Starmer is nothing more than a duplicitous immoral creature of the corporations that run the political systems of most, if not all, western 'democracies'. He is a champion of the shadows projected onto the wall by the plutocratic class in the Platonic Cave in which we find ourselves, willingly, or not?

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Starmer is a Conservative plant! I didn't like him from the first time I saw him .... I couldn't understand how he'd been given a position in the Labor party. There's no difference between Labor & the Conservatives! ... Follow the money & you'll see just who paid for Starmer's political campaign for PM! I expect he's been given a free trip to Izreal just as they've done to politicians on both sides of the House here in Australia, either before or after he & they got into politics! The same thing is happening in the USA & Australian politics!

The ONLY way to stamp out this power that the wealthy Jewish groups have in our politics is to have all political campaigns carefully regulated and funded purely from the public purse and to ban ex MPs from taking up positions in quasi-govt arenas (Ambassadorships), or in private enterprise positions where they've held portfolios or positions in areas where the information they've gained could be used to the advantage of those companies. This would see an end to the dirty dealings and our politicians kowtowing & doing the bidding of these people.

Politics is a very racist business ... & money talks ... & we all know who talks to the majority of politicians in the two major parties in the UK, USA & Australia.

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Racists were likely raised by or heavily exposed to racism when they were growing up. Ergo, all racists should really do their kids a big favor by NOT passing down onto them such destructive anti-social/-societal sentiments and perceptions (including stereotypes and ‘humor’), since such rearing ironically can make life much harder for those children.

It fails to prepare children for the practical reality of an increasingly diverse and populous society and workplace. It also makes it so much less likely those children will be emotionally content or preferably harmonious with their multicultural and multi-ethnic/-racial surroundings.

Children reared into their adolescence and, eventually, young adulthood this way can often be angry yet not fully realize at precisely what. Then they may feel left with little choice but to move to another part of the land, where their own ethnicity/race predominates, preferably overwhelmingly so.

Especially if it’s deliberate, rearing one’s very impressionable young children in such an environment of baseless contempt and overt bigotry amounts to a formidable form of child abuse.

Too often, such grotesque sentiment is acquired during childhood [regardless of skin color], sometimes even passed down generationally like a communicable virus/sickness. It may be further cemented by a misguided yet strong sense of entitlement, perhaps also environmentally acquired.

This serious social/societal problem can/should be proactively prevented by allowing young children to become accustomed to other peoples/cultures/faiths in a harmoniously positive manner. Not surprising, the earliest years are typically the best time to instill and even solidify diversity-positive attitudes and social-interaction life skills/traits into a very young brain/mind. …

I consider myself lucky in having a mother who never had anything disdainful to say about people of different races and cultures. In fact, she, though being of Croatian heritage, still enjoys watching/listening to the Middle Eastern and Indian subcontinental dancers and musicians on the multicultural channel.

Most memorable for me was being emphatically told at a very young and therefore impressionable age by her about the exceptionally kind and caring nature of our Black family doctor. I believe that in doing so she had a positive and lasting effect on me.

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Well said!! Racism starts in the home and is encouraged by the mainstream media and politicians.

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The Semites are AntiHumanists ….Murderers ! Zionism is the Successor to the European NAZIs taking the Mantle From Adolf Hitler and Ought to be Wiped Out with Urgency !

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Many of the Israelis moved to Israel before WWII by collaborating & doing deals with the Nazi party.

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You mean the Braverman wife …..Wannabe Jew and an Extremist Zionist Indian Hindutva woman still looking for better studs ?

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I've seen this woman in action ... & she's not fit to hold any public office, let alone a senior MP.

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Sad. The normalization and weaponizing of loyalty to one’s country called nationalism and patriotism. Not that it is a surprise if you have read as many British novels asI have where that “they are not one of us” attitude is noted. Actually illustrated most recently on an episode of Grantchester. Pops up in one form or another in a number of Agatha Christie novels. Just the particular target, that is Muslims, is current now.

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That's been the problem with all of the countries that the British public don't seem to realise. It's their own elite they should be attacking as it's they who enslaved people, then plundered all the wealth they could from their lands, then left in shatters ...& now it's time to pay the piper. The British elite either created internal wars around the world, or they gave away land that they didn't own &/or gave it to people who had no right to it in the first place. They took all they could but refused to accept the consequences of their actions, which are countries left with very little. The British public should be angry with their govts for not making their elite pay high taxes upon their ill-gotten wealth instead, they're waging war on the wrong people. They're not suffering as the average working Brit is! They should be looking to their House of Lords!

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You forgot to mention all the ☪️ ☪️ c terrorist bombing attacks killing civilians in the UK is the reason people are afraid of Muslims and are because they are afraid ….they are called racists

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