like the Taliban except their country is real..

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Historically , you are just wrong. The historic references to Palestine go much further back than any to Israel. Ancient Greeks referred to Palestine. The total time in which Palestine was ruled by Jewish Kings is about 300 years. For most of its history this area was multicultural as attested by Israeli Archeologists Silberman and Finkelstein in The Bible Unearthed.

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This is Israeli lies and propaganda. Israel created Hamas, and knew its ‘attack’ was imminent. They then concocted lie after lie about rapes and babies, then proceeded to murder their own people according to the Hannibal Directive. You come across as either an Israeli Troll or a ba ba sheep who believes the crap your media shoved down your gib.

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You ommit to say that Hamas started this latest war and have dozens of hostages held in the miles of tunnels they built.

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Andy Moore, Hasbara bot.

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I should follow my own advice and not resort to cut and paste insults.

Your original comment warrants strong suspicion that you are not a genuine participant in a public conversation. It does so by traipsing out standardized, tired, obviously incorrect/incomplete/irrelevant tropes in a weak attempt to decontextualise, undermine and derail the narrative.

What you omit is obvious to all here.

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The Nuremberg Trials (1945-46) saw a handful of war criminals held to account. The next opportunity for our species to display it's humanity followed the civilian mass murders in Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam committed by the USA. Our failure to recognise these non-white murders as war crimes opened the flood gates. The result was millions murdered in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and various South American nations. The ongoing slaughter in the Middle East by White European Colonialists barely gets a mention on Western MSM. The current situation, with many protesters against mass murder, Apartheid, land grab and property demolition being arrested has become acceptable, the new normal. The "Old Colonialists" (G7) intend to continue their ongoing quest for global supremacy and sieze control of the remaining, finite resources/minerals (Ukraine /Russia) at any cost. The "Greed Addiction" will probably see an end to our species and this beautiful planet. What a Waste....

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I completely agree that Israel must be remade just as South Africa was and reconciliation made.

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Remade? It needs to be consigned to the annuls of history!!!

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Liked by Jonathan Cook

Let's start by discussing these questions urgently with close family and friends, asking them to wake up and reclaim their humanity (the title of Richard Forer's superb book -- I urge you to read it). This is the way: earnest, well-meaning, and urgent efforts starting within our circles of influence.

One can never tell where this will lead.

On September 26, 2001, in response to the Bush Administration's rhetoric of "bombing Afghanistan into the stone age," author Tamim Ansary wrote a letter to 20 friends. This letter (see link below) became one of the first viral phenomena of the Internet -- reaching tens of millions of people around the world.

Let's do our part. Thank you, Jonathan Cook.


Richard Forer's book: Wake Up and Reclaim Your Humanity: Essays on the Tragedy of Israel-Palestine https://a.co/d/0s1Mfto

Tamim Ansary's email: https://www.cnn.com/2001/COMMUNITY/09/26/ansary.email/index.html

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