The ICJ did NOT determine it was a plausible case of Genocide. That misapprehension was corrected. You have zero credibiity. https://youtu.be/bq9MB9t7WlI?si=5nBU5H9qBaqC87ij

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And so Rebecca Gavin claps her devilish hands in support of the murder of thousands and thousands of children......and waxes sneeringly about others' credibility.

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At the very least, it’s a calculated land grab. Could’ve seen this coming 20 years ago!

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WHO denies wars between countries are free of torture and unjust hostilities? Or one side worse than another in columnized lists of atrocities? War is war after all and humans in power are impure whether they are a) elected, b) appointed in credentialed honor or c) rebel terrorists usurping ethnic and religious communities to bring down national rulers. Whose plight could we honor as "just" when the barbarian tribes brought anti-nationalist, globalist Rome to its knees? As an eyewitness testifies,

“O [Roman] people be ashamed; be ashamed of your lives. Almost no cities are free of evil dens, are altogether free of impurities, except the cities in which the barbarians have begun to live...

Let nobody think otherwise, the vices of our bad lives have alone conquered us;

the Goths lie, but are chaste,

the Franks lie, but are but are generous,

the Saxons are savage in cruelty...but are admirable in chastity

...what hope can there be for [us Romans] when the barbarians are more pure [than we are]?" ~ Salvian (400-480)

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Free the hostages

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Free the 1000's of Palestinian hostages who are being tortured!

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Sorry it wasn’t clear for you. Lock up more Palestinian terrorists and free the Jewish hostages

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Right. So they can be tortured! What a lovely thoughtful person you are! /s

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Are you actually caping for terrorists here?

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They are NOT terrorists! You need to do some homework.

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The Sykes-Picot secret agreement in 1916 was the British-French scheme to carve up the Ottoman Empire, creating Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and the Palestinian territory. Present day Syria corresponds to the ancient kingdom of Assyria, if memory serves. David Fromkin's "A Peace to End all Peace" (1989) is a really good and readable source for the back story on the modern Middle Eastern recipe for a mess cooked up at Versailles. The ghosts of the First World War have yet to exit the stage.

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Hamas was created by Israel !!

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Hamas IS Persia (Iran) and is an enemy in Semitic (Arab/Jewish) affairs.

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That nasty, horrid, little piglet netenyahu deserves to be hung by his parasitic neck until it breathes no more.

Yes just like the nasty, horrible little nazi's of the second great war.

Deceasement for these debauched sick bastards…

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May 28
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Yes that ship excuse sailed!!!! He and 🇮🇱 are battling for 1st place as Nazis! And it looks as if they will dethrone Germany for that nefarious distinction!

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What high end school was that? We Jews come in all colours, shapes, economic groups and live in many places. I suspect also that you are making a broad generalisation. What ethnic group do you come from and what has your ethnic group contributed to the world?

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How else is the world supposed to rid itself of terrorism if it does not fight back. Otherwise it will be overrun. Israel did not have a choice. Hamas not only invaded the country & slaughtered innocent people it threatened to repeat until Israel would be no more. It is a false narrative, the biggest propaganda campaign in history created by Islamists that Israel has stolen land & has been committing crimes against Palestinians for years. Israel has gone above & beyond to appease the brainwashed since birth Palestinians and their evil government. Enough is enough. I stand with Israel.

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How else indeed.

The IDF was formed in 1948 from Irgun, Lehi, Haganah, Stern Gang terrorists, while I$ra€£ is a British imperial plantation of the survivors of Adolf's efforts, who were funneled into Palestine and indoctrinated into deflection of their trauma onto their fellow Semitic Arab cousins in order to garrison Suez and the regions energy resources while destabilising the region for 'divide and conquer' manipulation.

The U$ and Wa££ $t took over via Rot$chi£d's lend-lease financing of mercenary wars since its Frankfurt origins. Hamas 'invaded' its own occupied territory in order to get it's 'administrative detention' interned hostages returned.

Read the history, Karen, its not the hasbara fairy tale you've been fed. Jews are at the forefront of opposing this inhumanity in their misappropriated name.

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May 27
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Can you please tell me.

Are Palestinians supposed to just stand their and be shot and massacred without anyone coming to their aid?

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Self determination is a very selective phrase. You didn’t even mention:

1948 Nahkba

First antifada

Second antifada

2023 deadliest year I West Bank with 200+ indiscriminate killings


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The United States illegally invaded, and still occupies, a significant swath of Syrian soil to this day, and no one's raising a hackle about that. Say the Chinese would set up tent in Arizona, New Mexico, and some of Texas: any problems with that scenario? Who has Iran or Syria invaded/attacked in your lifetime?

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‘Untrue’ – AP Investigation Debunks Allegations of Sexual Abuse on October 7

May 23, 2024


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May 28
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Do Hamas’ crimes, in your calculations, include what Hamas does to the Palestinian people or just the rape, murder, beheadings, kidnapping of innocent people including elderly, babies, women, Arabs and Thai foreign agricultural workers, vandalism and burning within the 1967 borders of Israel?

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This is pure bullshit propaganda and no excuse for GENOCIDE. You can see the countless videos put out by the Terrorist IDF committing War Crimes. All the Zionist Nazi lies will never cover the truth.

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Strange kind of genocide when the Palestine population grew to four times its size under Israeli occupation

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Strange form of genocide when the number of Palestinian “refugees” has grown from 700,000 to 4 million. I guess the Jews are not as good at genocide as the Arabs who have successfully killed hundreds of thousands of their own people. But I understand that you are not interested in facts and truth. You deny clearly proven facts and ignore the crimes committed by Arabs from Gaza. So good luck to you with your delusions. The truth is there for those who chose not to blind and sputter distortions and lies

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May 27
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You do sound like an anti semite and I see you are upset when your racist ideas are contradicted by facts. Maybe you should get out more and see people and get out of your own angry head

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May 27
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The attackers also photographed themselves raping, cutting off children’s limbs in front of their parents,mutilating genitals, killing and they proudly posted their videos on the internet in real time. So they were seem before Hamas realized it was bad for publicity and took it down. I am sure they can still be found and these videos have also been downloaded. They killed an old woman and posted a video of her execution on her Facebook page. So, yeah, there is lots of evidence about the techniques used by your “freedom fighters”

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How do you know this? My source of information is people who survived the attack. Witnesses, widows, orphans, released hostages ,survivors. And those who fought the attackers and those who collected the corpses. One guy didn’t realize for a long time that the ashes he stepped on was his mother’s burnt body. They finally checked the ashes for dna

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May 25
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Yes it is hard to comprehend. The Jews have given the world so much as opposed to fundamentalist Islam which has given the world horror. Interesting. Choice of favorites you made

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May 27
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I do not have the patience to explain history of the Jewish people to you but you could look it up. The Jewish people were literate at times when only the aristocracy in Europe were so the aristocrats used them to manage their affairs. That way the peasants, like you, would hate them instead of the aristocrats who actually exploited them. Because the Jews were not allowed to farm or engage in trades, they were limited to serving the aristocracy. You can look it up, I think you have plenty of spare time

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The bible, monotheism, nuclear physics, a few dozen Nobel prizes, great literature, music, art, drama, actors, the film industry, the cellphone and various AI inventions, some great athletes, …. And your freedom fighters, what have they contributed to the world? There are Palestinian writers, artists, etc but they are not supporters of Hamas and their murderous ways

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