A few hours after October 7 Ron Unz wrote that the piles of vehicles already on display had been wrecked by explosives and therefore not by Hamas who only had light machine guns

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If you chose to hang out with powerful Jews - as Starmer does in north London with his regular visits to the local synagogue - you will adopt a pro-Israel world view. It’s true that technically anyone can take up Judaism - he wasn’t born or raised a Jew - but why has he done this? And why now of all times?

One thing is clear though: just as Israel and its shills throughout the West have repeatedly misrepresented their brutal, ongoing oppression of the Palestinians through their lies so now has Starmer as Jonathan comprehensively points out in his piece.

Is this a quality we want in our national leader?

Furthermore do we want as our leader someone who has clearly allowed himself to be completely indoctrinated by representatives of foreign interests such as those of Israel? It effectively amounts to a betrayal of his country.

I have never felt so disconnected from my political leaders as I do now.

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Many thanks for all your work.

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Love you man !

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Thank you for this latest piece, Jonathan. It makes me even more ashamed to be British because it is a very hard truth. Great Britain must acept its share of responsibility for all of this. I think our politicians should stop speaking their untruths and let others who have not caused this and then continued to contribute to it as the death and destruction escalated, help the Palestinians and Israelis find peace. We have 107 years of causing trouble on our shoulders.

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I knew nothing of the massacre of Jews in Argentina under the US & UK backed military junta in the '70s. 'Memory-holed' most effectively.

On Thursday just gone, two journalists were grabbed by security officers for daring to interrupt the Israeli-asset US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken as he lied to 'the world's press' about the ceasefire:

'...Trita Parsi, the executive vice president of the non-interventionist "action tank" the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, remarked that "physically dragging out a reporter from the State Department briefing room while preaching press freedom to the rest of the world is the perfect example of the Biden administration's love affair with double standards and duplicity"...'

(Common Dreams, 16/1/25, commondreams.com)

DeclassifiedUK (declassifieduk.org) has, now, a new report on the BBC 'memory-hole' practice & policy.

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You might want to add this to your fine piece:

FROM: TERRIFYING Truth On Why Palestine Is Laboratory For Humanity's Future - w/. Antony Loewenstein


Owen Jones: “Actually, Argentina just quite a striking example, in that had a far right junta, and actually, it's quite interesting, because there are, you'll see, Israelis with Argentine names and obviously they fled that period. But, it's not like Israel was taking a stand against Argentine just people are what the junta did is round up, obviously, leftists, but they disproportionately rounded up Jews, and they killed and tortured huge numbers of Jews. And there's, huge amounts of evidence of those soldiers and doing Nazi salutes and praising Hitler, and all the rest of it, and some would say that was, itself, the biggest massacre of Jews, since the Holocaust, in terms of the number of, over a period, were killed. And, Israel would say we're this bastion to protect Jews, wherever they are, around the world--you need this, we need the state to protect Jews, wherever they are, but they were arming Argentina. Didn't they? They armed, they provided weapons, to Argentina, including, not amusingly, but when Britain, for example, was at war with Argentina, over the Mulvinas, let’s call them that—tell us about that.

Antony Loewenstein: “One thing that should be said about Argentina was, when Israel was partnering with them, decades ago, Argentina was known to be sheltering literal Nazi war criminals. It's not like it was a secret. Not that Argentina was promoting it to the world, but Israel knew this. Like, literal Nazis, who had fled Europe after World War II, fled Germany and were being given protection, and that was no impediment to Israel selling weapons, giving training, knowing that Jews were being rounded up. Some were being killed, some were being tortured. Often, there's testimony from Argentinian prisons, at the time, of posters of Nazis-- just the most gross behavior, imaginable. It was no impediment to that.”

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What do you expect when a leading Zionist behind the genocide writes the Press release for the next phase of the Plan Dalet Final Solution. Sir Kier has done a splendid job for his Zionist loyalty. I give him an A for effort. Couldn't have done better.

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I dream of, and long for, the day when Starmer and his ilk are lined up against the wall of some fortres and shot. They do not deserve their day in court for the simple reason that tens of thousands died because THEY did nothing to prevent it.

The day (or night) of pitch forks, sickles and long knives is coming.

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I've just come across a new "word" which applies perfectly to Starmer..... "Twunt"

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One positive action Starmer could take would be to provide funds towards the rebuilding of Gaza, instead of giving Zelensky more of our money to continue with the bloodshed in Ukraine.

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Go Jonathon. Keep wading through that sewer, that greasy chunk-ridden, oily cesspool of political waste. I’d rather skull a cold bag of hospital patients suctionings than believe a politicians garbage. At least I could get to the bottom of that.

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"....Further, the “conflict” wasn’t “triggered” by Hamas’ attack of October 7, as Starmer claims. The “conflict” has been going on for more than three-quarters of a century, triggered by Israel’s continuous efforts to ethnically cleanse Palestinians from their homeland, with western backing, in an explicitly colonial project. Israel wants us to believe the “conflict” clock started ticking on October 7. Only the ignorant, and contemptible politicians like Starmer, repeat that lie...."


1) This type of narrative is bog standard spin used colonialists for the past 500 years in their murderous exploits. And so many a British Pm has told that particular lie

2) And as these type of lies are taught in western history books, the narrative is normalised and believable for many people who have simply been conditioned from birth to accept this kind of lie from the mouth of their leaders

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This is a brilliantly researched and written article. Shame you're so anti-west that you can't see the Russian actions in Ukraine in the same light. Bias is a double-edged sword.

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Jonathon Cook is an outstanding journalist whose dissections of the falsehoods and evasions of the British media are like light and sanity in a dingy vicious world.

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