Disgusting. But then again, what else would you expect from rabid, zealous, Ż¡○Nâż¡ṣ?

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I'm not sure why people are shocked at this article. Israël has been indiscriminately killing Palestinians, without ever being brought to justice, since 1948. All the Hamas attack did was give them authority to 'cleanse' (their word, not mine) the Palestinian State at a faster rate. And that's the only reason it's getting so much news now. I'm May of 2022, reporter Shireen Abu Akleh was shot and killed by Israeli police while reporting and during her funeral precession they attacked the pallbearers. They've gone as far as bulldozing her memorial to make sure no one speaks of it.

It's been a constant and slow genocide for decades. All they've done is speed up the pace. And other than independents, you'll never hear the truth on the news here.

Thank you for reporting this.

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We are all guilty by behaving as if we only realise above observations to be true at the highwatermark of 40 K dead and 90k wounded and many more permanently traumatised. Okay, and now, we think, it feels normal so many months along. And since so many have done so little to stop the atrocities for so long, how would I undo the devastation anyway? We need to undo permanent war psychosis. But the diseases of revenge and bloodlust are rapidly going viral.

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Really hard to like🥴✌️

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It would be helpful, if hamas would stop hiding behind women and children, as they pull the trigger of their weapons. Only a girly man would do such a thing. And then go straightway to the nearest school building, from which to launch their next attack. Hamas will only fight with a woman or a child between themselves, and their enemies.

The girly man way.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

Girlman I think you are actually advocating the froggy man way - a slippery, leaping to defend and grasping at straws approach ..projecting the spineless behaviour of the IOF on to that of the resistance fighters who are skirmishing with the colonialist settler enterprise that has been destroying the lives and freedoms of millions of the their fellow indigenous Palestinians through ethnic cleansing since '48 (and in reality well before that too)

The 'human shield' is in fact a tactic employed by diaper-clad lsraeIi soldiers too cowardly to enter in to the field of battle without the protection of innocents (an illegal practice under the Geneva Convention whether civilian or prisoner of war) and they don't stop there either, the IOF has annihilated 10s of 1000s of innocent woman and children. I guess for them it's easier to kill innocents than actually risk their own death in battle.

- Remember your hasbara motto is known by everyone these days: every accusation is a confession!😉


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Great piece, Jonathan. Keep going. Two quick thots re. your use of "Biblical" as an adjective:

1) The vengeance the Bible speaks of is, first, reserved unto YHWH and, second, it is entirely impartial: all human beings judged according to precisely the same fixed and unchanging perfect standard--and thereby condemned by it; no hope whatsoever outside of faith in Jesus. "Israel's" scorched-earth policy in Gaza and elsewhere accords with none of those standards.

2) Ronen Bergman's 2017 book, "Rise and Kill First," (it's anti-Biblical title drawn from the anti-Biblical Talmud) offers (as I'm sure you know) a jaw-droppingly anti-Biblical, self-justifying portrait not only of the anti-Biblical policy Israel has pursued and is pursuing (in one sense, it's a brag) but also a glimpse into the dark chasm of lash-out logic which, once one buys into it, has *no* logical stopping place.

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Disgusting really! War is not the movies! No one is innocent except for the children. Shame on you all.

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Its a great article except for the two accusations against the uk government that are demonstrably untrue. The block against arrest warrants for war crimes was instigated by Sunak, and it was lifted within the first week of Starmer coming into power, and the funding for UNRWA, again, halted by Sunak, was restored by Starmer two days ago.

However, the UK are still supplying weapons, you are correct in that.

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You're wrong on the first point. Starmer has reneged on his officials' suggestion that he would not try to block the arrest warrants. And you're being unfair on the second point: the piece was written and published before the U-turn was announced.

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I hardly know enough who started it. This much is clear. Palestinians are entitled to live safely in their homeland. Israel and it's Jews can't be the exclusive citizens of this territory once known as Palestine. Since Israel has been created now Israel and it's Jews are to blame for not seeking a just Peace with Palestinians aka also being known as the Hamas. India must severe it's ties with Israel , condemn the NATO countries , it should not try to kow tow to the UK US Combo, and move into the BRICS FOLD.

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Israel has destroyed all Gaza universities, colleagues, hospitals, historical sites. It's a planned attempt to erase the memories of Gazans. For many generations to come, they not get education, health and roof over their heads. Now, why not to destroy the remaining schools?

Is this not Amalek? Is this not destroying every Cannanite city in the Biblical stories?

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"The wanton death and destruction in Gaza is very much a feature, not a bug. "

Thank you for revealing this information to the world. Not everyone will listen, but more are every day.

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Can someone please refresh my memory? Why are we supposed to hate all the Palestinians and love all the Jews? I get that we should hate Nazis but, forgive the Germans.

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The Palestinians are lifelong sworn Jew haters, and will only be content, when they have murdered the very last Jew. The Quran commands them to torture and kill every Jew (little Satan)

And then proceed with the torture and murder of all Christians (the great Satan), according to alla. Muslims gotta do what they gotta do, get used to it. They are further commanded by alla, to take over the entire world, all of it. They can’t rest until all is accomplished.

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Frogman, l may be wrong in my thinking and l'm sure you will correct me but, wouldn't it be best if Western "Christian" countries kept out of the ME? I did the Bethlehem and Jerusalem tourist trip and frankly it was very disappointing.

I mean, what has everyone been fighting over for 2000+ years?

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We're not supposed to hate anybody. "Love your neighbor as yourself." (But some people forget this and want to steal their neighbors' land and resources and possibly wipe out all their neighbors so they can have everything and share none of it.)

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Yes, l am getting that. I'm Canadian and by no means without fault in terms of the 200+ year old settler-colonialism mind set.

But, WTF is the deal with you Americans? You have a beautiful country and all the natural resources anyone could wish for. Why go stick your nose in the Middle East, or piss off Russia and China?

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It's what our true rulers in the US--the oligarchs/billionaires--want. And whatever these capitalists want, they'll get. And to get it, they'll tell their politician puppets to point rockets at it and/or drop bombs and/or send in cannon fodder (a.k.a. "soldiers") in order to take all the resources, land, or force the populace into being cheap labor that they want. Capitalists don't see this as sticking their noses in where they don't belong, because they "own" everything they see and want. It's quite simple to see the hows and whys once you follow the money.

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Wow, that is so sad. To have all that power and wealth and be so selfish and greedy to want more. No wonder Americans and their version of democracy is despised around the world.

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It's not "democracy". It's called "oligarchy" or "plutocracy" or "corporatocracy".

I wrote a bit on it this week "The Best Democracy Can Buy (Is No Democracy At All)" https://therevolutioncontinues.substack.com/p/the-best-democracy-money-can-buy

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Thank you. I'm Canadian (sorry lol) but l enjoyed your recent substacks. I loved your piece on Jill Stein - l would vote for her if l could. l love Caitlyn Johnstone too.

And, yes "Free Free Palestine". Hopefully the world will heed the recent ICJ "recommendations" and US polititicians will say NO to AIPAC campaign "donations" and stop supplying 2000 lb bombs.

I recently joined substack to hear more from Canadian journalist Trish Wood. I wish we had more like her. In January Calgary got a brief visit from Tucker Carlson. Three weeks ago, Tommy Robinson from the UK paid us a visit (then was detained by police). Prince Harry and Megs popped over for a quick cup of tea until their home in Hollywood was ready.

We have Mr. Fancy Socks as our PM and Ms. Bobble-Head as our Finance Minister but, Canada barely gets a mention in the US media.

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Each time I read Mr. Cook's excellent investigative journalism or another account, I say, aghast, "This simply cannot be happening." But it *is* happening, goddammit, and our craven-cum-criminal leaders (sic) permit it to be happening. My only sane, thinking solution is "Put paid to militant-political Colonial Zionism and its every agent, facilitator, and accepting actor!" But that's not going to come to pass in my lifetime, or in the shortened lifetime of a Palestinian child. Goddammit.

Viva Palestine!--Hamas and ALL of Palestine!

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🤢 Israel makes me ill.

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They make everyone ill and of course there is a lot of Politicians are ill In the Western world,

but they are not getting better , so the Zionists and most of the Western Politicians are permanently sick and make world a very dangerous planet !

Fortunately , there is a new trend to reverse the sickness, waiting for a powerful nation that can act with courage and determination to end this prevailing sickness in the System and the Men and Women in the System !

So, who can bomb the Zionist Enclaves in Palestine ? He or she will be the New Leader of the World !

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I can’t deal with so much obvious evidence of war crimes and nothing is being done to stop this and punish the Isreal & IDF murderers🤬

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Jul 19Liked by Jonathan Cook

These people are so utterly repugnant. I mean, what sort of person could murder little children in cold blood for sport? You think it will haunt them as they get older but as you point out in the report, the worst and most utterly psychopathic among them get promoted to pass on techniques of the most vile evils to young monsters in waiting. What utter depravity!

Those in the West who have allowed this to happen and supplied arms and support along with the Zionist regime and their bloodthirsty foot soldiers must eventually face the consequences of the evil acts they have carried out. People all over the world are often at a loss to take it all in or even think about it because it is so traumatizing.

Thanks be to you and others who are logging it all for the record. It may seem of no use to those already killed and maimed but Israel will struggle to exist in the future as it increasingly becomes a pariah and as the US empire and it's vassal states are collapsing too.

If the above things come to pass then there should be the equivalent of the Nuremberg Trials where all involved should be on trial for genocide.

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