Jul 22Liked by Jonathan Cook

Dear Sir

Thank-You for your excellent articles that you keep posting

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Living, breathing and greatly suffering people on this atrocity-prone planet are [consciously or subconsciously] perceived as not being of equal value or worth, when morally they all definitely should be. The maltreatment suffered by Palestinian people over many decades is evidence of this prevailing moral flaw.

Meanwhile, with each news report of the daily death toll from unrelenting bombardment, I feel a slightly greater desensitization and resignation. I’ve noticed this disturbing effect with basically all major protracted conflicts internationally, including present Ukraine, ever since I began regularly consuming news products in 1987.

Human beings can actually be seen and treated as though they are disposable and, by extension, their suffering and death are somehow less worthy of external concern, sometimes even by otherwise democratic and relatively civilized nations.

In other words, the worth of such life will be measured by its overabundance and/or the protracted conditions under which it suffers; and those people can eventually receive meagre column inches on the back page of the First World’s daily news. … It’s an immoral consideration of ‘quality of life’.

Perhaps somewhat relevant to this are the words of the long-deceased [1984] American sociologist Stanley Milgram, of Obedience Experiments fame/infamy: “It may be that we are puppets — puppets controlled by the strings of society. But at least we are puppets with perception, with awareness. And perhaps our awareness is the first step to our liberation.”

In the meantime, people should avoid believing, let alone claiming, that they are not capable of committing an atrocity, even if relentlessly pushed. Contrary to what is claimed or felt by many of us, deep down there’s a potential monster in each of us that, under the just-right circumstances, can be unleashed — and maybe even more so when convinced that ‘God’ or the ‘True Faith’ is on our side.

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Jul 20Liked by Jonathan Cook

Thank you for continuing to write, Johnathon. I have no words, just horror. Shared on fb.

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Keep it up Good Friend !

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I just subscribed with a monthly payment !

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Many thanks, Sit. Very much appreciate your support for my journalism.

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My pleasure !

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I can't recall whether it was amy goodman, ''democrocy now'', or alison weir's, ''if americans knew''.. israel hit a new low on 7/17, when israeli combat soldiers unleashed a military dog on 24 yr. old muhammed bhar, a non verbal palestinian with not only down syndrome, but also autism.. his mother shouted, ''he's disabled, disabled.. have mercy on him.. the dog attacked him, biting his chest and then his hand..muhammed didn't speak, only muttering ''no, no, no''.. ''i wanted to get him but i couldn't..no-one could get him, and he was patting the dog's head saying, ''enough my dear, enough''.. it was the only words his mother ever heard him say..in the end, he relaxed his hand, and the dog started tearing at him while he was bleeding.. the soldiers took the terrified muhammed into another room away from the dog, to bleed to death.. these are the same people who say they have a right to defend themselves with a straight face.

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it was ''if americans knew'', 7/17. ''israeli-palestinian news''.....alison weir

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Israel “facilitated” transfer of weapons [etcetera] to Hamas, according to former IDF soldier Benzi Sanders. … Why?


Ex-IDF soldier criticizes Israeli government over ‘catastrophic mistake’


Former IDF soldier Benzi Sanders was deployed into Gaza in 2014. He tells CNN's Christiane Amanpour it's a "catastrophic mistake" to believe military power against Hamas will bring safety to Israel.

November 6, 2023 | Video | Amanpour & Company - PBS




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What hold does Israel have over our politicians that they are siding with these monsters?

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Back door in all tech software - they're able to pull the plug/manipulate anything anywhere, anytime. They crow about being the tech superstars all the time - listen to Netanyahu.

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Jul 20Liked by Jonathan Cook

Dear Jonathan,

Thanks for this excellent piece, which gives due expression to the outrage felt by so many people.

With almost every week the Zionist state and its army reach new levels of depravity in their war crimes committed against the Palestinian people.

The State of Israel will remain indelibly marked by the Gaza Genocide. That mark of shame stands out even more clearly in the light of yesterday’s historic ruling by the International Court of Justice. But it also extends to those Western states that continue to be complicit in or enable the genocide.

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Jul 20Liked by Jonathan Cook

It's heartbreaking how traumatised this world is after centuries of colonialism. I work with people all over the world on personal issues usually related to inherited trauma, and there is not one country or region untouched by it. We know it is passed down biologically and psycho-emotionally, and unless it is recognised and dealt with on a spiritual level, with compassion and understanding that leads to peace of mind, the torment just keeps getting handed down.

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