Jonathan Freedland is still at it. I just read his latest column, dated April 27, 2024, in which he puts words into the mouths of American student protesters in an effort to discredit the growing movement on campuses that is calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and justice for Palestinians. A poisonous pen writes with ill intent.

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"2 fated, traumatised people"

Really? As far as I can tell: the only traumatized people are the Palestinians. The Jews have been living a life of luxury in blissful ignorance of the suffering of the Palestinians.

Yes, 1 democratic state with equal rights for all citizens seems to be the only solution, even though in "Afterword: Two-state dreamers" in your book "Disappearing Palestine" you stated on p.262:

> As long as Israel is a zionist state, its leaders will allow neither one state nor two real states. There can be no hope of a solution until the question of how to defeat zionism is addressed.

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I appreciate your well-informed viewpoint on Israel / Palestine issues and would like to hear your views, and evidence, on the inevitable "conspiracy theory" that will emerge: 10/7Truth. Just as 9/11Truthers believe that the World Trade Center and related attacks were part of a conspiracy by American government actors to create, encourage, or allow those events for purposes of enabling greater American intervention in the Mideast, so it will be alleged - with or without evidence - that the same is true of Israeli military and intelligence, i.e. that they had at least advance knowledge of, if not involvement in, the attacks and chose to allow them to go forward in order to accelerate the killing or removal of Palestinians, the "Shoah" you have referred to. If, as you say, IDF was willing to sacrifice Israeli captives of Hamas within Israel to prevent them from becoming bargaining chips as hostages, why not countenance a greater sacrifice so long as deniability was preserved? Please understand that I have no particular knowledge or evidence here, and am not claiming this is true, but speculating about what I see as an inevitable position, given that it would serve certain interests, whether political or remunerative. Finally, I must congratulate you on being perhaps the ONLY Brit (or Canadian) who does not mispronounce the word "often".

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appreciative regards, karim, for your approbatory designation

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May i ask a question please, Jonathan Cook - or anyone else who may have an answer. It is one i am frequently asked by Israeli apologists and i am baffled as to how to answer honestly. 'Does Israel have the right to exist?' I am not suggesting that they do not - but it is a rhyzomatically incendiary question in the context of why Palestine has not been afforded that same right.

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Are you ,JC, suggesting that were Hamas to continue governing Gaza and take over the West Bank from the PA, that Jews and Palestinians could live together peacefully in one state? Would it be a democratic state? If so, what's the bases for such thinking? If this is not what you are suggesting, what are you suggesting should occur, what kind of a state would be created with Jews and Palestinians living in it (or perhaps there would be no Jews)?

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parlous appreciation for your 'ben trovato' approbatory consideration, robert lindsey. any plaudits should be aimed at the inestimable jonathan cook.

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thank you, sir stiver. my unalloyed pleasure to have you zeroing in on on the same raster scan and taking the time to absorb and address the comments here.

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appreciative regards for your approbatory responses, robert stiver.

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tnx for your edifying elucubrations, robert. according to prof walid khalidi's 1984 publication by the harvard univ. press, arabs owned, cultivated, or were in stewardship of 96% of the brits' palestinian territory in 1947/'48, when the european jews arrived on that turf. the ottomans' defeat in 1917 by the brits at the battle of megiddo terminated ottoman suzerainty over palestine.

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The Groan is essentially the North London Jewish/Zionist Chronicle nowadays... Has been for a while since it was spooked after the Assange story and Gates bought in... Viner continues the rot.

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Excellent, Mr. Cook...pure observational and journalistic excellence. Thank you for being you.

Curiously (or not?), we in Zionist-Occupied America have our own Freedland, and the names have an ominous similarity: the NYTimes' Thomas Friedman. Freedland and Friedman evoke to me an image of "identical evil twins" on the ZioMSM scene on opposite sides of the Atlantic. Each, "all the way, at the end of every day for decades encompassing at least 70 genocide-abuilding years," is a Zionist *colonial* snake in the grass...er, in the poisoned/toxic Gazan (and West Bank) soil.

Viva Palestine! Resist *colonial* Zionism, all the way until justice, dignity, accountability et al have been realized!

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I am arguing that, to stop the bombing, we need an urgent debate about Hamas. I believe that there is a direct parallel with Northern Ireland, where the UK Government never stopped working with Sinn Fein, even whilst their military wing, the IRA, were bombing Britain.

I have set up an open letter to the UK Home Secretary. Please sign and share https://www.gopetition.com/petitions/call-for-removal-of-hamas-political-wing-from-the-uks-proscribed-list-of-terrorist-bodies.html

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my unalloyed gratitude for your conciliatory approbation, donna R.

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Freedland is just one reason I gave up reading the Guardian.Him and the way Julian Assange was treated.

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