Three journalists stood up and quit the Jewish Chronicle in London rather than act as stenographers for the Israeli propagandists.

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Western corporate news outlets are either complicit in or support Israel’s campaign of inflicting mass suffering and slaughter in Gaza. Too many have lost too much of their journalistic/editorial independence, ethics and even humanity.

Journalists and editors with genuine integrity would tender their resignations and publicly proclaim they can no longer help propagate their employer’s corrupt media product (be it from the Right or Left). It’s their ethical/moral duty to publicly call-out the self-compromised mainstream news-media for which they work(ed).

By doing so, such brave journalists/editors can at least then proclaim they will no longer complacently or complicitly assist in the corrupted news-media product’s creation and/or dissemination.

I hear of too many cases of employees not standing up in such situations to do what is necessary for the public or human good, instead excusing themselves with something like: ‘I needed to keep this job; I have a family to support’. I’m afraid that — unless, of course, they were actually forced into coupling, copulating and procreating however many years before — such familial obligation status does not actually ethically or morally justify their complacency/complicity.

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Thanks for your work.

Have you been, by chance coming upon Palestinian statements about "October 7th"?

I have been browsing 30+ articles on a specialized website, but found none. Nothing.

Given the following 2002 article:

"The Palestinian Authority arrested a group of collaborators who confessed they were working for Israel, posing as al-Qaeda operatives in the Palestinian territories ,” said the official, on condition of anonymity. He said the alleged collaborators sought to “discredit the Palestinian people, justify every Israeli crime and provide [Israel with] reasons to carry out a new [military] aggression in the Gaza Strip.”

Palestinians know about the process. I would of course be expecting some harsh two cents, then, but look, I am not even able to find anything mentioning it.

One problem with that "Hamas attack" is that it "says" that the following (which is the real outcome) was triggered by Palestinians ("Hey let's take some Israelis hostages") :

° https://www.sott.net/article/494684-70-of-Palestinians-killed-by-Israel-are-women-and-children-Gaza-government-data-reveals

° https://www.sott.net/article/495658-US-authorizes-CIA-mercenaries-to-run-biometric-concentration-camps-in-Gaza-Strip

° «Israel offers boat trips to Israelis to watch the destruction of the Gaza Strip»

° “Israeli firm 'cashing in on genocide' by pitching beachfront real estate in leveled Gaza”


And then, Palestinian voices are missing a chunk; they feature:

"And I lost X family members"

- instead of -

"And I lost X family members after that Hamas attack"

"And I lost X family members because of that Hamas attack"


And given the 2002 article, we may reasonably expect the following:

"Oh.. YEah...Hamas.. You know guys... Hamas is NOT us"

Let's count on it, there is nothing! Not even any single mention of the 7th attack, in positive or negative terms.

Any explanation? After having been browsing 50+ articles on the topic, I guess that one voice for Palestinians expressing WHATEVER on the topic of October 7 is a basic. No-thing. This going against the odds matches a reality problem.

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And not just the use of the terrorism act but the infiltration by Jewish Labour movement of the UK office of DPP and therefore CPS as Asa Winstanley has mentioned.

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I don’t know why good people, who oppose genocide, waste their breath on people who believe killing children is normal. Let them broil in their own horrid selves. Their angry, and often abusive voices, are just the sounds of souls dying. Perhaps you are trying to purge yourselves of the sickness that their voices bring to us. I know I want to also, but boy if I started I wouldn’t be able to stop. Still, good on you all for trying to reason with the insane. Israel is not only murdering children, women and old people, they are killing hope for anyone with a heart. Strange how in the holy lands, the King of Liars actually walks.

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Even after thousands of years, still our most powerful western world’s political class cannot organize, manage, and operate how best our species can but must function sustainably.

The HARDCOLD Fact is, “they” have never cared to.

In their upper-most-class secret cults, they boast (in most sincere tones and language) of the magical-optimism rectitude of their oft' centuries old conclusions about the peasants' fate - deletion - and for their bratocrattic group thinking are mentally incapable of seeing, let alone admitting, that their arrogant hubris and determination of the fate of some large majority of people and other animals not in their class, club or cult, is sheer brain-fail.

Brains so, in truth, and for millennia at this point, intellectually-incapacited so low as to not being able to properly, that-is impartially, think.

Where the whole gammit of "unhealthy" lifestyles, for body and mind, from early youth, harm essential brain parts' development into adulthood, yet never maturing.

Where whole lives are lived functioning if not only at least mainly via the "fight or flight" reactionary amygdala - never with the fully-functioning sections of the physical brain, such as the prefrontal cortex etc.

(But what would this 4th form Public tech school dropout know....?)



01:30, 241103.

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Shame on you. Accusing Jews of genocide is not only offensively antisemitic but profoundly ignorant. Israel is attacking Hamas, a designated terror organisation, not Palestinians. Along with other Iranian-backed medieval barbarians Hamas openly and frequently declares its aim of destroying the state of Israel, which you may not have noticed, covers the land "from the river to the sea" and killing all Jews. On 7 October Hamas militants and ordinary Gazan civilians enthusiastically rushed in to kill entire Jewish families, tied kibbutzniks up before setting fire to them, raped and mutilated women before parading their bodies through Gaza to be spat on. You think Israel should allow them to do that again? That it should take protect the Gazans that Hamas hides behind, welcoming their deaths as the best propaganda to be swallowed by the deluded, than rather than their own citizens? You might want to check the truth behind Palestinian complaints of 'apartheid', 'colonial oppression', the 'nakba', and the existence of a Palestinian nation that is said in fashionable circles to have been stolen by Jews. You clearly need some education.

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I respect foreign correspondents and also admire those covering active war zones; however, I still feel that too much of Western ‘journalism’ is motivated more by a paycheck and publication rather than a genuine strive to challenge the big and bad powers that be: To truly comfort the afflicted while afflicting the comfortable in an increasingly unjust global existence.

It's increasingly a-buck-and-a-byline ‘journalism’ out there, and integrity has gone out the window.

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You’re reading all the wrong sources.

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Hasbara on steroids!

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No steroids needed. The truth and nothing but. It’s all on video (recorded by the proudJew killers) and in survivors’ testimony. Ask someone to read it for you, moron.

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Nicole Segre is a Lieutenant Colonel in the Israeli Propaganda Bureau. That’s a lie, Segre’s rank as well as the Bureau name. But what the hell, so is Nicole’s entire turbo-Goebelian ”comment”, which is word-for-word official Israeli bullshit. I’m particularly fascinated by the standard ”tied kibbutzniks up before setting fire to them, raped and mutilated women”. Yeh right! Anyone with two or more brain cells can realise that during the daring in-and-out raid the Palestinian freedom fighters wouldn’t have had time for such antics even if they wanted to. What soldier takes the time to rape in the middle of an every-second-counts battle?

How do you know when a Israeli Zionist is lying? They move their lips.

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Palestinians are considered disposable. Generally, Israel and Westerners, including our legacy news-media, have been getting accustomed to so many Palestinian deaths over many decades of violent struggle with Israel.

For decades they have been perceived thus treated as not being of equal value to those within Israel. This may help explain the relative poverty, with Palestinian children picking through the mountains of Israeli waste basically dumped on territory annexed or on the way to being annexed. Ergo, their great suffering and deaths are somehow less worthy of our actionable concern.

The mainstream news-media I consume daily, even the otherwise progressive outlets, have mostly replaced daily Gazan deaths and suffering with relatively trivial domestic news, especially as leading stories.

Without doubt, growing Western indifference towards the mass starvation and slaughter of helpless Palestinian civilians will only further inflame long-held Middle Eastern anger towards us. Some countries’ actual provision, mostly by the U.S., of highly effective weapons used in Israel’s onslaught will likely turn that anger into lasting hatred that's always seeking eye-for-an-eye redress.

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Thank you, Jonathan. Brilliant, as always. Unbelievably, descendants of the principal victims of Nazism are now practising the same dark arts – of faking news, falsifying the truth, promoting cruel propaganda, and silencing those brave enough to speak out – that were so cleverly, maliciously and horrifically perfected against their own forebears by the late Joseph Goebbels and his ilk.

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Thank you for speaking truth with courage.

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Indeed, the Bibi $ee Wor£d $€rvice 5 am bulletin mentioned the UN humanitarian agencies describing northern Gaza conditions as 'Apocalyptic', before moving swiftly on to dabble in consideration of the major trivia of the planet...

Google gives me "Apocalyptic means relating to the total destruction of something, especially of the world. 2. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] Apocalyptic means relating to or involving predictions about future disasters and the destruction of the world.

Never mind....Nasa are sending coded voting cards to there space-station astronauts so they can partake in the Hob$on's choice of Punch Trump, this years Halloween pumpKKKinhead, or Judy Harris in the greatest disinfotainment distraction money can buy.

Thanks Jonathan...your efforts are appreciated, and if we outride the current tai£$pin of rancid mercenary b€$tia£ity on display for such brave witnesses as the Al Jazeera casualties and yourself your accounts will hopefully hang a few culprits lurking behind their desk jobs of the U$ua£ 'banality of evil'.

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This double episode reminds of the need to Connect more than the dots -- the huge numbers of precious irreplaceable innocent lives gone forever & ever.

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Thank you. I. These times I have to subscribe to thought leaders willing to speak the truth about Israel's genocide backed up by the United States government and media.

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I will have to read, the video uis frozen- wont open on my iPhone.

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