But and yahoo is a real hothead. This picture proves it.😏🥴

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I’ve posted your articles on Facebook. They are immediately removed. Same with Aaron Matte. They’re definitely clamping down harder.

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The abomination.

Unfolding horror and devastation, blind hate and rage, against a nation.

Of apartheid, the proclamation, stealing more land, called annexation.

Killing the owners, of looted nations, called ethnocide, the confirmation.

Water as weapon, to starve a nation, crimes to exploit, its population.

Of hate the cult, to frighten Nations, blood death and gore, for domination.

Genocide blamed, on victim nations, media control, for of the truth, manipulation.

Deceiving all, false information, to feed the wars, kill populations.

Hiding the corps, in confirmation, its biggest fear, of truth and facts, the denunciation.

Monsters by ways, of indoctrination, blinded by lies, and mutilation.

A trauma bonding, indoctrination, blood ritual trauma, the cult foundation.

Of horror born, for domination, of Genocide, normalization.

Sick from its birth, the born dead nation, crashed by the weight, of its illegal, prolonged belligerent, bloody occupation.

Chosen it self, above all nations, apartheid roads, manifestation.

Braking the laws, of all the nations, war crimes and deals, the apartheid nation

Time is to end, its occupation, end apartheid, and forced starvation.

Ending the fear, and domination, imposed by those, conspiring nations.

Time is to end, the abomination, time to face Genocide, United Nations.

Sol Sön

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Today Palestine. Tomorrow the world?

All those USA made post-apocalyptic movies coming true. (Elysium?)

The elite living the high life, all others war fodder or slaves to the machine.

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Excellent analysis

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Do it to the real one

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What a terrible reader.

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you, mark doran, must be dripping w/ envy and voice-control inadequacies to be so contentious, disdainful, and contemptuously dismissive of matthew alford's superlative hortation. his presentation is precisely the antithesis of 'terrible reader'; his voice is duvetynly soothing, clear, dramatic, precise, and erudite.

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the architects of this are definitely succeeding in their hegelian dialectic play... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/protecting-your-head-and-heart-in

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Israel is the aircraft carrier in the middle east for the USA

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I do NOT need to listen to this.

I would ask one question: How many people HATE the Americans and their politics?

You cannot hide behind STUPIDITY

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When they support tyrannical monsters everyone

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The people who don't hate America are not ignorant, they are too busy with whatever life obsessions? Be it sport, chasing women, chasing men,chasing the dollars ...

I am so blessed with uncovering the lies of the media/government, I probably don't know what is the most popular song or actors of this decade? We all have diffirent interests? Some us are to coward to seek the truth if it is not permitted by our overlords.

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NO. You Americans start a war in Europe with your lies.

We are left with hundreds of Ukranians fleeing their country because of you.

Who could care less about sport/or the best song.

YES. Cowards in the US who still sit in their armchairs in front of the MSM TeeVee and can't get off their arses to make a difference.

"Seek the truth?" It is in front of you.

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a failing empire bought by AIPAC. https://dianeengelhardt.substack.com/p/for-sale

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