I am heartbroken for the Palestinians & in equal measure I am fuming in anger at our politicians & media! Feeling helpless that I can do nothing except clench my fists in anger is terrible! I’m lost for words to express my utter heartbreak for the people & animals in Gaza, the West Bank & now Lebanon! My language has become disgusting but it’s the only outlet I can use otherwise I’d literally blow a fuse! I have my mind full of images of suffering that I can nothing about! 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵

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From what I have seen over recent times, Israelis are dancing non-stop. They are relishing what is now happening, it fulfils many prophecies for them, even the secular ones. There are people there who are decent and better informed than others, but I think now we can safely assume that the mainstream are not.

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Thank you Jonathan to think about the children of Gaza. A shame that so many world leaders ignore the suffering of Gaza's and Palestine 's children!!!!!!

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