This is not either about "Pro-Israel" or "Pro Palestine".

Those described as "pro-israel" do not speak for the entire of Israel even, among which there are significant dissenting groups against the genocide and against the genocidal Israeli government. They are pro-genocide is what they are.

Similarly there is a concerted effort to frame opposition to the genocide as "pro-palestine". And neither is that the point. These people are against genocide.

This entire thing is one more slight of hand by the media, so as to follow the genociders propaganda manual which says don't use the word "genocide":


April 15 2024, 2:29 p.m.


Amid the internal battle over the New York Times’s coverage of Israel’s war, top editors handed down a set of directives.."

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"the discovery of mass graves in the enclave was almost completely drowned out by an all-too-obvious hoax pulled by an Israel lobbyist," writes Cook. 🍉📢

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While this happened in England, it is pretty much the AIPAC and ADL playbook. I'm 69 now and my entire life since teenager I've witnessed "Jews" bullying and threatening others though nowhere near like now. Used to be I'd attribute it to "a few bad apples" misbehaving or responding in a broken way to their history. My default understanding has now changed; the rest of the apples in that particular barrel need to put an end to this sort of crap or who knows what the fallout will be, but it will not be good. At least in US, it's clear that the horrors in Gaza are made possible by American Jews and their support for AIPAC and ADL and through those lobbies, Congress and the Administration. I have no more patience for that part of the Jewish community still sitting on their hands.

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Now we know why the chicken crossed the road - it had the right to.

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Another Writer with the self licking ice cream cone of equally uneducated and emotionally fueled useful idiots blinded by their hate of “the west”. Seems like perhaps it is time for you all to go to Gaza and live. You think mass graves are from Israeli taking time out of their schedule defending the lives of millions against homicidal terrorist to dig , gather and bury hundreds of corpse. All while having propagandist looking for any thing to twist . Have you ever thought that perhaps the problem is you and your willingness to believe everything is a conspiracy and everyone hates you? Wake up come and see for yourself

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Anyone who speaks against what Isreal is doing in Gaza and the West Bank will be tarred as being antisemitic, instead of being praised for being anti-genocide

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Wow have you read the Hamas charter?

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How do I block your column and make sure I never see your typically British anti semitism again?

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Why do you go after Israel when Qatar has long had an awful human rights record, there are staggering deaths in Sudan, and Ukrainians are still suffering from Putin’s onslaught? AND Hamas has not helped its people in the many years it’s been in charge in Gaza, but spent hundreds of millions on tunnels and weapons caches and manufacture facilities under mosques, schools, hospitals? All while teaching intifada and hatred of Jews and Israel. How does your work help anyone?

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Hamas did it.

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I have this nagging feeling that this Substack is a con.

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We can talk forever, as long as Israel is stinking rich, it can always outrun us with bullshit diversions! The only real solution to the world problem ISRAEL is its full destruction.

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Two babies died - accidentally - on 7 October. The more this lying via propaganda or omission goes on the more people see Western leaders and the media as at the very least hopelessly compromised and untrustworthy, with unspoken agendas completely at odds with their bullshit; meanwhile the fissures in society continue to widen.

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The Star Trek episode, 'A TASTE OF ARMAGEDDON' was shown in February 1967. Obviously that Show was ahead of the Times after reading this Today.

'Gaza: AI changing speed, scale and harm of modern war'

Israel relying on AI-enabled decision-making systems to identify and hit targets in Gaza despite a reported 10% inaccuracy rate.

As Israel’s air campaign in Gaza enters its sixth month after Hamas’s terrorist attacks on October 7, it has been described by experts as one of the most relentless and deadliest campaigns in recent history. It is also one of the first being coordinated, in part, by algorithms.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is being used to assist with everything from identifying and prioritizing targets to assigning the weapons to be used against those targets.


WOW! 67 years ago and 3 Generations later, it's actually happening with Computer generated guided WAR in Our Times!

Clip from that 67 year old 'A Taste of Armageddon' a prescient portrayal of this Generation's WAR by Computers devoid of any Humanity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8-I9nRAnDk

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More and more, I'm seeing this as an international class war.

Our western leaders are comfortable supporting genocide, and are using all the tools at their disposal to obfuscate this fact, and to cover up things like mass graves in Gaza and other atrocities.

While the rest of us are appalled, and the class that holds power is trying to make us look like we're anti-semitic, despite the number of Jewish people involved with -- and often leading -- the protests against genocide.

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The never ending fight for truth is just that never ending, yet still we with truth honesty and love and respect for our fellow humans must and will continue to fight for what's true

Respect all Dean

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