I was an eyewitness to events on Saturday. The Metropolitan police are lying when they claim the ex-Labour leader and MP John McDonnell forced their way through a police cordon
My anger IS directed at puppet masters and not the puppets ( speaking of making assumptions, lol). I'm just disagreeing with you over people's supposed lack of choice and I used an extreme example deliberately. At some point we all have to take ownership of our own complicity and compliance. We all got the same conditioning, some of us are starting to wake up and while I completely empathise with my sleeping brothers and sisters, I have also come face to face with folk who basically say, " F off and let me sleep". Of course I understand that people are struggling, I myself haven't ever earned more than minimum wage despite a law degree. That low wage is because I chose to work for the greater good of my community, instead of myself. So yeah, I walk my talk and I call out complicity when I see it. You start by dragging journalists out for asking questions, literally their job, where does it end? Bit like vodka for breakfast, likely gonna be a mess by teatime.
Supporters of Palestine such as student unions throughout the country are infesting universities with their own vitriol & hate, & denying free speech to anyone who dares to disagree with them, & so pro-Palestinian rallies all over the country have gone unhindered by police, without any recognition of all the wars in the Middle East since WW2. Israel is surrounded by aggressors, going back to Nasser on one side & Syria on the other in 1967 when he vowed to drive Israelis into the Red Sea, and even now Iran is using it's proxies in the same cause. Both Corbyns are avowed anti-semites. Synagogues are being attacked here, & British jews are afraid to speak up for fear of being attacked. What about genocide in Syria by Russia supporting Assad, where Putin used civilian areas as target practice for his bombers, just like Hitler did in Guernica before WW2 - no one here ever protested in universities against that. Protestors need to go back to school & check history.
Tony, the SCALE of the slaughter and destruction in Gaza and Lebanon should be raising alarm bells even in your ears. Additionally, conflating criticism of the Israeli government/IDF with antisemitism is losing its impact.
Genocide my arse. Obviously written by yet another gullible useful idiot that has been suckered into the "poor Palestinians" mantra. We didn't see many poor undernourished civilians surrounding the 3 terrified hostages as they were handed over to the Red Cross, did we? We saw a well fed & nicely dressed baying lynch mob.
Speaking of not seeing ''many poor undernourished civilians surrounding the 3 terrified hostages'', After seeing the ''3 terrified hostages'', the first thing that came to my mind, was I wish I were in as good of shape as these hostages! 56 Palestinian hostages killed in Israeli custody since Oct.8th., and the rest of the thousands of living hostages in jail wish they were in as good a shape as the ''3 terrified hostages'' that were released.
Basically those in power are creating and forcing anti Semitism upon people and if they can’t they will lie so they can try to dominate and steer peoples minds to be angered
We are heading for what Agamben calls a State of Exception. You can see it everywhere. Government illegally enabling genocide. Journalists imprisoned on kafkaesque charges. Protests suppressed. Police issuing fake news pronouncements.
Since negotiating with the police only backfires, the rational course of action is to stop sharing any information with them. Better to violate an unjust law than risk arrest on trumped-up charges that have been engineered to suppress basic human rights—methods reminiscent of a Stasi-like regime.
Il "Diritto" degli ebrei, non quello ottenuto con le armi. Si tratta di una immensa follia, che questo momento sta ponendo sempre più in luce. Non può essere concesso a delle persone, anche se un popolo, di agire come hanno fatto gli ebrei in Palestina. Una follia religiosa, che non può più ottenere udienza, neanche per spirito di realpolitik. Gli ebrei hanno pienamente torto e il mondo non può più sottostare alle elucubrazioni dei religiosi, tenuto conto dei risultati, dei quali si sarebbe dovuto tenere in conto già prima. Si è tutti colpevoli di quello che accade, perchè tutti colpevoli di quello che è accaduto dagli anni 20 ad oggi. Ma ora basta, esistono le persone normali, non i laici, per contrapposizione diadica ai religiosi, ma solo normali, mentre i religiosi devono essere considerati ormai, persone ABNormal, insieme ad altre patologie similari. Bisognerà ridiscutere sulla leicità delle religioni e dei loro operatori, dove alla data di oggi, nessuno di costoro può più scusarsi. Si sapeva di non avere il diritto di andare e per questo si è andati armati, per fare largo nel territorio e dopo... Stringere coltelli con lo spago ai gomiti e proseguire a far spazio, così... Come migliaia di anni fa, un ripetere il copione di una recita che non fù mai, neanche allora. Ammetto che l'intero comparto accademico mondiale, soffre di questa sindrome, poter studiare, equiparare, affiancare, gli espedienti del passato e magari dopo un'opportuna mescolata riapplicarli; perchè in questo si è dotti oggi. Dimentichi che quegli espedienti, furono rivoluzioni, soluzioni, innovazioni, alla loro epoca. Abbiamo difficoltà a creare le nostre di innovazioni. Figuriamoci se possiamo tutti attardarci alle follie religiose di un gruppo di ebrei.
There are some things we can do to try and change the likely outcome of this ceasefire, which is that Israel will not complete all the ceasefire phases.
This is Trump's deal, or at least he believes it is. If the deal makes him happy, he'll want to see it continue. If he gets more good feelings from those supporting the ceasefire, than those who are unhappy with it, we can pretty much count on which side a narcissist will favor.
We need to encourage an on-going campaign to send praise, along with "thank yous" to Trump, on Inauguration Day and every day thereafter. Let him feel the love. He may decide he likes it. Encourage the idea of him deserving a Nobel Peace Prize, because he will have earned it, unlike Obama. Flattery has never had a higher calling. We owe it to Gaza, to humanity, and even possibly to Trump, to give it our best try.
I believe Trump when, in speaking of the assassination attempts, he says he feels he was saved by God. A man saved by God will seek world peace. Saudi and Qatar leaders have now said, no Palestinian state, no return to the Accords. He tried to get ME peace with the Abraham Accords remember, Israel blew that effort out of the water.
He will not have forgotten that, not after all he did on behalf of Israel that Bibi was the first political leader to congratulate Biden. His Israel negotiator is a tough nut, a billionaire with business interests throughout the ME. If Bibi violates the current deal, I think he will come down hard on Bibi's govt.
Bibi/genocide vs NY billionaire developers/world peace, I like the odds.
My anger IS directed at puppet masters and not the puppets ( speaking of making assumptions, lol). I'm just disagreeing with you over people's supposed lack of choice and I used an extreme example deliberately. At some point we all have to take ownership of our own complicity and compliance. We all got the same conditioning, some of us are starting to wake up and while I completely empathise with my sleeping brothers and sisters, I have also come face to face with folk who basically say, " F off and let me sleep". Of course I understand that people are struggling, I myself haven't ever earned more than minimum wage despite a law degree. That low wage is because I chose to work for the greater good of my community, instead of myself. So yeah, I walk my talk and I call out complicity when I see it. You start by dragging journalists out for asking questions, literally their job, where does it end? Bit like vodka for breakfast, likely gonna be a mess by teatime.
Supporters of Palestine such as student unions throughout the country are infesting universities with their own vitriol & hate, & denying free speech to anyone who dares to disagree with them, & so pro-Palestinian rallies all over the country have gone unhindered by police, without any recognition of all the wars in the Middle East since WW2. Israel is surrounded by aggressors, going back to Nasser on one side & Syria on the other in 1967 when he vowed to drive Israelis into the Red Sea, and even now Iran is using it's proxies in the same cause. Both Corbyns are avowed anti-semites. Synagogues are being attacked here, & British jews are afraid to speak up for fear of being attacked. What about genocide in Syria by Russia supporting Assad, where Putin used civilian areas as target practice for his bombers, just like Hitler did in Guernica before WW2 - no one here ever protested in universities against that. Protestors need to go back to school & check history.
Tony, the SCALE of the slaughter and destruction in Gaza and Lebanon should be raising alarm bells even in your ears. Additionally, conflating criticism of the Israeli government/IDF with antisemitism is losing its impact.
Genocide my arse. Obviously written by yet another gullible useful idiot that has been suckered into the "poor Palestinians" mantra. We didn't see many poor undernourished civilians surrounding the 3 terrified hostages as they were handed over to the Red Cross, did we? We saw a well fed & nicely dressed baying lynch mob.
Speaking of not seeing ''many poor undernourished civilians surrounding the 3 terrified hostages'', After seeing the ''3 terrified hostages'', the first thing that came to my mind, was I wish I were in as good of shape as these hostages! 56 Palestinian hostages killed in Israeli custody since Oct.8th., and the rest of the thousands of living hostages in jail wish they were in as good a shape as the ''3 terrified hostages'' that were released.
Starmer is a total disgrace.
The British Establishment made a huge mistake in pushing for a Zionist state which has turned out to be a threat for the people of the book.
Basically those in power are creating and forcing anti Semitism upon people and if they can’t they will lie so they can try to dominate and steer peoples minds to be angered
Being against genocide and western rule does not make one anti semitic... I have said this from the beginning...
Even if the crowd forced their way through would such an action be morally wrong when the British government is supporting genoicide?
Why is the right to protest being wiped away?
We are heading for what Agamben calls a State of Exception. You can see it everywhere. Government illegally enabling genocide. Journalists imprisoned on kafkaesque charges. Protests suppressed. Police issuing fake news pronouncements.
Heil Starmer!
Since negotiating with the police only backfires, the rational course of action is to stop sharing any information with them. Better to violate an unjust law than risk arrest on trumped-up charges that have been engineered to suppress basic human rights—methods reminiscent of a Stasi-like regime.
Where next, I wonder, Jonathan ?
Il "Diritto" degli ebrei, non quello ottenuto con le armi. Si tratta di una immensa follia, che questo momento sta ponendo sempre più in luce. Non può essere concesso a delle persone, anche se un popolo, di agire come hanno fatto gli ebrei in Palestina. Una follia religiosa, che non può più ottenere udienza, neanche per spirito di realpolitik. Gli ebrei hanno pienamente torto e il mondo non può più sottostare alle elucubrazioni dei religiosi, tenuto conto dei risultati, dei quali si sarebbe dovuto tenere in conto già prima. Si è tutti colpevoli di quello che accade, perchè tutti colpevoli di quello che è accaduto dagli anni 20 ad oggi. Ma ora basta, esistono le persone normali, non i laici, per contrapposizione diadica ai religiosi, ma solo normali, mentre i religiosi devono essere considerati ormai, persone ABNormal, insieme ad altre patologie similari. Bisognerà ridiscutere sulla leicità delle religioni e dei loro operatori, dove alla data di oggi, nessuno di costoro può più scusarsi. Si sapeva di non avere il diritto di andare e per questo si è andati armati, per fare largo nel territorio e dopo... Stringere coltelli con lo spago ai gomiti e proseguire a far spazio, così... Come migliaia di anni fa, un ripetere il copione di una recita che non fù mai, neanche allora. Ammetto che l'intero comparto accademico mondiale, soffre di questa sindrome, poter studiare, equiparare, affiancare, gli espedienti del passato e magari dopo un'opportuna mescolata riapplicarli; perchè in questo si è dotti oggi. Dimentichi che quegli espedienti, furono rivoluzioni, soluzioni, innovazioni, alla loro epoca. Abbiamo difficoltà a creare le nostre di innovazioni. Figuriamoci se possiamo tutti attardarci alle follie religiose di un gruppo di ebrei.
There are some things we can do to try and change the likely outcome of this ceasefire, which is that Israel will not complete all the ceasefire phases.
This is Trump's deal, or at least he believes it is. If the deal makes him happy, he'll want to see it continue. If he gets more good feelings from those supporting the ceasefire, than those who are unhappy with it, we can pretty much count on which side a narcissist will favor.
We need to encourage an on-going campaign to send praise, along with "thank yous" to Trump, on Inauguration Day and every day thereafter. Let him feel the love. He may decide he likes it. Encourage the idea of him deserving a Nobel Peace Prize, because he will have earned it, unlike Obama. Flattery has never had a higher calling. We owe it to Gaza, to humanity, and even possibly to Trump, to give it our best try.
I believe Trump when, in speaking of the assassination attempts, he says he feels he was saved by God. A man saved by God will seek world peace. Saudi and Qatar leaders have now said, no Palestinian state, no return to the Accords. He tried to get ME peace with the Abraham Accords remember, Israel blew that effort out of the water.
He will not have forgotten that, not after all he did on behalf of Israel that Bibi was the first political leader to congratulate Biden. His Israel negotiator is a tough nut, a billionaire with business interests throughout the ME. If Bibi violates the current deal, I think he will come down hard on Bibi's govt.
Bibi/genocide vs NY billionaire developers/world peace, I like the odds.
Beautifully put. Intensely frustrating that the truth of what happened wont be reported by the BBC or any MSM.
All Cops Are Bastards = ACAB
This started when the British Empire ‘GAVE’ Palestine to Jewish terrorist gangs.