Today and yesterday I noted all the 'rape' and 'sexual assault' stories in the papers that matter. And - strangely, they all seem co-ordinated. The 'witnesses' were all Israeli IDF members or reservists, They swore that they saw any number of atrocities committed on women's bodies.

The problem is that, like the beheaded babies, it's most likely a lie. All of it. But you can't question rape allegations... even if they are hearsay evidence with no actual physical evidence... even if they are from the same men who told us all about the beheaded babies.

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Question: why does Israel think they can get away with this?

There is a very big mountain to climb to get to a point where they get put in their place. Everyone is terrified of them. A very crazy entitled monster.

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Spot on! And below is the link to an essay I published 3 weeks ago which not only reinforces your assessment, but also expands on it, laying out the historical precedent and clear strategic imperatives, for Gaza's attack on Israel.

It compares Gaza's attack to similar strategies used by the Allies, and in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, in World War II. And it lays out the legitimacy of Hamas' representation of the Gazan people (much like Sinn Féin's representation of Northern Ireland in the 1980s).

Why Gaza's Attack On Israel Made Sense To Palestinians & Why It Doesn't Make Sense To Call It "Barbaric"


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The Palestinians are a fucked up sick to the core nation. Its a cancer on society and IDF should not only destroy Hamas, but deport everyone from Gaza since its a breeding ground for hate antisemitism and terorirsts of the future. Gaza shouldn't be on the maps at all

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Very good points made in your article, Jonathan. No truer words can be stated. All of this takes me back to all the propaganda that went around prior and during the Iraq war in 2003, the lies told about Russia committing war crimes in Ukraine when all along it was the AFU that were doing so in the Donbas and Russia simply went in to protect the ethnic Russians from being slaughtered like they had been since 2014 and so many other wars that lies and propaganda were used to justify them. Just saw a video of a woman speaking at the pro-Israel rally in D.C. saying how we should stand with Israel and that she was a proud Jewish, Native American woman and something to the effect that Israel is the true home for her people: I’m paraphrasing her, but it was something like, “We come from many places, but Israel is our true home.” What about the Palestinians? Don’t they deserve to have a home, a country of their own? After all, that was their land for thousands of years. She even quoted Theodore Herschel, an early 20th century Zionist, proudly. I’m glad that there are many Jews standing up against what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. I don’t believe this woman’s ancestors would be so quick to side with an apartheid state that brutalizes Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. Remember her Native American ancestors were also colonized by the white settlers in the 18th and 19th centuries in the land grab of the land they lived on and respected for thousands of years.

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No one talks of morals , humanitarian considerations now except Jonathan . So it's 1984 getting worse and worse. Justice Bowen had said long back:

" The rain it raineth on the just and also on the unjust fella,

But chiefly on the just as the unjust hath the justs' umbrella."

So might is right and the Killer Combo will unleash even more butchery to grab the lands and the riches of the weak.

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"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority it is time to pause and reflect."

- Mark Twain -

How anyone can condemn any Palestinian at this point is beyond me. Their land was taken from them by force and violence, and given to East European Jew-ish people, and they have every right by any means to retreive it. PERIOD.

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Your point is well-made, Jonathan. I spoke recently at an event at a local uni. We chose to condemn ALL victims of terrorist acts, specifying Hamas and Israel in the same breath, and have a moment of silence for them before starting. Then, the first talk (mine) was entitled "Why is This Happening?" and gave a history of the Zionist project explaining how, from the beginning, it was predicated on the forcible dispossession and removal of the indigenous Palestinian population and how Israel today is an apartheid state. Then, and only then, did we address the events of October 7 and beyond. We felt it important to condemn all acts of terrorism regardless of who commits them -- Hamas operatives or the IDF.

I agree, Hamas attacks on IDF bases is legitimate armed resistance. But in my view, going light on Hamas operatives' massacre of civilians only allows Israel to legitimize its ongoing massacre of Palestinian civilians. Condemn both vigorously, and to be sure to add the context of over a century of Zionist oppresion.

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Actually, I think that condemning is self-conscious virtue signalling. So I don't agree with it.

And my unwillingness to condemn does not mean that I condone acts of brutality and violence. I don't.

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Well, if you're going to speak publicly in a formal venue, it's best to say something. Otherwise, you give people license to interpret your silence.

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I have made a monthly payment.

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Pl don't conclude saying Palestinians' will pay a heavy price. Israel and it's NATO-

CIA - US DEEP STATE COMBO must be made to pay a heavier price. How? Afro- Asians must unite; they must stop looking at this Neo- NAZI COMBO for their spiritual, moral, ethical guidance and material " development". For example India had friendly, rather fraternal relations with China. They must again make it so.. Their BRICS must unleash a counter propaganda war against the Neo NAZI combo. South Africa has a great moral standing; despite the White subjugation they never unleashed any vengeance. So we Asians must unite and reach out to Palestine and also to Russia.

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I don’t agree. Condemning Sept 11 in the United States was the consensus of the antiwar Left at that time, even though we knew that the US would take full advantage to pursue its war aims, which our government did. We still were able to explain context - that the violence did not come out of nowhere given the incredible violence of US imperialism, the US role in training Al Queda, and that this did not in any way justify the attack on the people of another country.

Hamas’ terrorist attack should be treated in the same way - it was not only morally wrong & a violation of international law but it makes our role as peace activists building solidarity among the oppresser nations (Israel, the US) much harder. When we minimize or deny the atrocity that occurred, we end up feeding into zionist paranoia that no one care about Jewish lives so they might as well kill everyone in sight to survive.

Instead, we have to strongly condemn this atrocity while explaining how the festering wound and violence of the occupation and seizure of Gaza breeds violence & fanaticism, & no, it is absolutely not ok to turn around & kill thousands of innocent Palestinian children. And of course emphasize that only justice can bring safety & peace.

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You're conflating a refusal to condemn with "minimising" and "denying". That's precisely what the war machine wants us to do, so you're rather proving my point.

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I’m not talking about semantics here. I’m talking about how to best build the broadest base of support of the Palestinian cause, which is the exact opposite of what the war machine wants us to do.

Terrorist tactics by sectors of the resistence actually feeds the war machine giving it an excuse to tighten the grips of subjugation and rain even more death upon the oppressed population. Likewise, a refusal by antiwar/antiimperialist forces to condemn such violence directed against civilians when done by the resistance discredits the opposition to war and occupation even further, undermining our moral standing and the ability to build the broadest possible antiwar and solidarity movement, in this case in support of Palestinian liberation. And building a broad based worldwide solidarity movement including (or perhaps especially) within the oppresser nations (Israel, the US) is the only force that can save the out-gunned Palestinians.

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"We have to destroy the village to save it" comes to mind from the war in Vietnam. Same as in the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, Fallujah, Sadar city, Basra come to mind. So these are war crimes also? Some will say yes. But if the enemy integrates themselves within civilians purposely as a tactic to garner sympathy as a tactic, hoping for many civilian deaths. The only way to fight the enemy is to go in. That is how war is fought with an insurgent non uniformed enemy who is a soldier one minute and a civilian the next.


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The image you have used showing the refugees fleeing south en masse was, according to Laith Marouf, apparently staged to the extent that those people were herded together by the Zionist military over a number of hours as they individually made their way south. The resulting large group was then released to continue their journey and so show 'large numbers fleeing Gaza'.

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You have articulated so well an argument I am having with friends who support Palestine but condemned Hamas as mediaevalist brutes.

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Nov 12, 2023
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Are you saying? compared with the Israeli 'Defence' Force, that drops bombs and rockets on boys and girls, women and men civilians, kills thousands of them in their avowed aim to destroy Hamas?

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Excellent, sir! Thank you -- logical (in the face of illogic and utter malevolence), on point, essential.

Viva Palestine! World: Let's do away with Colonial Zionism!

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A Zionist when asked what he would do if he’d been born Palestinian, replied “I would be a terrorist”

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