God knows what they have on him, but he very quickly puckered up to the Zionist lobby once he'd made his Tweet boo-boo. Must have threatened his business. Certainly doesn't give a f**k about his kids.

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Desperate immigrants coming via the border, he comes in via a plane and that’s ok, even though he’s vile.

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I prefer to believe that without Elon heading X we would have even less free speech and X would function as a farrrr left fake news outlets like so many media today. Unfortunately politics these days do not leave room for a middle of the road opinion anymore, only choices are pro or con.

I’m not entirely with the right wing views but left wing are even less appealing so I’m not spoiled for choice.

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I suspect much of the actual far left will have abandoned Twitter. Certainly many of the moderate left have.

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The joke is on whoever believes someone who has accumulated so much wealth for self glorification!

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Oh well get over it u communist

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But Google limits your access to information and Fakebook puts you in “timeout” or shuts down your account. CBS MSNBC ABC CNN FOX decide what they will show you aka CENSORSHIP! If you Stream, you have to pay for content. I do understand if you’re bashing X or the entire media complex

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them being gone is probably a good thing right now. they won't be gone for long, unfortunately

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I was banned from Twitter for referring to a politician as a Gimp. I would rejoin X just so I can write Zionists to the limit of the 120 or so characters I am allowed. Everyone needs to do this. X needs us as much as we need it . If it bans us all who’ll be left?!

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Good story bro.

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Thanks. I’m good.

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I'd like to think that the “faaaaaar left” will remain. First it was Jack Dorcey's idea of a messaging platform, and now it's Elon Musk's. Just like empires, these platforms rise and fall, and X/Twitter will go that way too. What remains is the “faaaaaar left”, just another way to say “democracy” or the will of the people.

Musk is a clown with no clothes, not an emperor, just a clown. At least emperors have empires, he just has a messaging platform. If you don't use it, he has no power. So, don't use it. Open up a blog, a website and write whatever you want with no censors, your rules with no “Community Guidelines”.

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I do think that space and dissemination will be granted on X so long as those posts pillory Democrats. But those without the vaunted blue check will wallow in obscurity.

Where posts pillory our polity is where Musk will clamp down further. We have a uni-party when it comes to defense spending, war waging and ignoring public health risks.

What is also worrisome is the tolerance for and the resorting to censorship of differing views. I received a 'strike' on Mastodon Social for responding to a popular opinion writer's post with a fact based rebuttal. My post was stricken and I was informed that passing 'disinformation' violated the site administrator's policy. My appeal densely laden with credible links that buttressed my post's facts has still not been resolved even though two years have passed.

I am elderly so my being subject to the whims of our guardians of democracy is limited by the course of nature. I hope those younger do not suffer the pangs of exasperation that afflict me daily. But that will require big time change.

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Doubt I’ve ever felt more depressed in my entire long life! Kids are being blown to shit in Gaza & others starved of quality fruit & veg - yet people like Musk are so self centred they deny us a voice to raise our concerns! Mention Hitler’s Germany & the barbarism perpetrated against Jews, Gypsies, & anyone they wanted to dehumanise & the drones all mutter oh yes he was a bad man running a country filled with Nazi’s but mention Israel & his evil right wing nut jobs & those same drones all mutter about Israel’s right to self defence! Such double standards make me feel nauseous!

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Unfortunately, yes, he is with Trump peddling one thing about free speech and freedom and doing another, and totally owned by Israel. Lately I've had the impression this election turn in the USA is Satan vs Lucifer, both bad, both demons, no good choice, as for the "minor evil" if there is any, may God show us, I can't decide by myself which can be the minor evil between Trump and Kamala Harris https://freewordandfriendsworld.altervista.org/american-election-satan-vs-lucifer-is-there-really-a-minor-evil-if-there-is-may-god-show-us/

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Centrism has no acual political stature. It is defined according to where the Left and the Right stands. Those dark days the Left is withdrawing, losing ground , has no clear answers I don't know. So the mainstream political narrative is set by the Right, and even worse from the faaaar Right. People like Musk know that their interests are better served by the far Right, as the German industry men knew it when they supported Hitler. Siemens,Adidas, Krups etc.

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I was just banned on Twitter (again) for expressing my opinion that Trump should be in jail on death row.

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