Much said here about occupied Palestine is also true of occupied America, where the Jewish Supremacists and Jewish Power have ripped the mask off and said 'we own you, goyim cattle'.

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Thank you very much for this insight of events within Palestine/Israel. Do you think it worth exposing/exploring the workings of the Israeli judiciary and their collision with the Israeli authorities? This may question the acceptance of Israel as being democratic. My thoughts and hopes are the system will collapse within itself.

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The equation of criticism of Israel with anti-semitism is a con job of monumental proportions. It's insulting to many, many non-Israeli Jews like me who are horrified by the immoral, heinous racist policies of Israel.

Thank you, Jonathan Cook, for your continued stellar journalism. Reading your columns is always a highlight of my day. Keep up the impressive work.

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The Jew Klux Klan prevailed

What we see here is the evolution of the Zionist intent

That was their plan all along so when anybody asks why did the Arabs revolt the answer is now in front of your faces

they happened to presage what is happening

Settler colonialism, land theft, racism,apartheid and everything else that we are seeing

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By current western standards, Jonathan you have ticked the box of the anti-Semite despite the fact that you have written extensively and persuasively on the subject. We are living in dangerous times when criticism of a state evokes cries of racism , and the whiners win the argument. It is in line with jailing whistle-blowers because nobody in a position of power has the courage to state what everybody knows.

Keep up the stellar writing. We need your insights and brave commentaries. All of us need to take an interest in naming the sponsors of the false narratives. We are drowning in unsophisticated propaganda, and you and writers like you, who shed light on the lies and the liars are indispensable. Thank you sincerely.

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One can only hope that younger Jews in the diaspora will more and more challenge the Establishment reading of Israel, a "Land of the Free" for Jews and therefore unquestionably virtuous in all its dealings with its inhabitants and neighbours. The State in Israel is, indeed, like an institutional messiah , as many observers, Jewish as well as gentile noted as it was being set up. Those of the strict torah tradition, such as Neturei Karta, deplored such idolatry but, in practice, facts on the ground, and boots on the ground are all that counts. Militarisation and the concomitant brutalisation of young Jews, including "settlers" , are seen by , it seems, the majority of Jews inside Israel and elsewhere as a price worth paying to maintain the facade of a "Jewish" identity. It is becoming increasingly difficult to point out to such people that this is a kind of collective suicide,an existential threat to their humanity. Summed up, in fact in the terifying quotation from Herzl on an "outpost "of WHAT !!! ???

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