In Iraq, sanctions strengthened the grip of authoritarian regime, increased immigration of skilled Iraqis, killed 1 million Iraqi children, wrapped the iraqi middle class and weakened civil societies. Even in South Africa the sanctions were ineffective.

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Harold Pinter :

"U.S. foreign policy is best defined as follows: kiss my arse or I’ll kick your head in. It is as simple and as crude as that. What is interesting about it is that it’s so incredibly successful. It possesses the structures of disinformation, use of rhetoric, distortion of language, which are very persuasive, but are actually a pack of lies. It is very successful propaganda. They have the money, they have the technology, they have all the means to get away with it, and they do."

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Last night a channel 5 (France) talking heads program discussed the proposed theme, inscribed at the bottom of the screen during the entire "debate", "Can we aid Syria without helping Assad?"

The honest theme should have been, "Is it not morally reprehensible even to discuss whether there should be any question or doubt about aiding Syria?"

NOT on French TV!

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God bless America rings a bit hollow, so far removed from the poor, even in their own country, on their own doorstep, no real concept of forgiveness, mercy, generosity or awareness of the obligation of all their privilege, just a nation that has never really grown up

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US scrambling for oil while pushing green on the rest of the world. How will the petro based dollar transform into a green based dollar? Seems to be a disconnect..

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These criminal scum can't be gotten rid of soon enough! They have managed to make the people enablers and accomplices in their criminal activities. The only thing people here see is what they are told to see and have been buried so deep in the lies they will never dig out. The response is we are overthrowing a vicious dictator and even when these criminals put that puppet dictator in place people don't hear that just he's a bad guy we are the good guys!

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Now this is truly weird. I shared this article with a friend, and phone sent this article, together with an article from The Guardian on Biden's Syria policy, an article that I had never read and certainly do not endorse.

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Yours is an important observation, Jonathan. For it is the shallow belief that perhaps most Americans have about our government and foreign policy - that they are benign, fair, just and compassionate - that allows most of them to continue sleepwalking in comfort while the victims of our policies suffer and die out of their sight. Breaking through the decades-long and overwhelming propaganda is the only way enough will wake up to the unpleasant truths and stop enabling those cynical creatures that create the policies.

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Thank you, Jonathan. This piece, as your writing often does, gives detail and history to a story that is cynically altered and void of documentation in the commercial media. Excellent work.

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We in the West are led by high-functioning (in the sense that they can fake empathy when needed) sociopaths.

Once you recognize this, all of their behavior makes perfect sense.

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💯% Correct 👍

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