Biden must’ve done some seriously evil shite.

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He's the one that pushed the Iraq war on his fellow democrats in the Senate, voted for it then he turned around and said he opposed the war since it began. He has highly flawed character, but trust me there are so many people in the US who still admire him, and now are admiring Harris whom I know little about, since she's rambled through her vice presidential role and laughed a lot, but I'm sure of one thing and it is that she will follow the neocon agenda though out her presidency. So she will support Israel in everything it does, no matter how murderous they are, and will no doubt further escalate the possibility of war with Russia. It's a a neocon world we live in.

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Is an eternity in hell worth a mediocre job? I wouldn’t have thought so.

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Thanks again Jonathan.

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# Boycott BBC

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Already China has clearly articulated support for Lebanon. So let’s see if these new hitler midgets start world war. In the meantime ..boycott every brand. And pass it on. Collective responsibility is ours.

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It won’t work. Cat is out of the bag. Now always a rogue state. Problem is who is gonna stop them ? How ? Maybe china need to get involved since Americas balls are neatly tucked in their own ass.

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Are you looking for a third world war?

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That is why, amongst so many,no longer listen to or watch the BBC. Instead of turning against and wringing our hands over how terrible it is, l believe we should start a boycott. Viewership of BBCNews is already down.we should hold it under water like a convicted murderer, until it drowns.

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In the US there is no news venue worth reading or listening to since news has become a source of entertainment, in that it tells you what you want to hear.

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Thanks for the heads up?

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