The terms "murder", "murderous", "mass murder" and "brutal murder" were used constantly to describe the deaths of Israelis ... Those terms were not used once in covering the many weeks of Israel’s slaughter of Palestinians.

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The terms "murder", "murderous", "mass murder" and "brutal murder" were used constantly to describe the deaths of Israelis ... Those terms were not used once in covering the many weeks of Israel’s slaughter of Palestinians.

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lin Lobb

just now

There is a fair amount of reporting in British media that British Jews are being targeted just because they are Jews and guards being put onto school gates to prevent trouble.




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There is a fair amount of reporting in British media that British Jews are being targeted just because they are Jews and guards being put onto school gates to prevent trouble.

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The corporations that own the media are not only heavily invested in the the weapons industry and the fossil fuels industry, they own them as well. The media can be viewed as the psychological arm of the military industrial complex. Sorry if this sounds spooky.

Drake Chamberlin

Media & Communication Action Project


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"We cannot expect that Israel will continue to blockade Gaza, deprive them of their freedom and assume that they will not at some point resist. At some point it is going to boil over." This was during an hour long podcast from CNN discussing the history and current day of the conflict. Yeah I'm sure they LOVE Israel with all those buzzwords they use to defend Hamas' actions. I'm no Israel supporter either but let's not jump to conclusions of MSM bias based on some disgruntled employees.

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Here, in yet another article loaded with clarity, the last few paragraphs seem required reading for understanding not only the biases in reporting on Gaza but how the media operate on all stories. This reader is always grateful to hear from Mr. Cook.

It is interesting and not a little frightening to witness how far current Western media and governments feel they can go to control narratives and coerce the public, not only on all that Mr. Cook describes here on the subject of the Gaza assault but on all matters of import to Western populations. They're just straight-up gaslighting us now while furiously working to shut down any and all who disagree with them. It is quite a thing to behold.

One almost feels sorry for these actors, trapped in a system that strips them of their agency, autonomy, and humanity, one they were told would reward them for their obedience, only to experience audiences abandoning them in droves. But it could be no other way. This paradigm, wherein very little of actual value is produced, can only stand for so long before it collapses on itself. And I do hope that's what we're seeing now.

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The kind of writing I aspire to, absolutely flawless.

Clip from the BBC perfectly illustrates the skewed reportage. Israeli kids "killed", Palestinian kids "died".


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I can't comment on other newscasters as I don't watch or listen to them. I should have stated that "when CBC reports on the Gaza situation" in making my comment.

I also note that the suggestion that the Gaza debacle rates as "one of the worst human catastrophes of this century" exposes those 800 as woefully ignorant of the many others much worse eg Syrian, Sudan, Iraq, Myanmar , Libya etc ( mostly Moslem countries and mostly Arab) or as propagandistic anti zionists. And those are civil wars where governments are killing their own people, not like Gaza where its government, Hamas attacked it's sworn enemy and neighbour, Israel , much to the adulation of Gazans, hoping to provoke the very reaction it did, sacrificing its population on the alter of virulent anti zionism and anti semitism. Leaving Gazan civilians, who so recently celebrated the slaughter of Jews, horribly exposed and themselves now being killed or injured in the thousands, while they, the brave warriors, sheltered in tunnels well protected and well fed apprently. until rooted out by the IDF.

The first victim of the war is truth. This war is no different. One hardly expects that the any responsible press is going to report on the killing of Israeli's by it's own army until there is much more reliable evidence than that offered by Mr Cook, although I think in it entirely possible this happened. Also, the beheaded baby broadcasts are I think sufficiently discredited even by the press of whom Mr Cook writes that it is not much in play except in the most anti Gaza bigots. As I have commented before, whether the number killed by Hamas was 800, not 1200, and they were all killed by genteel methods seems beside the point. It as a slaughter and it was brutal. My impression, here in Canada, is that only the Israeli's themselves who only listen to Israeli news sources, are unaware of the horrible onslaught the Gazan's are suffering. How is it that tens of thousands , perhaps millions around the western world are protesting the Israeli actions, unless they are getting it from the news media however slanted Mr Cook thinks they are.

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As ever, a well researched and objective analysis of this desperately unequal conflict. I am both enraged and saddened by the supremacy of politics over humanity. This is why I joined Substack.

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Fortunately here in Canada we don't suffer from what Mr Cook alleges. The national broadcaster, the CBC does almost nothing but report on the death and damage and havoc occuring in Gaza. When Gazan's are interviewed they are never asked if they want Hamas to surrender to stop the war. N

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If you want to hear both sides of the story, try, Alison Weir's, ''If Americans Knew'', and Amy Goodman's, ''Democracy Now'', WBAI 99.5 FM radio at 8 AM. Can't understand how our Native Americans tolerate the use of the name, ''Apache'' Helicopter? The two most abused words in the dictionary are, ''Friend'' and ''Terrorist.''

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Thanks for this important piece of writing, Jonathan. People desperately need to be aware of this widespread journalistic bias.

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Excellent article

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