Heil Starmer!

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Since negotiating with the police only backfires, the rational course of action is to stop sharing any information with them. Better to violate an unjust law than risk arrest on trumped-up charges that have been engineered to suppress basic human rights—methods reminiscent of a Stasi-like regime.

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Where next, I wonder, Jonathan ?

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Il "Diritto" degli ebrei, non quello ottenuto con le armi. Si tratta di una immensa follia, che questo momento sta ponendo sempre più in luce. Non può essere concesso a delle persone, anche se un popolo, di agire come hanno fatto gli ebrei in Palestina. Una follia religiosa, che non può più ottenere udienza, neanche per spirito di realpolitik. Gli ebrei hanno pienamente torto e il mondo non può più sottostare alle elucubrazioni dei religiosi, tenuto conto dei risultati, dei quali si sarebbe dovuto tenere in conto già prima. Si è tutti colpevoli di quello che accade, perchè tutti colpevoli di quello che è accaduto dagli anni 20 ad oggi. Ma ora basta, esistono le persone normali, non i laici, per contrapposizione diadica ai religiosi, ma solo normali, mentre i religiosi devono essere considerati ormai, persone ABNormal, insieme ad altre patologie similari. Bisognerà ridiscutere sulla leicità delle religioni e dei loro operatori, dove alla data di oggi, nessuno di costoro può più scusarsi. Si sapeva di non avere il diritto di andare e per questo si è andati armati, per fare largo nel territorio e dopo... Stringere coltelli con lo spago ai gomiti e proseguire a far spazio, così... Come migliaia di anni fa, un ripetere il copione di una recita che non fù mai, neanche allora. Ammetto che l'intero comparto accademico mondiale, soffre di questa sindrome, poter studiare, equiparare, affiancare, gli espedienti del passato e magari dopo un'opportuna mescolata riapplicarli; perchè in questo si è dotti oggi. Dimentichi che quegli espedienti, furono rivoluzioni, soluzioni, innovazioni, alla loro epoca. Abbiamo difficoltà a creare le nostre di innovazioni. Figuriamoci se possiamo tutti attardarci alle follie religiose di un gruppo di ebrei.

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There are some things we can do to try and change the likely outcome of this ceasefire, which is that Israel will not complete all the ceasefire phases.

This is Trump's deal, or at least he believes it is. If the deal makes him happy, he'll want to see it continue. If he gets more good feelings from those supporting the ceasefire, than those who are unhappy with it, we can pretty much count on which side a narcissist will favor.

We need to encourage an on-going campaign to send praise, along with "thank yous" to Trump, on Inauguration Day and every day thereafter. Let him feel the love. He may decide he likes it. Encourage the idea of him deserving a Nobel Peace Prize, because he will have earned it, unlike Obama. Flattery has never had a higher calling. We owe it to Gaza, to humanity, and even possibly to Trump, to give it our best try.

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I believe Trump when, in speaking of the assassination attempts, he says he feels he was saved by God. A man saved by God will seek world peace. Saudi and Qatar leaders have now said, no Palestinian state, no return to the Accords. He tried to get ME peace with the Abraham Accords remember, Israel blew that effort out of the water.

He will not have forgotten that, not after all he did on behalf of Israel that Bibi was the first political leader to congratulate Biden. His Israel negotiator is a tough nut, a billionaire with business interests throughout the ME. If Bibi violates the current deal, I think he will come down hard on Bibi's govt.

Bibi/genocide vs NY billionaire developers/world peace, I like the odds.

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Beautifully put. Intensely frustrating that the truth of what happened wont be reported by the BBC or any MSM.

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All Cops Are Bastards = ACAB

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This started when the British Empire ‘GAVE’ Palestine to Jewish terrorist gangs.

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Thank You Jonathan

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Great read, thanks Jonathan 👏👏👏

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The Met Police are appalling : they will do what the government requires and allows them to get away with.

Two MPs in their 70s (showing no signs of weightlifting or other bodybuilding activities), forced their way through a barrier of Met police officers? And not just any old men, but two highly educated and admired MPs? Either of them might be accused of talking the ear off of people who opposed their views, but that is not known to do physical damage. I am ashamed to have the Met Police seen as corruptible and dancing to the tune of countries that have the ear of Starmer et al. We need a decent and honest PM and cabinet to clean up the police.

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Thanks for your careful work, Jonathan!- It's clear that everywhere you go, England, Germany, Canada, US, France, Australia, jewish ZioNazi groups are turning our world upside down. In every case they have hijacked the government and police, in every case they bribe and lie as fast as they can breathe. They're already creating violence, even if the police has to be the originator. "Protect and serve."? No, it's now "Beat up and foil!" A lot of the action by the Zionist slime bags is simply buying power: Money changing hands. Greenblatt, chief liar at ADL, has over 100 mill budgets. And that's just one of izrael's propaganda agencies in the US. It cannot be left aside, the zionist Genocide drivers are creeping through every crack in the floorboards!- Never mind weaponized AS fakery for saying it clearly. And anyway, izrael managed to create countless real AS fans, "Jew haters", around the globe, more than any critic! With the ongoing torture and murder in West Bank and Gaza by ZioNazi terrorists, and the incredible mass slaughters decades ago already, I pledge to fight these izraeli SOBs to my last breath!- Fucck the Met! Great to see the masses in London!❤️✊🌟💪🇵🇸🌺

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I have just read, that the The Chief Constable of Thames Valley Police Jason Hogg, responsible for policing pro-Palestinian protests, has been suspended and is under investigation!

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We're being made to fear an authoritarian police state in the UK.

What we should be scared of is the US deep state (big surveillance, big arms, big pharma, big oil and big animal ag/agrochemicals) who are pulling the strings.

They're happy for us to protest, they love division and anger. Just as long as we keep buying their products without question.

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The UK Police used violence against peaceful anti-Fracking protesters, as well as other peaceful protesters. This has gone on for decades now and our politicians appear to be doing nothing about it!

When I read about the Met's actions, I am always reminded of Ian Tomlinson's death and the police violence at Sarah Everard' vigil! Sarah Everard murdered by a Met police officer.

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I was thinking about that too, but because the video of an officer cuffing a very attractive red-headed young woman, who happened to be an actress, was so obviously staged for the cameras. Both Sarah Everard's friend and the arresting police officer signalled to each other with a glance- she rolled over on the ground and he cuffed her. It was so fishy.

I'm beginning to understand this is a performative narrative.

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Thank you Jonathan for being the hero you are.

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