Palestinian plight vs Māori plight … 2 opposite ends of the government spectrum.
Herewith, the latest display of deceit and deception by the BBC. The British public pay (via their tv licence fees) the quasi government/special interest BBC to lie to them about the truth of the ongoing Israeli ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. As a matter of fact, the Palestinians were forced into an outdoor prison after having their land stolen by the Rothschilds and corrupt British elite criminals via the Balfour Declaration in 1948 .. and today, 77 years later, the Palestinians continue to be mass murdered by the US funded/weaponised Israeli war machine. Shockingly the new U.S. President gloats of how he will develop this prime Mediterranean waterfront real estate, (as does his son in law, Jarod Kushner), after he ‘negotiates’ the relocation of the surviving, maimed Palestinians (‘most of them are dead’ Trump), to neighbouring countries, who apparently don’t want them. Interestingly… at the other end of the spectrum, here in New Zealand, our Prime Minister, politicians, bureaucrats and corrupt and captured media, are supporting & promoting the radical Maori activists’ outright lies around the Treaty of Waitangi. As a matter of fact, Maori ceded sovereignty, (in their best interests), there was never the notion of a ‘partnership’, and, all land sales were legitimate ‘willing buyer/willing seller’ legal transactions, with a few exceptions that have been more than compensated for. Luxon & co, are enthusiastically aiding and abetting, ongoing excessive financial payouts for fraudulent land and seabed claims, and worse, they are facilitating the creation of a 2 tiered, apartheid society, that will essentially be controlled by a small group of untrustworthy Maori elite. Although it is unfair and insensitive to the Palestinians, to compare their dreadful plight, with the fortuitous plight of Maori, the totally inappropriate actions of the various governments does seem bizarrely inverted, doesn’t it? 🤷♂️
Hi Jonathan, You’re writing and communication skills are extraordinary and the message you convey is one that should be heard by all. The lessons you’re conveying should be learned by all.
You might be interested in my “course” which examines the roots of all of these problems and offers up concrete solutions as to how we as a species can overcome them.
The basic message of my course is that we need to re-focus our efforts on happiness or niceness and tamp down nastiness…
Palestinian plight vs Māori plight … 2 opposite ends of the government spectrum.
Herewith, the latest display of deceit and deception by the BBC. The British public pay (via their tv licence fees) the quasi government/special interest BBC to lie to them about the truth of the ongoing Israeli ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. As a matter of fact, the Palestinians were forced into an outdoor prison after having their land stolen by the Rothschilds and corrupt British elite criminals via the Balfour Declaration in 1948 .. and today, 77 years later, the Palestinians continue to be mass murdered by the US funded/weaponised Israeli war machine. Shockingly the new U.S. President gloats of how he will develop this prime Mediterranean waterfront real estate, (as does his son in law, Jarod Kushner), after he ‘negotiates’ the relocation of the surviving, maimed Palestinians (‘most of them are dead’ Trump), to neighbouring countries, who apparently don’t want them. Interestingly… at the other end of the spectrum, here in New Zealand, our Prime Minister, politicians, bureaucrats and corrupt and captured media, are supporting & promoting the radical Maori activists’ outright lies around the Treaty of Waitangi. As a matter of fact, Maori ceded sovereignty, (in their best interests), there was never the notion of a ‘partnership’, and, all land sales were legitimate ‘willing buyer/willing seller’ legal transactions, with a few exceptions that have been more than compensated for. Luxon & co, are enthusiastically aiding and abetting, ongoing excessive financial payouts for fraudulent land and seabed claims, and worse, they are facilitating the creation of a 2 tiered, apartheid society, that will essentially be controlled by a small group of untrustworthy Maori elite. Although it is unfair and insensitive to the Palestinians, to compare their dreadful plight, with the fortuitous plight of Maori, the totally inappropriate actions of the various governments does seem bizarrely inverted, doesn’t it? 🤷♂️
Hi Jonathan, You’re writing and communication skills are extraordinary and the message you convey is one that should be heard by all. The lessons you’re conveying should be learned by all.
You might be interested in my “course” which examines the roots of all of these problems and offers up concrete solutions as to how we as a species can overcome them.
The basic message of my course is that we need to re-focus our efforts on happiness or niceness and tamp down nastiness…
So this is what a doner’s state broadcaster looks like when it’s been successfully captured by the Zionist project, Goebbels would be impressed.