It is called we will dance again because the Israeli mentality is to survive and move forwards. Unfortunately the mentality of many Palestinians is still to look backwards, to begrudge all that Israel has achieved and to make their sole aim in life the destruction of Israel and any Jew that supports it.

(On a side note, how can Israel singlehandedly land lock Gaza when Gaza has borders with other countries?)

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Just to be clear, when watching the film of the terrorist acts against Israeli’s that sparked the attack on Gaza you will see that no one killing Nova participants was shouting free Palestine, they were bragging about killing Jews. The next day the propaganda war was in full force. The escalation while commanded by Netanyahu was fueled by the lies on the anti Israel side (I will not say pro-Palestine because I am both pro Israel and pro Palestine) and I know that you sheep who not only believed but spread the lies inflamed the attacks against Gaza and it’s time you understood and took responsibility for it that. The lies immediately following the heinous attack on Israeli’s is and was disgusting and did nothing to save the Palestinian people.

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You are despicable

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Hello. I am sure you are interested in spreading the truth! I hope you will find this article vital to share.


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God’s will.

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When did assassinations of leaders become America’s foreign policy. Evidence proves that it started when America became an unwitting vassal of the dual state of an American empire based on the design of the third Reich designed by Carl Schmitt and executed by Reinhard Gehlen of the German BND as a partner of William Donovan’s and Allan Dulles’ CIA and Lord Rothschild’s MI5 that created the police state of Israel and NATO’s Operation Gladio to bring about the new world order: invisible empire : fourth Reich by way of deception, false flag terrorist attacks and total mass media news deception calling others (Iran, China, Russia, Muslims, Black Muslims) what we - #Israel and the #US and the City of London #Crown - are which is a covert operations nuclear terrorist state that always blames it on a Manufactured other.

I am writing this because it’s confirmed that the leader of Lebanon and Hezbollah has been killed today and this is timed to be a trigger for World War.

I remember when the big lie we were told by Salmon Rushdie that the Muslims would declare Holy War / Jihad is they say Mohammed used in a picture. The truth is this I can see now that this was part of a Dr axes long Dr epitome campaign by the Israel lobby.

America has to see who our enemy is which is the Zionist neocon Israel AIPAC lobby.

We have to vote for Jill Stein to put pressure on Kamala Harris and Donald Trump to stop supporting total war -

Especially total nuclear war which has always been driven by Israel Revisionist Zionists who stole our nuclear secrets and kept it covered up by putting the Trojan Horse back door version of the PROMIS software into the Kissinger Alamos Lab by Robert Maxwell and Rafi Eitan so they could keep Israel’s role in in perpetuating nuclear terrorism secret.

That’s why Israel had to kill John F Kennedy Jr.

See Laurent Guyenot’s books on this.

More must be revealed and brought to justice by the people for the people now.

Try to join the Scott Ritter’s Peace & Freedom Rally today September 28 if you can. I noticed that YouTube won’t let me Like or Subscribe this now and this is evidence that the Israeli Deep State is focused on suppressing it.

Go to Occupypeace.com for more information now!

@PeterDaleScott @MarkCrispinMiller @#Putin @PeterPhillips @@ScottRitter @JoeLauria @JillStein @SchillerInstitute @LenHorowitz #Netanyahu #Nuclear

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Yes, the title of this anniversary programme is sick, pitiless and ignorant. Thankyou for this article .

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They will certainly dance again on the shattered bodies of the 300k - 400k slaughtered Palestinians.

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Children in Gaza will never dance again as long as their parents allow Hamas to remain in power. Release the hostages!

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Gee, that’s tough. But if there is the faintest of a silver lining, it’s this: at least these dead Gaza children will not have had their innocence robbed of them through indoctrination and conscription into genocidal death cults like Hamas or Hezbollah. All you have to do is look at the pictures of that sickening display of a funeral procession for three Hezbollah terrorists, with child scouts standing in front of the crowds. Think about that: Child scouts of Hezbollah, where they will be trained into child soldiers for that genocidal death cult, all in exchange for their innocence. I can’t think of anything more monstrous and evil than to rob children of their innocence.

This may sound callous, but the dead Palestinian children are lucky they will never be robbed of their innocence by these death cults.

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Hasbara fantasy - dead Palestinian chidren are lucky? What an appallingly callous thing to say. So that's why Israel pulverises them with massive bombs and their small bodies - in anonymous pieces - have to be shrouded in communal bags.

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Does that mean you would rather have Palestinian children being conscripted into child soldiers for Hezbollah and Hamas instead of dying? If I were one of those kids, I would rather die than have my innocence and freedom taken away from me if I was forced into becoming a child soldier.

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I cannot believe that people like you are still ranting about the Palestinian resistance in these comic book terms. Do you not understand why these movements exist? Why they came into being? Why they fight? Why they protest against Israel and Israel's allies? Look at the history, read about it, modern Israel is an invention of UK and US, and was imposed on the indigenous people of Palestine. The Palestinians were thrown out from their homes and their lands and were imprisoned in Gaza.

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You are so misinformed I feel bad for you

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There was never a historical Palestine. The so-called modern Palestinian movement was an invention of the KGB in 1964.



“From its inception in the 1920s, the Palestinian movement has drawn inspiration from rabid Jew haters in Europe, and Germany in particular. In the 1930’s the Muslim Brotherhood translated Mein Kampf into Arabic. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem – the George Washington of the Palestinian national movement – was an ardent admirer of Hitler. When World War II broke out, he moved to Berlin where he recruited an Arab legion for Hitler and laid plans to create an Auschwitz in the Middle East. When the state of Israel was created by the UN in 1948, it was attacked by five Arab dictatorships, whose rallying cry was “Push the Jews into the sea.” The sick left generates Jew hatred by calling them colonial settlers. Actually, Jews have inhabited the land of Israel for millennia.

“The campaign to destroy the Jewish state and its Jews has always been a campaign to ethnically cleanse the Middle East the way the Nazis had attempted to cleanse Europe. It’s justifying rationale – “free Palestine from Israeli occupation” is an easily disproven lie. Israel was not created on Arab land. It was created the same way Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Syria were created: out of the ruins of the Ottoman Empire. The Turks are not Arabs let alone “Palestinians” – a national identity which did not exist at the time of Israel’s creation. The language, religion, culture of the Arabs around the Jordan River is identical to that of the other Arabs in the Middle East. The land on which Israel and nations like Jordan were created was controlled by the Turks for four hundred years before the creation of the Jewish state. There was no movement for a nation called Palestine in all that time.

“Jordan has a population seventy percent of whom identify as “Palestinians.” They are ruled by a Hashemite minority. There is no Palestinian campaign to free Jordan from its occupation by Hashemites. Nor was there any ‘Palestinian’ campaign to free the West Bank when Jordan controlled it or Gaza when it was under Egyptian rule. The Palestinian movement is a Nazi campaign to destroy the Jewish state and eliminate its Jews. This is the mentality behind the beheading of Jewish babies and the brutal murders of entire defenseless Jewish families.

“The actual invention of the Palestine identity for the campaign against the Jews did not take place until 1964 in the West Bank and 1967 in Gaza – 16 and 19 years after the creation of the Jewish state. The newly invented nationality was the brainchild of the KGB and the Egyptian dictator Nasser whose armies spear-headed the 1948 war to destroy Israel at its birth. The cynical calculation behind the invention of a Palestinian national identity was that the PLO call to “Push the Jews into the sea” was not likely to win allies Nasser and the KGB persuaded the PLO that the creation of a national identity called “Palestine” would allow them to portray their murderous plans to kill the Jews as a resistance to oppression and a fight for self-determination.

“In other words, “Palestine” is an invented national identity created for the express purpose of making the land between the river and the sea what the Nazis themselves called Juden rein – Jew free. Unfortunately, the world is full of useful ignoramuses and anti-Semites who lap these lies up and support their Nazi agendas.”

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How did all these so called Palestinians land up in Gaza? Why are they not allowed the same rights as the people now living in what started to be called israel back in !948 thereabouts? Why do they hang on to the front door keys of homes they say they were forced to leave?

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Because they were told that Israel would be destroyed and they'd be able to go home! 20% of Israelis are "Palestinian" - some even serving in parliament. Just because Britain gave governance of 15% the land they ruled over to the Jews WHO LIVED THERE (70% to the hashemite royal family, 15% to Muslim Arabs), doesn't mean land was stolen. Israeli Arabs have the same legal rights as any Israeli Jews. The Palestinians not living in Israel have different rights because THEY'RE NOT ISRAELI. No people in the world have the same rights in another country as the citizens of that country

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

Who told them they would be going home later? Why has the Israeli army stopped the people living in Gaza from leaving Gaza if they want to? That's been going on for years, decades. And if Gaza is not Israel, as you say, what right has Israel to be controlling its borders, building impenetrable walls around it? And who was it that forced the Palestinians out of their homes? Are you saying they invented the story of the Nabka?

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The surrounding Arab countries that attacked Israel in 1948 very publicly informed Arabs in the areas mandated for Israel, that they would eradicate Israel. Israel doesn't stop Palestinians leaving Gaza, they just need paperwork to enter Israel, as do all foreigners when entering other countries. In fact, Gazans often came to Israel for state of the art medical care (sinwar the head of hamas had his brain tumour successfully treated in an Israeli hospital). Gaza also borders Egypt and Israel had no control over that. The walls were built AFTER a series of suicide bombings not only perpetrated by Gazans but celebrated and memorialised within Gaza. And clearly the walls aren't impenetrable because October 7th happened

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I have just a brief comment to maske on this one. The first thing I was reminded of when reading "We will dance again" was that small group of Mossad agents who, well before the airliner attacks on the WTC Twin Towers had happened, already had their video cameras set up on the other side of the Hudson River, because, as one of them later admitted, from the relative safety of an Israeli talk-show, they wanted to be sure "to document the big event," i.e. the two airliner collisions into the buildings that they had obviously been informed by those higher up in the Mossad would start right around 9:00 AM that Tuesday morning. I know many people who claim that Mossad agents were well apprised of the coming attacks because they were indeed one of, or perhaps even THE, primary parties responsible for planning and carrying out the massive attacks, while the hijackers themselves, mostly dissident Saudis and al-Qaeda members, had merely been cajoled into committing their attacks by Mossad agents living very close to them in Florida in order that the primary attacks, the complete obliteration of the three WTC buildings that day, could and would be more easily attributed to the hijackers' air attacks, -- and the infamous "spilled jet fuel" -- and NOT to the real cause, the preinstalled ultra high temperature incendiary explosives [thermate and nano-thermite residues were in fact discovered all over ground zero and just as ubiquitously in the thousands of tons of mostly concrete dust that quickly enveloped NYC] which in fact completely annihilated all three of the towers, dropping them into their exact footprints like most controlled demolitions also do. Even just in the last couple of years, evidence implicating the Mossad, as well neocons in the Bush State Dept. in WDC, and rabid Zionists in NYC in these attacks which killed roughly 3,000 persons, has grown stronger even if it is hardly yet a slam dunk case against those and a few other parties. One thing should at least be abundantly clear after the totally criminal and thorough EVIL attacks on Gaza over the last year, however. Those like Netanyahu, with his hundreds of Likudnik and Mossadite enablers, wouldn't bat an eye at murdering three thousand innocent, -- and almost entirely "goy," -- victims. In fact, that was made perfectly clear to anyone with eyes to see as early as the evening of 9/11 itself, when a truly giddy with delight, Netanyahu, was interviewed by one of the main US TV networks and claimed that; "these attacks are Great news for Israel," and then added, after considering for a moment how terrible that must have sounded to the US public; "now maybe Americans will see what we in Israel are up against."

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Israelis are already dancing, every time a new atrocity is committed by their terrorist government and armed forces. They mock the Palestinian victims of their torture, murder, maiming, and other forms of depravity, and make them the subject of fiendish social media posts.

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Treating children in this way can only create trauma. Sadly violence breeds more violence. Trauma so very often can lead to a desire for retribution. Victimhood seems to create a total lack of compassion for the other. It seems to create cold hearted indifference to the suffering of others. Are there not shared care beliefs within the core of all religions? Can we not look beyond our differences and begin to extend a hand of peace and mutual support. 🙏🏼🌈

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That only works if you believe in the other parties right to exist. Sadly that isn't the case

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This is incredibly, viscerally, poignant and telling. I do think that it's important always to make these points at minimum: (i) Operation Al Aqsa Flood was precipitated by increased-in-pace depredations by the Colonial Zionists of the Jerusalem Al Aqsa Mosque compound (thus the name!); (ii) the thousands of Gazans -- initiated by non-active members Hamas individual group(s) of Gazans --TRIED NON-VIOLENTLY to break out of their prison via "Operation Great March of Return" in, I believe, 2018. Any decent, moral, justice-oriented, sentient, aware person knows the result of that initiative...fast forward to the INEVITABLE Operation Al Aqsa Flood. (I may have some incidental words or facts wrong, but the general thrust surely is here.)

Thank you, Mr. Cook, sir. Deepest respect and solidarity....

Viva Palestine!--Hamas and ALL of Falasteen!

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Nazty Netanyahu's 'Final Solution' ?

"Eliminate all Palestinians from Palestine!"

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