Thanks for calling out the sane washing of Israeli atrocities in Gaza, Westbank and now Lebanon.

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I only can say: Magnific Article! Thanks

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The fear of our western elites is that if Israel falls, most of the world’s oil will be controlled by China and Russia. The current alliance between Neocons and Zionist extremists is a threat to the entire human race.

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But they allowed him to make his points. If the BBC was truly a state propagandist, they would not have allowed him on the programme. Sometimes journalists have to play devils advocate. Jeremy Bowen is a fine journalist and he knows full well the plight of the Palestinians and has seen Israel’s brutal treatment of them first hand.

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Really , he played the role well, should be given an Emmy

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How can you POSSIBLY support Hamas in this? Despicable.

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Hamas, surprisingly, is an indigenous Arab resistance organisation. Isreali's, surprisingly, are mainly Europeans that began settling in Palestine from the 1920s onwards during the British Mandate. The Ashkenazics, Khazarians and Sephardic Jews from East Germany, North West Asia, Ukraine and the Iberian peninsular respectively have no legal claim to Palestine just as German NAZIs had no legal claim to Western europe from 1940 to 1945. Your comment "How can you POSSIBLY support Hamas in this" is as rediculous as stating "how could anybody support the Norwegian, French and Dutch resistance against German NAZISM 1940-1945".

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In Australia a similar situation with an Elected LABOR GOVERNMENT giving Full Support for USA/ ISRAEL and supported by a Local MSM fully supporting this OBVIOUS GENOCIDE even though Australia says it abides by the "Rome Protocol and supports ICC and ICJ RULINGS.

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A late yet renowned newsman rightly implicated the Western world's seemingly callous and imbalanced news coverage and consumption: “A hundred Pakistanis going off a mountain in a bus make less of a story than three Englishmen drowning in the Thames.”


With each news report of the daily death toll from unrelenting bombardment, etcetera, I feel a slightly greater desensitization and resignation. I’ve noticed this disturbing effect with basically all major protracted conflicts internationally ever since I began regularly consuming news products in 1987.

Human lives in this world are consciously or subconsciously perceived as not being of equal value/worth, when morally they all definitely should be. They can actually be seen and treated as though they are disposable and, by extension, their suffering and death are somehow less worthy of external [i.e. our] concern, sometimes even by otherwise democratic and relatively civilized nations.

The value of such life will be measured by its overabundance and/or the prolonged conditions under which it suffers; and those people can eventually receive meagre column inches on the back page of the First World’s daily news. I see it as external observers’ inhuman(e) devaluation, albeit perhaps on a subconscious level. It's like an immoral consideration of 'quality of life'.



With news-stories’ human subjects’ race and culture dictating / quantity of media coverage of even the poorest of souls / a renowned newsman formulated a startling equation / justly implicating collective humanity’s news-consuming callousness / —“A hundred Pakistanis going off a mountain in a bus / make less of a story than three Englishmen drowning in the Thames.” //


According to this unjust news-media mentality reasonably deduced / five hundred prolongedly-war-weary Middle Eastern Arabs getting blown to bits / in the same day perhaps should take up even less space and airtime. //


So readily learned is the tiny token short story buried in the / bottom right-hand corner of the newspaper’s last page, the so brief account / involving a long-lasting war about which there’s virtually nothing civil; / therefore caught in the warring web are civilians most unfortunate / most weak, the very most in need of peace and civility. //


And it’s naught but business as usual in the damned nations / where such severe suffering almost entirely dominates / the fractured structured daily routine of civilian slaughter (plus that of the odd well-armed henchman) / mostly by means of bomb blasts from incendiary explosive devices / shell shock and shrapnel wounds resulting from smart bombs dropped for the stupidest of reasons. // ....

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Well analysed

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Oct 4·edited 23 hrs ago

Its not just the BBC - you cannot trust anything you read or hear from ANY of the organisations associated or affiliated with the "Trusted News Initiative"/"Trusted News Project" or what ever they call it across the neo-colonial world:



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Thank you once again for your excellent reportage. Once one understands that all "mainstream" media is actually pure corporate/government propaganda, then this and everything the BBC (and CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Fox, etc.) does is exactly what one would expect. One should pay attention to mainstream media only to study what propaganda looks like and/or to understand what our corporate overlords want us to think.

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I watched the interview and was shocked by the tone employed by Bowen who in previous reports from Gaza seemed to be a sympathetic reporter on the carnage there. In this interview he was openly hostile from the start... can you imagine him interviewing Netanyahu in the same manner? And of course the threat of all out war was blamed on Iran, Israel was the innocent party just trying to "defend itself". All the exploding pagers assassinations presumably don't count. Presumably if the "Iran backed attacks" rather than "Iranian retaliation" is to be used as an excuse to attack Iran what about "US backed Israel"? The day before on BBC news "The Context" Christian Frazer indulged in 30 minutes of weapons porn with a military expert discussing what weapons Israel/Iran may choose to use in any conflict , again it was the tone as if this was discussing supermarket prices rather than the potential method of death for thousands of civilians. At no point was there any mention of war crimes, the occupation, humanitarian law... Israel is still the perennial victim. When will mindless support for this rogue regime end?

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This is why I block all sorts of national media & mainstream media/legacy media using parental controls like BBC News, MSNBC, CNN, CBS Evening News, NBC Nightly News, ABC World News Tonight, Meet The Press, 60 Minutes, etc. now. They're ALL banned.

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So, here we all are; after the ultra apartheid regime has commanded the narrative a 1000% of the time, slaughtered over 200,000, injured hundreds of thousands with medicines, killed babies, children and women in tents and has now settled on watching them starve the BBC wants us to here from the other side. I have absolutely no interest. Let those people who never pay attention to anything listen.

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The BBC is a house organ of the sick, pathetic and contemptible English ruling classes which, like those of the U.S., represent only the Capitalist War Lobby. The BBC is a wholly owned, abject tool of an impotent, trivial country that is itself a bedraggled whore for The Empire, the massive, stupid Doomsday Machine run by demented hicks and raving lunatics that hopes to destroy the world.

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Can you explain this statement- "Hamas fighters had been told not to target Israeli civilians on October 7, only Israeli occupation soldiers. Hamas does not endorse harming civilians. However, there were failings by individuals in sticking to that plan."

If this is the case, why did they not release the hostages, but instead are currently nearly a year later still holding them as bargaining chips? How should I understand this statement as anything other than an obvious lie?

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exactly the whole purpose of oct 8th was to capture LDF soldier's who are whether you like or not terrorist's. Why, because that has has been demonstrated time and again. They engage in some of the worst terrorism ever seen in modern times with acts of gross inhumanity and criminal actions which amount to war crimes.. That does not mean that Hamas also was not guilty of some of the stuff that happened. But in proportion the evidence is that the IDF are not a moral army. some of their actions would have been at the level of Nazi Germany at its worst. also the realise of hostages requires action by Israel to release over 10000 prisoners as has been pointed out Mr Levin you have seen the evidence yet as usual it is a lie. a common problem with Israel . They just lie and lie again and again. Worst they have been allowed to get away with it .

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Because Israel holds around ten thousand Palestinians in their prisons, most of them without any law and judgement, and too many of them mere children. The Quakers have had a program for years to hightlight that children are stuck in Israeli prisons. That is the first reason for taking soldiers as hostages - to get all these innocent Palestinians released. Second - when other groups also took civilians as hostages, Hamas offered to release them after four days. The answer from the other side was negative. Read about this in Jeremy Scahills very first post on Drop Site News - On the record with Hamas.

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'target' should be understood as 'kill', imo. unlike the palestinian hostages held by israel, hamas tries to not harm the israeli hostages (their 'bargaining chips'). others might understand your question as 'playing dumb'.

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From what I have read I understand that the idea of the Hamas attack was to attack the military barracks and take soldiers hostage in order to use them as bargaining chips for the release of some of the thousands of Palestinians held mostly without charge in Israeli prisons. (ie they are hostages in fact too) It took so long for the Israeli military to respond that many others from Gaza crossed through the many holes in the fence made by the original attackers and they MAY have been responsible for some of the killings. Apparently Hamas militants were not aware of the music festival and kind of stumbled into it, however many killed there were killed by Israel's attack helicopters being sent in in a panic and told basically to kill anything that moved as well as Israeli tanks being used to "liberate" Israeli residents from their homes in nearby kibbutz. So yes it turned into a killing field but how many were killed by "friendly fire" and how many by Hamas is not really clear. As usual, Israel's role on that day has been obliterated.

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yes it has Also there is evidence from Israeli sources that the Hannaball’ directive was possibly used, this a order to kill any hostage so that they are not taken prisoner and there used as bargaining chips. Israel Zionist gov does this quite often it seems. Quite a high % were killed by helicopter gun ships and then covered up by Israel it seems. Israel as it stands hardly ever tells the truth re military matters. Israel is engaged in the biggest genocide in the west since second world war,. They must be held to account and leaders and soldiers identified arrested and charged with war crimes. It needs to be on the scale of Nuremberg trials after second world war. Israel MUST BE HELD TO ACCOUNT BY WORLD OPION AND THEY MUST TOLD BLUNTLY to negotiate with Palestine and world > If they do not the UN should bring in a peace keeping force to manage the situation . Israel should have no further part in this. USA also must be told by their own people and the world that they cannot continue to support Israel any further.

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Aljazeera currently has an investigative report on U-Tube. I think its called "Investigating war crimes in Gaza" by their investigative unit. Some parts of it are made up from camera evidence collected from Israeli soldiers who, in their arrogance and delight in being able to smash and kill seemingly without any

push back posted these videos on social media. Aljazeera has managed to identify some of the individual soldiers and the military units they belong to. The destruction seems wanton and entirely without consequence. How can the world tolerate this?

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I agree and was surprised by summary point 3 which seems to accept that Gazans killed 1200 Israelis on 7th October. The temporarily porous border was deliberate, the IDF's slow response was deliberate, the initial claims of 1400 dead, beheaded babies, rapes etc were all lies. And when IDF did respond it slaughtered hundreds with helicopter gunships and tank shells. All well documented including by surviving Israeli hostages.

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Bibi does not want the hostages. Here is the investigation done in January by media not bought and paid for by the lobby, listen to their words - https://www.uncaptured.media/p/netanyahu-and-kahanist-allies-wage

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It's clear to me that the UK and US governments 'speak with forked tongues' when it comes to preaching peace but still supplying arms to Israel's leadership who are using them to slaughter Palestinians as if they want to wipe them out forever, but I can't make head or tail of the Uncaptured article.

Last weekend our local cinema screened Mike Joseph's film about Gaza. Begun just before the horrors of 7th October and resumed after it, it showed that friendship between Palestinians and Israelis was at least thought to be possible. https://mikejoseph.wales/gaza-a-story-of-love-and-war-documentary. Not saying this makes any difference but maybe it's worth a watch.

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Interesting that he said the attack was because Gaza had been forgotten. It certainly put Gaza back in the media and the world's consciousness, but I wondered whether that was the aim, or one of the aims. Actually, I still wonder!

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I think it is probably acknowledged that the "Palestinian Question" was destined to languish forever under more and more severe control by Israel. Something had to be done and as documented by the world, it wasn't going to happen through negotiation because of the role of Netanyahu. Violence became the only option in the absence of a serious partner to negotiations in Israel. Look at what is happening even now.. Israel is doing the best it can to thwart any discussion of a two state solution.

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