Thanks very much Jonathan for painting the chilling story behind the photo and the last day of the northern Gaza hospital with the magnificent ,courageous Doctor Safiya as he walked towards Israel's guns and tanks. Its monstrous that Israel holds him and others in prisons for being doctors! - Kay

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good and necessary article, but if may make a suggestion and ask your narrator to try and pronounce the names in their original language, instead of the imperial english ?

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I can try -:) If you've specific advice I'll look into each example.

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in this article it's just the name of dr Hussam Abu Saffiyah, which is pronounced Hussam Abu Saffeeyah, instead of Saff-aye-yah

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Thank you!

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It is a dangerous generalisation that points the finger of blame for the genocide in Gaza @ 'The West'. The people who live in western countries are not responsible for the actions of their gov'ts nor the ideologies of powerful oligarchs who control MSM. This is the logic of 'the Headchoppers' Al Quaeda/Wahabi who bring terror to the streets of western countries.

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We absolutely are complicit. If our so-called "democracies" aren't functioning as such, it's our fault too.

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Yes, because we don't all hold the common assumptions about property and money that underpin the Western system of global exploitation, except a few anarcho-hippies off course.

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Or it's just a long-established journalistic convention to refer to the actions of each nation-state by the country's name.

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A dangerous journalistic convention!

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Outstanding analysis as usual.

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