Although, I might add, the US hegemonic ideology was actually a British project J.Chamberlain's remark about the empire being an exhausted Titan and all that in 1905. What to do? Britain needed someone else to take on the mantel of empire and to serve its interests. (starting out with things like the Rhodes scholarship, the 'special relationship' was forged).
Kermit Roosevelt's trip to remove Mossadegh was an indication of fruits of the 'partnership'. and so it is to this day.
British policy is to stir up conflict whenever possible in order to show its American master how slavishly loyal it is.
Although, I might add, the US hegemonic ideology was actually a British project J.Chamberlain's remark about the empire being an exhausted Titan and all that in 1905. What to do? Britain needed someone else to take on the mantel of empire and to serve its interests. (starting out with things like the Rhodes scholarship, the 'special relationship' was forged).
Kermit Roosevelt's trip to remove Mossadegh was an indication of fruits of the 'partnership'. and so it is to this day.