I for one protest the fat shaming of HAMAS terrorists!

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Yeah, well... here’s my response, Jonathan - this is just the first part because, let’s face it, there’s a lot to unpack. And after reading the comments here, I’m astonished at how many people have fallen into your trap!


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This is inedible well done! And i love the reading, too. Thank you.

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What a repulsive take.

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This is a worthwhile article, but I object to the association of Islam with "extremism" and "Islamism". Neither of these have a place in Islam, which long before the Geneva Conventions laid down humane ways of fighting war and oppression. Whether Hamas follows this or not is another question.

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In this particular conflict the concept of kill or be killed is a valid one. It has been proven you cannot negotiate with anyone who ultimately seeks your extermination, so why would you? (Accepting that Israel actually has tried).

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Jews have always been sadists, through all history. It’s their biological nature.

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That is an odeous and anti-Semitic comment. No one group of humans have a monopoly on sadistic behaviour. Just as none are blessed with solely virtues.

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Dumb take. First, no group needs to have "a monopoly on sadistic behavior" for what I wrote to be true, that Jews have always been sadists, through all history, and that it's their biological nature. Jews are MORE prone to it, MORE likely to exhibit it than other groups. And stow away your stupid New State Religion of anti-science race blindness, that there are no discernable biological differences between groups of hominids. You're in the process of becoming a backwards anachronism. People are waking up.

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This is so well written. Thank you. This is exactly the form and the words I need to share with the people I know who choose to not just close their eyes, but shield themselves with a veil of social discomfort…as if it’s other people they are trying to protect with their complicity in silence.

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They don't look emaciated to me. They look remarkably well fed.

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and the sick culture of raping male prisoners

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Oh I see. It’s not Hamas vowing to destroy all Jews. Or killing more in one day than since the holocaust. Oh and taking a few hundred prisoners hostage. Of course they were exemplary in their treatment of those prisoners weren’t they. In case you hadn’t noticed, Israel has Muslims in the Knesset. Not many Jews in Hamas. You’re an anti semite.

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Assholes blowing themselves up is a primemover.

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I’m actually laughing at your post. Talk about ignorance. you talk about generations of Israeli abuse? You need to go back before 1948 pal and hundreds of years even before that.

Go back and do your research before you continue to embarrass yourself here.

Find out who runs the Palestinian government and why? Find out why Israel is a flower in the desert and Gaza is still an arm pit. Find out why Egypt put miles and miles and miles of Barbwire fence in between itself and Gaza and the Palestinians. Go look at the pictures of what the Egyptian’s do to prevent the Palestinians and the Gazan’s from infiltrating Egypt. You have so much to learn.

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I chose to ignore the unnecessary insults you hurled at me from my comments as this is not a twitter feed. Substack is about respectable dialogue. I do KNOW the history but do not claim to be an academic historian - are you? It would be untrue to say that Israel never ever did any historical wrong to the Arabs. Maybe you don’t know some of the history with PM Golda. Both things can be true. Israel did not deserve or cause 10/7 and Israel has, in certain situations, done unpleasant things to Arabs in the past. To say otherwise is untrue. Again, I am not saying Israel is committing genocide or something ignorant like that. We must work to keep our emotions out of open honest dialogue and focus on the subject matter to grow as a citizenry. To say that ANY country is without blemish is to be intellectually dishonest.

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Well, stop stack kept kicking me out so to speak because I was trying to use my original handle, but it said it was already taken which it was taken by me, but I will continue. Insult aside, you actually know very little about the history of the area. The Arab nations geographically comprise a landmass about the size of the US Israel comprises a landmass the size of Rhode Island. in 1948 when the United Nations provided Israel with a sliver of land over the years and decades, they turned it into a desert flower while Gaza still looks like an armpit and the reason why is because the Gazans decided to let Hamas run its country and it’s government and instead of spending money on infrastructure spending such as building its own water plant or building its own electrical plant or building its own roads and highways it spent money on destroying Israel. You should also know that Egypt has miles and miles and miles of severely increased Barbwire fencing in between Gaza and Egypt because they don’t want the The byproduct of Hamas entering their country after they made peace with Israel. Israel is the only country in the world that needs an iron Dome and that should probably mean something to you, but it doesn’t apparently do so. Israel has never been an offensive nation. It only wants to live in peace. And just so you’re more aware of the facts the reason that October 7 happened was because Saudi Arabia was about to sign a Piece deal with Israel and Homg did what it needed to do to stop the process from finalizing itself. I don’t think you want to discuss this further unless you do some research. Just so you know my father was born in Palestine in 1912 where there were 100,000 Jews and 500,000 Muslims and my father was Jewish

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Please understand that I voice text so let’s choose content over form and not worry about punctuation or spelling I’m very competent in it, but it’s really not a critical issue. The issue is the survival of Israel.

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The comments on this feed are honest and open. Yet, deeply troubling. There is a long complex history between Arabs and Israelis. This war is not a simple “they are right and the others guys wrong”. It involves significant unresolved issues I do not think can ever be resolved. The prejudices, ideologies, pain, hurt, tragedy, loss, anguish and atrocities committed by both sides run too deep. Memories that will never recover from the blood shed. Then again war can never be pc. War is a heinous system within itself. No one ever wins.

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How wrong could you be? Do you not know that Israel and Egypt are now peaceful with one another? do you know that Saudi Arabia was about to make peace with Israel and Iran intervened to make sure it didn’t happen because it will change the whole identity of the Middle East and isolate the Islamic terrorist groups.

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Yes, I am aware of this and agree the Abraham Accord “could” have brought some measure of peace. But Iran (proxy Hamas) would never have allowed that to occur thus we have 10/7. Because Iran desire the obliteration of Israel whereas Israel wants a tolerant living agreement. Unfortunately Iran, using Hamas tunnels, has breached or rejected every agreement so there can be no peace.

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Another good topic. I have asked the same question several times on chats with those who yell Israeli genocide to gazans. No one has an answer. Just more insults and outrage. Egypt could easily help the Gazan’s fleeing the war. Save many lives by opening up the Rafah Crossing but Egypt refuses. Per Abdul Fatah Sisi, President they do not want 2 million+ Arabs with allegiance to the Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo due to the revolution that occurred in 2011. Nor do they want to take responsibility for them as it would fracture Cairo’s economy.

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Sorry it printed scrimmages and it should’ve said skirmishes And once again, why does Egypt have miles and miles and miles of Barbwire to prevent the Palestinians and gazans from entering Egypt

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Why do you keep demonstrating your ignorance? How many scrimmages have there been between Egypt and Israel since they decided to cohabitate?

Should Saudi Arabia have join the mix very quickly others would’ve come along, and all of a sudden the Muslim terrorist would become the minority and lose all its power. It would be the outcast.

Frankly, if I were Netanyahu, I would tell that inhabitants of Tehran to vacate evacuate and they have two weeks to do it and then I would level the city

Before they get a hold of an atomic bomb

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