When Jonathan Cook gets assassinated, no one will write anything, and even that will be more attention than he deserves!

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Brilliant parody!!

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Jesus -- Is this what you have reverted to? Make believe? Saturday Night Live follies?

Just take a million deep breaths, man. Turning blue in the face because, a, western Presstitutes are Colonized by Judaic Edward Bernays a la Goebbels habitiuation?

Get back to basics. There are so many stories needing to be told without this form of sad satire. A Modest Proposal 2024 would be taking out all the Jews of Raping Murdering Starving Poisoning Maiming Palestine, AND, their backers, one and all, from Zyklon Blinken all down the line of Larry "Oracle" Ellison and Peter "2 Spirit" Thiel, and, well, just go to that cesspool, Forbes, and put in "all the Jewish Billionaires, 2024" Or, "All the Israeli Billionaires." Or, "All the Dual-Triple Passport Jew Billionaires."

Now there are the real enemies, not Adolph Netanyahu or Kamala Emoff or Donald Kushner-Trump!


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This one’s for the annals, a perfect demonstration.

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Astonishing how balanced reporting and well researched journalism reads after the dystopian State sponsored think speak diatribe of the corporate mainstream media. No blatant distortion of events just an account of what and how it happened and a fascinating observation of what ‘self defence’ looks like if it’s real- retaliation for unprovoked US sponsored terrorist attacks resulting in the deaths of innocent civilians. A stark contrast from the blatant propaganda and distorted messaging we’re drip fed daily. Well done!

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WeChat flooded with this unverified information 👌

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A moment of joy reading the headline.

Clever. However, the hyperbole and sainthood if this should happen would read like the second coming.

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Twisted Western leaders & media portray a number of the indigenous populations of the middle east as "TERRORISTS" such as Hezbollah & Hamas following the invasion of their lands by European settlers which began in the 1920s. Genocide was first recognised as a crime under international law in 1946 by the United Nations General Assembly (A/RES/96-I). It was codified as an independent crime in the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (the Genocide Convention). "The West" has murdered well in excess of 40 million innocent children, women & men since 1950. United States atrocities in Laos, Cambodia & Vietnam resulted in the deaths of 4 million civilians. "Agent Orange" continues to produce hundreds of malformed babies today. New York based United Nations along with it's impotent ICJ is clearly not fit for purpose. A/RES/96-1 should be scrapped & replaced with "We (the West) invade you, if you resist, you will be labelled TERRORIST".

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Just when I thought satire was well and truly dead because reality had become so beyond all measure of reason that it could no longer be successfully parodied, this gem appears.

Yes, this is exactly the vibe. Honestly I would read the heck out of this news publication lol.

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"Western" media is run by the same corporate monster that runs Western governments for its own benefit and no one else's. It will never, but never, publish any truth unless that truth happens to coincide with its interests. Once you realize that mainstream media in Western capitalist states is nothing but pure corporate/government propaganda, the only point of reading or watching it is to study how propaganda works and how capitalists want you to think. Thank you, Jonathan, for your brilliant, eye-opening piece. I'd love to watch a liberal read it and see their reaction. It'd be priceless.

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Jonathan, this is brilliant. You have exposed the double standards -- indeed the naked racism -- of Western MSM, politicians, businesses leaders and the indifferent plebs. Wow!

The pen is mightier than the sword, and you write with a bunker busting marker.

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Great journalistic "thought experiment"! But you could have mentioned the human shields above and around the underground israeli military HQ in central tel aviv.

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Ojalá. Inshallah. Deo volente.

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So mote it be

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It’s very difficult not to wish if only this report were true!

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Your MSM tone mimicry is superlative.

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