Israel was founded not by victims of the Holocaust but by fanatical Zionist religious extremists who believed that a new Israel was more important than the lives of their Jewish bretheran.

Plus ca’ change.

Kastner collected donations to pay the SS to allow over 1,600 Jews to leave Budapest for Switzerland on what became known as the Kastner train. In Vrba's view, Kastner suppressed his report on Auschwitz in order not to alienate the SS. Vrba later said that he had been unable to continue living in Israel because the same men who had, in his view, betrayed the Jewish community in Hungary were now in positions of power there.

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The mask is coming off the horrendous Zionist agenda. The ongoing massacre in Gaza and open fascism from the likes of Smotrich and Ben-Gvir is out there for the world to see.

To invade Lebanon will be the beginning of the end for Israel as Hezbollah have been planning and preparing for this since 2006, are well dug and their massive array of missiles are buried underground.

They have a fearless army not afraid to die for the cause.

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True. I know of a Jewish book that exposes the Zionist collusion with the Nazis

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Thank you Jonathan. This must be shared far and wide. Not enough people know about how the early Zionists turned a blind eye, remained silent and even attempted to collaborate with Nazis, and then appropriated the Holocaust to silence criticism of Israeli crimes against humanity.

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Every time I read a Jonathan Freedland article I have to check that I’m not reading the Telegraph.

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Very often I see a comment on the internet that seems utterly disgracefull, motivated by savage, splenetic hatred and is, above all, very, very wrong.

However this piece tops them all.

I am a Jew. And, by they way, I do not own real estate, am not flush with money, and have never dined with the super rich and powerful

The Zionists and those Jews fighting the Holocaust were ALLIED. We had too many enemies to engage in the Muslim habit of killing our fellow Musllims. Do you remember the Iran-Iraq war.

Oh but why am I wasting my time on fools likes you.

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It’s hard to believe this story will unravel. It hasn’t in more than a hundred years. What a shocking exposure for me but I have no trouble understanding its truth but a worldwide collusion to hide

the truth is

A true and deep conspiracy so foul I t I’ve only begun to be see that the ramifications are current and strong! It may take another Noah’s Ark and a cleansing holocaust by Nature itself in a thousand or a milenium to start human Life anew.

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This story explains a lot. It’s difficult to imagine this true st

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Great line. Great insight: When ideology becomes more important than human life, people – even those you see as your own – become expendable.

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and let's please remember that Ken Livingstone was vilified in the press and punished by the Labour Party for stating the blunt fact that the Nazis connived in the early Zionist movement. And don't forget the stoking of anti-semitism in Iraq, (and in North African countries), complete with terrorist bombings organised by Mossad, in order to scare and persuade Jewish people to leave for Israel - where they arrived with no money, possessions or housing and were treated as second class citizens, (still the case if you read the history of so called "Arab Jews" and "Mizrah Jews"), brought there to bulk up the numbers, as orchestrated by their Ashkenazi brethren.

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I'm interested in this article on many levels. Seeing Freeland in the cross hairs definitely got a wry smile out of me. I stopped reading the Guardian at the start of the Ukraine SMO - the lies were and remain so blatant I just couldn't do MSM any more! But until then, Freedland was already a pet hate. To learn of this new book of his and it's contents, thanks to your article, I am not in the slightest surprised by what you have to say. Freedland it's one of those people that have made 'journalism' a dirty word!

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Very informative!

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The Zionist reach is incredible. I posted this post info on TikTok but the post got blocked as was reported as “community guidelines violation” under “misinformation”

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I guess with the recent ICJ ruling and the global condemnation of Israel, the BRICS and the coming flight from the dollar, the Collective West is pulling out all the stops to preserve its hold on its Middle East Beach head any way it can, no matter how brutal and murderous it's sidekick is. Sad state of propaganda, but only in the msm. Luckily young people don't read such nonsense. Free Palestine!

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Thank you for this article. I honestly had no idea it has gone on for this long and is so much worse than I thought. I deeply appreciate your good work. One voice at a time... one mind at a time just maybe we can restore some level of decency to this atrocity.

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Finally, I am able to read the entire article on Substack.

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