At least some real journalism and reporting is happening here in this article. Thank you for this excellent piece.

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Wow what a fine article thank you for you deep investigation and insight to this very important matter you are emblematic of what good journalism should be

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"The 180-year-old Jewish Chronicle, or JC as it is now known, lost four of its big-name columnists on Sunday, after it was revealed that the paper had published a story based on a forged document concerning Israel’s war on Gaza. Jonathan Freedland, David Aaronovitch, Hadley Freeman and David Baddiel swiftly quit the paper. "

Aren't some or all of these individuals also writer for The Guardian?

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Great exposé as always. I don’t think the 4 that resigned have done so for any reason other than to save their future careers. They know the JC is finished. They had no qualms in the past re lying so unlikely they’ve developed any now. They know the tide is turning but will still peddle propaganda as they know Israel is finished without it. What they have failed to grasp is that Israel is finished full stop .

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I agree. But perhaps the good news is that something is starting to shift, like more and more rocks piled on top of crumbling foundations, that wall will fall!

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The only footage I seen was in a vegetable market? One guy was buying some tomatoes and blue up killing and injuring shoppers around him. How is that this guy was hiding behind civilians?

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3 hrs agoLiked by Jonathan Cook

Great insight, well said, many thanks

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Rats, sinking ship etc. I hope it sinks beneath the waves, as a corrupt newspaper that lies to and misleads its readers should.

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

Pimpeo and the 70m Southern baptists awaiting the return of Jesus know all about this. Before their fabled Kingdom of Heaven on earth can arise, the Rev 3:9 synagogue of satan mentioned below has to be wiped out by a returned JC.

John 8:44 KJV

"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."

The 7m in israel are clearly culpable, but on a more esoteric note Yahweh has needed to have snared the 7m diaspora, the mahers and rileys, as complicits and theyr now done for too. After Gaza Pompeos prayers may be answered sooner than we think, for the freedlands to distance themselves now it's too late, only the finkelsteins and blumenthals will be spared per the gharqad prophecy.

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I don't trust journalists who are long time associates of corrupt news outlets. How can we make The Guardian and the BBC understand how concerned we are that these people are still employed? What steps have been taken to make sure they are now able to report accurately and objectively? Have they undergone any professional rehabilitation?

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Thanks for an excellent post, Jonathan.

I wonder about the media environment in the rest of the western world.

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As a long time subscriber to The Economist in Canada, I witnessed the antisemitic smear campaign against Corbyn. That and lack of criticism of Israel led to me canceling my subscription.

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As I was reading this article, I wondered about the media environment in Canada and the rest of the western world. Thanks for mentioning The Economist, Bob.

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Guardian used to be good..now it's just propaganda same as La Monde in France.

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You only have to look@ the National Post.

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What to say, I guess I understand why they used to kill people in possession of the infamous “protocols of the elder of zion-azi, or was it zio nazi?

The book tells it all.

To be noted also is the official slogan of the isranazi non intelligence terrorists “by ways of deceit thou should make war”.

The place once known as the promised land, is now turned into the Genocide land.

New words and definitions such as isranazi, “israeli zionists”, israeld “Genocide broadcasted live, israelized, “stollen territories”, isracide, “massacre of the innocent”

And israel in itself, which in effect now means Apartheid, discrimination and hate.

Times are changing, what was once concealed is now in plan site for everyone to see.

In this time of revelations, there is No more darkness to hide for those who from darkness have grown and profit.

Thanks for sharing Jonathan.

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As much as you can see the atrocities clear, most of the West is occupied by Geou-wish media, and spewing lies for the retards to believe or else.

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Mainstream is dead, all they can do is try to whitewash crimes and proclaim the efficiency of their “supposed” manufactured consent which in reality is every but consented or shared by the masses.

After the last “safe and effective” stunt, and the millions of dead and damaged people which are now depending on drugs to stay alive, even the dormants are awaking to realize they are not just constantly been lied to, but literally killed by monsters which endorse eugenics and terrorism.

Beside the unfolding Holocaust in Palestine where everyday more blatant warcrimes are being committed, more Warcrimes like the targeting of embassies, or strikes on cities and on densely populated areas by drone condoned by United Nation security council members , and now this massive terror attack against an entire country, also justified by or dismissed by the same ones, are the evidence that the goal of the conspirators in power is the one destroying the rules of war.

Rest assured, even if the bombs are exploding far away from us for now, this is a war on the all of humanity.

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Revelations of this nature only serve to strengthen stereotypes and perpetuate antisemitic conspiracy theories.

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Don't tell so many lies, then. Don't let those who claim to speak for you tell so many lies in your name, then.

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Since u r not of/for the truth u must be of the devil, a Hutton?

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Are you really saying Israel should be allowed to continue a genocide of Palestinian children unmonitored, unremarked, so your sensitivities about antisemitism aren't triggered? You do understand that the world doesn't revolve around you, and that prioritising historical crimes over current ones is itself a crime.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Jonathan Cook

Fantastic journalism as ever. I hope the world will begin to say no to Israel continuing it's warfare.

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