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The question one should be asking around the world is how to stop this happening once again as the incoming US President shows all the signs of what you write Re: Biden, but in early stages! There are hopeful signs that the Western Governments are looking for an exit from the US bulling and threats of sanctions. 2025 could be the year of the tide turning.

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This, published today, is worth reading;

'Today, as in the past, Germany Claims the Authority to Define who is a Jew' by Nelson Pereira, CounterPunch (counterpunch.org).

'...When the pretext used is a supposed fight against antisemitism and the defence of so-called liberal values, “the manoeuvre passes itself off as anti-fascism,” Sappir points out. “But in reality the narrative of fighting against external influences that are corrupting our population is exactly fascist rhetoric, exactly the kind of talk we had about Jews in Europe a hundred years ago"...'

The same is happening here in the UK, as it is in the US, where US universities are reported to be contracting Israeli private security companies (staffed by furloughed or reserve IDF soldiers) to suppress pro-Palestine organising and actions by students and staff.

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Biden told us back in 2020 that he only wanted one term. The only reason that Biden ran for a second term was to prevent any debate about the war in Ukraine. Biden and his Neo-liberal Zionist handlers took advantage of the party’s policy of “no challengers to an incumbent candidate” to prevent a debate on their doomed Ukraine war. The policy has been in effect ever since Ted Kennedy challenged Jimmy Carter in 1980. If there is no challenger candidate there is no debate.

They didn’t want any opposition voices to that war as it drags on, especially within their own party. The purpose of the war was to bleed Russia. Trump, they figured, could be neutralized by other means.

Fanatical Neo-liberal Zionists running the show behind Biden thought that they could keep Biden's mental condition hidden from us until after the election.

They knew that he was mentally unfit for another four years. But if Biden ran again in 2024, and if there were no challengers in any open primaries within the party, there would be no national debate about Biden's Ukraine policy. That is why the Democrats had fake primaries. The DNC even threatened not to count any opposition votes to Biden at this Augusts’ convention, to scare off any challengers.

Remember, back in April of last year 2023, when Biden announced his candidacy, Tucker Carlson was still on Fox News each night telling Americans how Biden provoked the Ukraine war. Without a doubt, some new young candidate would have stepped forward within the Democrat party; to capitalize on that position had we had an open primary.

And then there was another war in Gaza. These same fanatical Neo-liberal Zionists also did not want any debate about the Gaza genocide either. That was all the more reason for Biden to run again without opposition, to prevent this debate.

So now, thanks to Biden's fanatical Zionists handlers, the country has been deprived of this healthy debate on both Ukraine and Gaza. An entire young generation has been written off and the Democrats are now stuck with the same old elite people running the show.

These elite party insiders selected Harris to step in to replace Biden. And once again there was no debate.

On the other hand, the Republicans now have a 39 year old populist VP with working class roots, who will chart a future course for their party. And by the way, he is also questioning the Ukraine war. J.D. Vance will probably be elected President in 2028, and then again in 2032. Joe Biden and his party elites just screwed themselves for the next 12 years.

"Leave it to Joe to f*** things up. " .... Obama said that.

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Joe Biden is like old Mr Grace in the TV sitcom Are you being served? “You’ve all done very well!” and collapses into nurses arms?

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I read “news” in my Inbox only; I haven't watched any form of television for over forty years. So I don’t know a lot about President Biden. I do know he proposed a lot of legislation that benefitted people like me, I do know what he financed and supported mass murder in Gaza, I do know that like me (and even like you) he was a mere mortal, full of good and evil, stupidity and wisdom. My mother in law told me that everyone deserves respect. A lesson you apparently never were taught.

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Two Questions for shitty US state media:

1. Biden had two scull surgeries in 1988 for brain aneurism (often accelerates dementia). In 2019 his mental decline become very noticeable. By 2021 he was no longer there – “English muffin”. Who ruled and rules now US??

• It is now evident -- Klein, Zientz and Blinken, the cabal who took over senile Biden to rule US and are all – rabid Zionists. Let that sink in….

2. In 2020 Biden got 81M+ votes – a mystery from where 3-4M extra votes came?? Trump got ~79M in a landslide

3. A bonus question: Why Trump has not “noticed” Biden’s genocide in Gaza yet…?

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Most head shaking at “stupid voters” conveniently ignores the simple explanation that what voters “should” have known was unthinkable and terrifying. Being constantly bombarded with conflicting “facts” making no sense whatsoever creates self doubt, helplessness and a desperate need to trust that smarter minds know what they are doing. Telling voters they are stupid plays into the hands of propaganda.

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They're not "stupid". They're hypnotised, as the article argues. The role of the media is precisely to hypnotise us. Our job should be to help jolt people back to reality, using elucidatory moments like this one.

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I despise that crook, the worst POTUS in my lifetime. Very helpful in illustrating the monstrosity the "Democratic Party " has become, though.

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Why have the 25th Amendment if we’re never going to use it?

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There's one aspect of this scandal that I forgot to mention in my prior post. And that's the abuse of an old man. How dare the Democratic Party, and sadly it seems his own family, put their political ambitions and machinations before the health and welfare of a failing old man. I have little time for Biden, I don't think he's actually that nice a man, but he deserves the consideration of any ailing human being, and what was planned for him basically amounts to elder abuse. He may been determined to pursue his presidency, but one to the symptoms of his condition here appears to be his total lack of insight into his failing health. He should never have been allowed to run again, there was at least two years notice of this. That would have given the Party time to organise proper primaries and come up with a more attractive and capable candidate than Kamala Harris, tainted as she was by her association with the Biden administration, and actually beat Trump. Basically they gave the election away, again, a seriously delusional party.. . He has just a year or two of sentient existence ahead of him which he should enjoy with his family and friends, and be like any other retired gentlemen, fishing, reading, playing softball with his grandchildren, soaking up the sun in summer, and enjoying quiet winter walks holding hands with his wife.

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"None of them were genuises(sic)" !

Quick Jonathan - correct the deeply ironic typo that your enemies may use against you. Or was/is your typo deeply cryptically ironic?

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Only in America! That's one seriously f**ked up regime. The (toilet) seat of democracy....more like the begining of another dark age!

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Quite a lot of comments here about Biden, Trump, the Presidency, the wielders of power, the deep state etc. However the article is rather more, actually almost totally, about the media, and its complicity in the gaslighting of the US (and the rest of the world) in regard to the state of Biden's mental capacity (not to mention his obvious physical decline, his stooped posture, his slow unsteady gait, his facial weakness, his failing voice) People do fail in their old age, I might too, as I am now 78 yrs old, but it was the inability of those around Biden to tell the truth, even to promote him for another four years, and the media's willing and almost shrill support of this obviously failing human being that is being examined here. I think I first wrote about Biden's obvious failings shortly after he was elected.

This is not an original thought that in Russia Pravda and Izvestia were propaganda tools of the Soviet State, and little could be believed in these news organs. But then the people of Russia knew not to believe them anyway. They weren't fooled, the State just had to be tolerated. But here in the west, we are more gullible, the BBC is the voice of trust and truth, we actually do believe what we're told, and that's a propaganda that really works, it is powerful and successful, as Biden's failings remain hidden, the war in Ukraine escalates and as Israel expands its empire and continues eliminating Palestinians. Trust in the media is at an all time low, rightly, but the problem is now that we retreat into our silos of thought and stop communicating across the divide.

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Yes, it's about the mainstream media in the West. However, we also need to be looking at the huge power of 'alternative' media targeting and conditioning. No one is really talking about this.

Those in the 'covid' dissent demographic were purposefully targeted on social media with unscientific nonsense about the climate crisis- it being a psy-op to control us. It was so successful that it's now impossible to have a debate about climate change as millions won't even accept basic concepts of observed reality. They're also able to hold in place that Rockefeller is powerful because of oil and wants to get Africa 'addicted to oil' and yet at the same time that he is plotting to stop us using oil and herd us into 15 min cities. Seemingly well-educated people have lost their sanity.

Given that the climate and environmental crises, driven by oil and animal ag exploitation and profits, is the single biggest threat to modern humans, they've pulled a blinder.

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Thanks Jo, worthwhile point, we shouldn't ignore the alternative media's role in narrative constructs that are highly useful to certain powerful players in society. They are a force which most of us, well certainly I count myself, haven't quite got a handle on. I suppose for an older person like me, who for most of his life relied on the MSM (carefully chosen of course) for our news and current affairs it's a bit of a shock to realise just how wedded the MSM is to powerful interests that work behind the scenes. It's only recently that I've just taken note of the fact I haven't watched the evening news or current affairs on broadcast TV here in NZ for at least ten years. I am too conscious of the fact that I may too be conducting myself in a political silo. Every now and then I'll listen to BBC or Guardian or other more right wing political podcasts, to see what I'm missing and challenge myself but when I do so, the frustration certainly mounts, and the concerns. - Thanks for the post. JKM

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Hi Jock, you’re very welcome and lovely to hear from you.

I turned 60 this year and haven’t listened to MSM news since I was a teenager living with my parents, or the unavoidable news bulletins on the radio at work (why do the reporters speak in that weird, affected way?). I did read the Independent for a while until the whining of Robert Fisk drove me away.

I know that many younger people don’t read or watch MSM at all either. Hence the US trying to ban tik tok because of the unfiltered, unspun presentation of the genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza.

I dabbled on Twitter to find things out about the ‘covid’ debacle (I knew the measures were way over the top given the evidence for them). This was when I became acutely aware of the message being fed to me. I was told my compassion for animals was being used against me by BiIl Gates who wanted me to be vegan! People I met there are still shouting in the street every Sunday that co2 is plant food! They pride themselves on being immune to MSM propaganda yet have fallen hook line and sinker for alternative propaganda. It’s been one of the most bizarre experiences of my life.

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The duopoly is what is strangling the U.S. Biden's decline was obvious to those that were watching BUT there was only one other choice. Nope. The U.S. is not a democracy.

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