i disagree, but we all have different sensoria and reactions to auditory stimuli. glad cook embraces diversity, and that his reader, matthew alford, has such a soothing british accent; it's as duvetyne [soothing] as my favourite edulcoration, nivea.

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Sorry to be critical, but I cannot listen to your podcast because the person reading the text is quite unnatural. Is it sort of robot generated? It just doesn't connect, communicate.

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Just as Iraq, Libya, Yugoslavia, and some more.

And next will be Iran:(

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Excellent! It's so good to have confirmation of what I've always suspected. There is one single photograph which sums it all up for me, it's taken in the White House and it shows Donald Rumsfeld introducing a young Dick Cheney to president Richard Nixon. The line is unbroken since WWII. We were all duped from Lawrence of Arabia!

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Sorry...That last sentence should read, 'apart from T.E. Lawrence'.

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JC: That's a good summary, but it's a bad mistake to push the behemoth manufacturing capacity of China together with ALL the resources in Eurasia. The US isn't that strong as Afghanistan and Ukraine seem to prove. I see this as the US throwing tantrums in desperation.

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In view of expanding BRICS influence, the formation of a bloc that excludes the US but includes the vast majority of other oil producing nations almost makes US tantrums inevitable. This is all a part of that process. The issue will become who has access to Syria's oil? Erdogan should be more wary about hedging his bets because the CIA are playing him.

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'Tis the season...for Nut&Yahoo's Herodian $£aught€r of the innocents.


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33 likes so far. isn't it about time for 33 MILLION LIKES in the global north, at least? i'm hopeful that BRICS will eventually bring about global change toward humanism rather than exploitation, death, and global geopolitical and environmental destruction. space is next, of course.

i very much appreciate a brilliant mind and voice like yours, jonathan cook. thank you. my sanity would barely survive if it weren't for you and like-minded independent journalists committed to building a good, healthy world, and educating us with your insights based on years of studies we, working-class people and young families are dependent on since none of us can afford the extra stamina it takes to do the research that you do. thinking, feeling people will be grateful for your voice.


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Meanwhile, with nearby Iran, one can reasonably expect U.S., and maybe British, corporate interests will strongly though covertly encourage an Israeli military invasion, for there’s a lot of oil to be had there. ... The 1979 Iranian Revolution's expulsion of major Western nations was largely due to U.S and British fossil fuel companies exploiting Iran's plentiful reserves.

Such an expulsion would've been a big-profit-losing lesson learned by the foreign-nation oil corporation heads, which they, by way of accessing domestic political thus military muscle, would not willingly allow to happen to them again. [Maybe the 2003-11 U.S. invasion of Iraq, and then its oil fields, is an example of this insatiable-greed mentality.]

There has been a predictable American-UK proclivity for sanctioning Iran and/or its officials and allies ever since the Revolution. It would be understandable if those corporate fossil-fuel interests would like Iran’s government to fall thus enabling Big Oil to access Iran’s rich oil fields. It may be that if the relevant oil-company heads were/are in fact against Iran's post-Revolution government(s), then likely so are their related Western governments and, via general news-media support, national collective citizenry.

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imagine when solar and wind power (and so far unimaginable space energies harvested without causing harm to the greater universe) will energise all of the human industrialisation and survival needs....

the dominance/greed of oil-rich nations and their exploiters will be over. venceremos!

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Unimaginable space energies- what planet are you on ursus? Energies need to be imaginable, actionable and available right now if they are to make any dent in the environmental crisis.

Solar and wind are here but to date are only providing an energy addition, not an energy transition. Carbon emissions are still increasing and we're on target for 2-3+ degrees, a melted antarctic, agricultural collapse and mass migration by 2050.

There is no scenario in which human industrialisation and survival are compatible. Multi-lateral degrowth and deindustrialisation is the only path.

And we're not on it.

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that's why i said: "imagine"...

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oh I see, was the whole post sarcasm? it’s very difficult to tell the difference on substack.

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sorry to cause a false impression. sarcasm is not on my mind. tongue-in-cheek, however, is. imagine...

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Message for Matthew Alford : any possibility that the high speed read can have slower speed options for us over 75s who absorb information slower ? I couldn't keep abreast.

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Go to the written version, Dianna...I'm in that slow lane too, and need time to assimilate into my overcrowded cells.

Reading gives me time to digest at my own pace.

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Thank you, Dianna. Someone else mentioned this a few weeks back and I am not sure it's an age thing. Some people just prefer a slower style and I'll keep that in mind as I develop my work on these. There are some counterveiling pressures but I'll have a think.

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We live in an evil world where human. life means nothing to those in power. Thank you for this superb article explaining the machinations of what is actually happening. Sadly, it depletes me of hope for the Middle East.

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Yes. People on this atrocity-prone planet often are [consciously or subconsciously] perceived as not being of equal value or worth to everyone else, when morally they all definitely should be. And it’s not hard for a conscience to do when one considers another an innately lower life form.

Human beings – very much including Palestinian children – can actually be seen and treated as though they are disposable and therefore their mass suffering and slaughter are somehow less worthy of external concern, sometimes even by otherwise democratic and relatively civilized nations.

In other words, the worth of such life will be measured by its overabundance and/or the protracted conditions under which it suffers and/or perishes; and those people can eventually receive meagre column inches on the back page of the First World’s daily news. It's like an immoral consideration of 'quality of life'.

A somewhat similar reprehensible inhuman(e) devaluation is observable in external attitudes, albeit perhaps on a subconscious level, toward the daily civilian lives lost in prolongedly devastating war zones and famine-stricken nations.

Meanwhile, with each daily news report of the death toll from unrelenting bombardment, I feel a slightly greater desensitization and resignation. I’ve noticed this disturbing effect with basically all major protracted conflicts internationally since I began regularly consuming news products in 1987.

And while some peoples have been brutally victimized throughout history a disproportionately large number of times, the victims of one place and time can and sometimes do shamefully become the victimizers of another place and time.

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Meanwhile, here in Australia, a stolen burnt out car and some misspelt anti-Israel graffiti painted on walls of a Jewish suburb evokes more horror and outrage than the murder of tens of thousands of Palestinian children.

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Time to make the Holy Land holy again. The best thing Pope Francis could ever do is to make his stand in Gaza, or Bethlehem. He has an opportunity that is unequalled, to say "no" to genocide. If Gaza is no longer an option, thanks to the total blockade by Israel. He could even go to the West Bank, Beirut, or even Teheran.

May it be his road to Damascus moment, and say, “Not in our name, not on our watch.”

Please sign the petition and share widely.


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Growing Western indifference towards the continuing slaughter and starvation of helpless Palestinian non-combatants will only have further inflamed long-held Middle Eastern anger towards the West.

Some countries’ actual provision, mostly by the U.S., of highly effective weapons used in Israel’s mass slaughter will likely have turned that anger into lasting hatred seeking eye-for-an-eye redress. And perhaps another 9/11 — after which, of course, most stunned Americans will again wonder why their nation was so viciously/horrifically attacked — with CNN broadcasting another ‘Why They Hate Us’ propaganda piece.

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Yep, absolutely!

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Most likely that the Pope too old to do trips to the West Bank, Teheran or Beirut beside the safety issue.

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The Hind Rajab Foundation has filed a case with the ICC against 1,000 Israeli soldiers for war crimes in Gaza.


They can use our help. Please read the article and join me in making a contribution. https://buy.stripe.com/cN228hbY5g7jaM84gg

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Please buy Refaat Alareer's book, “If I Must Die.” All proceeds go to his family. Please consider buying it. Many of us would like to see it reach the bestseller list. OR Books is the publisher. IT’S One way to get Refaat’s name in the NYT!

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