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Evil is everywhere. Israel has shown that it's alive, and well, and probably living next door to you in the form of a rabid racist who will forgive every atrocity, and celebrate every massacre, because evil makes them feel good. No amount of killing is enough for them, and every means is acceptable: they have completely closed their minds to the idea that Israel is killing human beings. They have abandoned their humanity. And they are everywhere, in every country, frantically spreading Israeli propaganda, and sending money to buy uniformed thugs bigger weapons of indiscriminate slaughter. Worse, and especially horribly, the same evil is everywhere in government. No country has really, meaningfully, stood against the genocide. The people we elect to reflect our views have shown that they are every bit as racist as the hate-filled fans of anal gang rape and starving infants to death. If the world supports genocide, we must surely be evil? It took the dreadful slaughter of WW2 to inspire a bill of rights, designed to preserve humanity from the vicious evil of its most gangsterish, selfish and greedy members. The awful slaughter in Gaza has undermined all that. Evil is okay again, to the extent that those who stand against it are persecuted. How nice it would be if someone could prove me wrong.

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Which leads to a number of conundrums.

Not least, why is a major war crimes suspect such as Basyuk freely wandering the streets of London in the midst of two genocide-related legal cases against Israel?"

Might it have anything to do with I$ra€£ being an Ang£o-Fr€nch co£onial p£antation of Palestine (Sykes-Picot, 1916) with A$hKKK€Nazi tribal-sectarian coolaboration from Rot$chi£d (Ba£four, 1917) to revive the Sanhedrin temple U$ury racKKKeteering that took down a rebel rabbi a couple of millennia back, before deifying him into their KKKristian war-cult whose actual god is the Roman Mars, deity of warmongering and the eponymous Mar-ket??


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The best way is to remember with any upcoming election in every European country to vote for a party that radically and outspokenly will/want to change this charade.

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Hi Jonathan - I just wondered if you were aware of this - Amazing interview here – Max Igan talking to Matt Guertin who has looked at all the videos from the ‘Hamas’ attack on 7th October and shows indisputably that they are all AI generated including all the people allegedly at the music festival who were interviewed afterwards.


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That Britain has fallen so far. I disown my ancestral homeland.

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"Rule, Britannia!, waives the rules."

(to suit its own ends)

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Why is it particularly shocking that Britain is violating people's right to speak and to protest?

Switzerland too. What is Switzerland's reason for supporting genocide?

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Well done Jonathan! Great read, great questions, and of course, thanks for thinking!

Time to hold these bastards accountable, but we need direction in how to do this.

I'm from SA, and fortunately we have a little more (not much) free speech there, and we can "evade the law" more easily (LOL) but it's time we begin to act in unison to stop this nonsense.

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Well done…that there were more like you…

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Excellent article and spot on questions!

I have to say…although I am not naive about the corruption of our successive governments and politicians, it is the total corruption of our msm over the last 30 or 40 years that stuns me!

I worked as a photojournalist for 40 years, much of those earlier days in London so I had many friends and co-workers who worked in ‘Fleet Street’ and the BBC and most of them were independent and fair minded people…but what I see today is a world and a lifetime away from those days!

I have asked myself: “How and when did it change?” The answer isn’t hard when you understand where today’s journalists and editors come from. In my day journalism and photojournalism was almost a trade, and because it was a trade many of us came from working class (and from council estates!) background! Look at these same jobs today! Just about all of these journalists come from totally different social backgrounds and wealth. They have gone to grammar school and universities, and many of them have even been inveigled into the US political system with scholarships in the US funded by the US State Department and US think tanks promoting US interests! Newspapers like The Guardian, once at least considered a bastion of anti-war thinking, even though the reality was probably more nuanced has gone down the neoliberal sewer. Look at that paper and the BBC today. Totally immersed into the Establishment narrative with an agenda to remake the world fit for the wealthy and powerful and damn anyone who doesn’t swim with the sharks.

The media were the only institution that could expose the corruption of our society by selfish greed and power, but they are now part of that same system!

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Britain has become lawless!? Hasn’t it always “waived the rules”?

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It's always ruled the waves.

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I am disgusted at the stance Starmer has taken re inviting this indivi9dual and his entourage to the UK. There is nothing other than collaboration about this invite and as such is shameful. To have media silence is also shameful and we need for this and other visits from regimes that are not complying with International Law to be shown and discussed. There hopefully will be questions in the House regarding this but no doubt we will be told its classified information. As it is Israel broke the ceasefire in Gaza and still is in Lebanon, we do not need them to come waltzing into the UK immune to arrests.

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This is blatant and outrageous also arrogant of Starmer to think there will be no backlash. He’s taking us for fools. I detest this man so much. He’s a traitor to the workers of this country and to Labour values. They all make me pewk because he’s opened the door to Farage and Reform.

No one will vote Labour next election. No one.

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Well said. A sorry commentary on the state of British MSM.

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