Will the port be delivering aid distributed to those Palestinians who agree to leave? Just like the Nazis did in the Warsaw ghetto? I believe the Nazis offered starving Jews some bread and honey in exchange for « voluntary deportation ».

This is more likely the « aid » port that Israel have just agreed to.

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Isn’t it about establishing a platform for future exploitation of the Gazan oil and gas? 1000 US military there to defend it, Israel around to protect it?

To me this all sounds fishy. Thousands of aid trucks full of food and medical supplies on the border to Gaza, but US building a platform that Israeli will survey to get the food distributed.


Also there is the highway cutting Gaza in two parts that’s precisely where the plan for the Ben Gurion canal is going to go through, not having to circumvent Gaza anymore now that it is besieged. The platform will be useful to expand into an ordinary oil platform for all the licensees that Israel already has been sold contracts like BP, Enron and others.

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Stop the Arms to Gaza

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Curious if the ‘port’ happens to be situated at the end of the new road the Israelis have built E>W effectively cutting Gaza in half?

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And the platform for “food aid” turning into an ordinary oil/gas platform to exploit the Gazan owned oil and gas Israel has already given contracts for to BP, Enron and others.

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News about Canada’s decision with Sweden to restart payments to UNRWA. In Canada, an organization representing Jewish Groups across the country, the "Center for Israel and Jewish Affairs", is taking the Canadian government to Court to try to stop the Funding restart.

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Because if it did have a seaport, Hamas would use it to import weapons, not food.

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Hi Jonathan, are you on Instagram?

I have wanted to share posts that you might be interested in on there such as this one, but can’t find you.


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I've heard they've discovered lots of OIL off the coast of Gaza. Could these two stories somehow be connected?

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Here’s a post with a news report on RT re the energy reserves in Palestine.

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All this is true, but AIPAC's kosher schlong is just as deep in GOP rear ends as democrat.

The EU could deliver thousands of tons of supplies to Gaza every day by air, if they wished to.

Let the IDF shoot down a French or Polish transport plane and watch the cucks in Washington DC pull out the "Operation USS Liberty Emergency Gaslight" folder out again.

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Very good article, Jon. Unfortunately, I believe you’re correct on all of these points you made. I’m so fed up with this ZioBiden administration and all of these warmongering war criminals getting away with these atrocities. And don’t get me started on the mainstream media. These media propagandists would make Josef Goebels happy and would put him to shame.😢☮️

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Biden and the UK killer clown have made all good people complicit to war crimes.

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Mr. Cook.

Joe Biden can't choose to do anything. The tail (the little squatter country in the M.E.) is wagging the dog (the United States).

Every US administration has taken its marching orders from Tel Aviv since 23/11/1963.

"Israel runs the United States, and the Americans know it.

- Ehud Barak -

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Terrific article, and love the voiceover too! Bravo.

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Rather than using dumb to describe the support that Biden will get for this wretched pier, it is reflexive affirmation of Team Dem. This is a morally unconscionable act, but depraved indifference to needs of Gaza meshes perfectly with the inability to provide universal health care, protect women's choice and take aggressive measures to control COVID. That is not an exhaustive list!

It is amazing how recent Presidents have escaped uniform condemnation, but hopefully Biden can reverse that woeful trend.

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Agreed. Biden is perfectly illustrative of the perfidy of the liberal Democrat-only electorate. JT at Second Thought just released a great video about these purveyors of evil. Check it out.

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Malnourished children may suffer from irreversibe cognitive and physical impairments. No doubt the Izraelis are well aware of this possibitity. This is the 17year-old policy of the"starvation diet". Just enough, and no more, to sustain life. Now , Post 7/10/24, Gazians may see a whole cohort of children not reaching their potential. That is, those who have not starved to death.

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Hear! Hear! Spot on every line every word! This is nothing but showmanship because they think stupid people will buy into these lies. They think stupid people will continue to vote for the "lesser evil" as if their were such a thing! I say never vote for evil in any form VOTE AGAINST IT! Dr. Jill Stein 2024!

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