Somebody should make that film to show the world the true Zionist message.

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Long before that (If my memory serves me right) Lenni Brenner, a Marxist historian in his masterpiece "Zionism In The Age of Dictators" has revealed all these facts.

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The biggest threat posed by zionism is the one posed by those still convinced it to be a religious or political ideology.

In reality zionism is neither a religious nor political ideology, but a bloody cult based on extremism, deceit, destruction of human rights and violence, a cult which can not find any other definition, then the one of pure terrorism.

The fact that the eugenists of the wef are the main endorses and sponsors of its crimes against humanity, is yet an other confirmation of the fact we are not dealing with a political movement, but with a dictatorial and terroristic entity which’s aim is domination by ways of terror and deceit.

Furthermore, the fact that the same eugenists which brought us the dystopian nightmare of their false plandemic, are still sitting in the offices of the United Nations and who, and the fact that they are the ones directly responsible for the execution of the Genocide turned Holocaust in Palestine, as it was them who pulled out all their international staff from Gaza in the first place, did not condemn the strikes on hospitals and on their own facilities as the warcrimes which they indisputably are, and which are excusing and whitewashing the warcrimes by them regularly called “alleged”, even though they are more then obvious, and which continues to justify them as supposed “military operations” instead of declaring them as terroristic crimes against humanity, are facts which can no longer find any explanation hider then the one of deliberate complicity of such individuals in the horrors which followed their ill decisions

This facts must serve to awake the world to the sickness of individuals which must be removed from power before anything sane and good can ever happen.

nazism is the child of zionism and as any other form of violent extremism must be criminalized and outlawed.

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Very well stated.😢☮️🇵🇸

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