I wish you had a bigger platform to expose the inhumanity and injustice.

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Listen, asshole Cook. Maybe on 9-11 you could give two seconds of thought to the scourge of radical Islam that attacked America and is at the foundation of Hamas. Take a break from your parent love affair with islamic terrorism and antisemitism!

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FOR The Past 57 YEARS

Since 1967, ZioNaziIsrael has Disappeared, Tortured, Murdered and Stolen Organs of approximately ONE MILLION Palestinian Civilians*

1,000,000 / 57 = 17,544 Palestinians per YEAR

17,544 / 12 = 1,462 Palestinians per MONTH

1462 / 30 = 49 Palestinians per DAY

FOR The Past 57 YEARS

Behind enemy bars: Palestinian and Israeli prisoners

December 7, 2023

Since 1967, Israel has detained over 1 million Palestinians* including tens of thousands of children, according to the UN. 

⚠️Cases of torture, sexual abuse, and psychological trauma have been well documented throughout decades of Israel’s occupation of Palestine and detention of its people. ⚠️

Yet, this has not received a fraction of the media attention afforded to the Israelis imprisoned . . . [Oct 7]

* https://www.ohchr.org/en/news/2023/07/special-rapporteur-says-israels-unlawful-carceral-practices-occupied-palestinian



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🙏🏽🔥🙏🏽 THANK YOU 🙏🏽🔥🙏🏽

It is Our Moral, Spiritual, Humanitarian Duty to Posterity, to shout this in the streets until the IllegalZioNazi TerroristState of IsraHell is permanently dissolved, It’s RabidlyRacist GenocidalLeaders Prosecuted, Forever removed the the Human Population, ALL their Foreign & Domestic Assets Returned to Palestine, and the world once again reclaims the THOUSANDS Of YEARS Of MultiCultural and InterFaith PEACE Palestine knew, as FAITHFUL GUARDIANS Of TheHolyLand, until ZioNaziTERRORIST THIEVES descended on them.

🔥🙏🏽 🔥 ONE Palestine Under God with Liberty and Justice For ALL 🔥🙏🏽🔥

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Thank you Johnathon, these torture chambers are U.S./Israeli torture chambers because Israel could not be doing this without U.S. support and cover. The U.S. has it's own torture chambers too. Guantonomo is likely only one that we know of.

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I'm eternally indebted to the work of Jonathan Cook, his energy and commitment is something I'm in awe of .

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I became aware of the Palestinian struggle for liberation in 1969 at the age of 15. I saw the news stories about Leila Khaled and asked my elders about the hijacking.

They were very excoriating of her and gave me the impression that she was a criminal. Nonetheless I was fascinated by her and her dedication to the Palestinian cause. That was 55 years ago and I am still determined that the Palestinian people will be free before I die. I am a citizen of the country that wrote the Balfour Declaration and my dearest wish is for Palestine to be free,from the river to the sea. I have borne witness to the horrors inflicted on my Palestinian brothers and sisters for decades and despite the physical distance between us the pain in my heart has never diminished. The events of the past 11 months have been some of the greatest of crimes against humanity. The reactions of the British state to our courageous journalists and activists have been utterly outrageous and are evidence of the fact that the influence of Israel on our political class is insidious and malign. The arrests of so many of the independent voices on the most spurious of charges under the Prevention of Terrorism Act for simply doing their jobs and attempting to inform the public about the events in Palestine and in Gaza in particular. Those of us who march, who consistently advocate for the Palestinian cause will be proven to be on the right side of history. I have been vilified for being a so-called antisemite and even threatened by people whom I have never met or am likely to. This is particularly painful as I have no lesser regard for Jewish people than I have for Palestinian people. The problem I have is with fascists and,like Chris Hedges , I don’t fight fascists because I expect to win. I fight them because they are fascists.

Thank you for your excellent work Jonathan.

And for everyone else, keep the faith.

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Thanks, comrade.

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It is not "a violent struggle"...please Jonathan...it is an "armed struggle"


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... we have yet to see an armed infant..

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I can't believe how Jews in Israel can be so heartless to the Palestinians since 1948, after what the Germans did to them in ''Europe''. Its mind boggling. The Palestinians are picking up the tap for what Hitler did. They are the first ones to scream anti-semitism. Meanwhile they themselves are anti everybody.

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Thanks you! I feel like a broken record pointing this out over and over: Hamas stated that the purpose of taking hostages on Oct 7 was to exchange them for the thousands of Palestinians being held and tortured in Israeli prisons.

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