The way a lucky man pases for a wise man [Trump,etc], we lucky Americans who are surrounded by dear friends to our North and South, two monster oceans to our east and west [great protection], enough natural resources to choke a horse, think we are smart. We are far from smart, only a nation of idiots would not have the brains to fund our elections by ''We the People'' [all 333, million of us] instead of motivated warmongers [AIPAC, etc.] we allow smart billionaires and the corporate rich to fund our elections, knowing full well that the men and women we send to DC will go to work for thier benefactors, instead of us saps who voted them into office. End result: bad wars and bad trade deals, under funding the I.R.S. so they can rob the eyes out of ''Uncle Sam's'' head with impunity. And how stupid is charging our kids, our future leaders, a fee to get an education?

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While Joe Biden is clearly a PUPPET, doing what he surely believes is being "President" and his keepers are howling with laughter at US, the People, who they think are IDIOTS. I think that may be somewhat true, for those who have lost the feeling that ANYTHING they do will make ANY difference whatsoever; but I do think that mostly, people have simple stopped paying that much attention because they feel NOTHING they DO will make difference, even as they are aware, even sort of aware, that it's all a dog and pony show, and that change is going to mean, most likely, insurrection. Are we really beaten down into depressed submission? Or are we simply disconnected from each other by a lack of ACTUAL COMMUNITY?

I think ALL the things that are going on of late are PLANNED, but what cannot be planned is the amazing resourcefulness, and determination, of human beings fired up for PUTTING THE BULLY IN HIS PLACE... on the ground.

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The Genocide in Gaza is the most shocking and stomach turning manifestation of the rotten system you so eloquently describe. The cause of Palestine has finally garnered such wide support because of peoples’ revulsion of the atrocities and the hypocrisy of the western governments and system that justify it and allow its continuation. Palestine and Gaza are now emblematic of the failed political order which endangers us all. Time for radical change. In the US I believe it starts with voting for the Green Party. We need credible third parties. Of course they won’t win in this election. It is an investment in the future and I. The potential for change in future election cycles.

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The two parties have a stranglehold on who gets to run the show, and they make sure it stays that way. Ralph Nader ran 4 times and never got more than 2% of the vote. He was against the Iraq fiasco, against all the bad trade deals, numerous accomplishments to save lives, etc. What might have been? I would vote for him again, even at 90 years of age. We have met the enemy, and he is us.

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I believe we are at a new juncture. The status quo was fine and tenable for most people on the various occasions when Ralph Nader ran. Big segments of the population now feel the American Social Contract, that every new generation will do better than its parents’ generation, is broken and no longer realistic. The sense of malaise and declining hope are widespread and people understand full well that both parties have led us here.

There is now a significant opportunity for a third party to emerge. The Bernie movement presaged this, even though he ran as a Democrat. The Green Party and Jill Stein are the new agent of change. My understanding is that if they garner 5% of the vote they will automatically get on the ballot in the future election. With a little momentum things can build. It is time to prime this pump and work for change. The current duopoly is taking us down a very dangerous path.

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Appropriate litany. Media charges of antisemitism replace addressing the racism against segregated communities in disinvested cities as Biden increases arms and funding for the police despite them killing six times more people than mass shootings.

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