When I think of MSM I think of Zionist Pig War Criminal$. Make Palestine Palestine again. CXL IZ

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Of the 1100, how many IDF soldiers were killed by Hamas in the October 7 resistance raid? Do we know even a ball park number? How many civilians were killed by the IDF soldiers, not by Hamas using the Hannibal directive during this same raid? Of the 200 hostages, how many were captured soldiers?

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Oct 21Liked by Jonathan Cook

I love reading your articles Jonathan, thankyou so much! You are a true credit to journalism and the truth - honesty and facts! Thankyou again. 👍🙏

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True facts!

On a slightly different point, journalists and media outlets have for too long "reduced" if not deliberately redacted/censored "who" are sending weapons etc to such as Israel, and Ukraine, plus to whichever "allied" nations are warring with deemed enemies.

The HARDCOLDs now of, for example who are "the big 5 weapons makers", as-in Raytheon, General Dynamics, Boeing, and 2 I forget the names of, which make weapons media reports as coming from "the USA, UK, Euro-nations" etc, but media, when it dares even broach the topic, refers to the nations, never to whichever arms' corporation does the inventing, designing, resourcing of materials, manufacturing, MARKETING, then, THEN, the freighting of their deadliest of payloads off to usually "our allied" nations' militia, the leaders of war crimes, like Israel and Ukraine.

It may be a moot point, but while "big states" are used in reports, admin's that are both mouthpieces for "the big 5" and of course for the grandaddy of dirty bigs, "bigoil", and are totally powerless to order either an end to big weapons making, or to stop them exporting their shite, again the media fails us with diluting propaganda "missing who should be the targeted" firms, cum bigweapons' executives, board members, CEOs and other landed elitessss!

But..., we knew that, right?



11:40AEDT, 241021.

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"The HARDCOLDs now of, for example who are "the big 5 weapons makers", as-in Raytheon, General Dynamics, Boeing, and 2 I forget the names of, which make weapons media reports as coming from "the USA, UK, Euro-nations" etc,"

Lockheed-Martin and General Electric, maybe?

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Just so long as people forget that the 'media' is in fact a propaganda tool so long wll they be captured sheep destined eventually for the slaughter yard of yet another war

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When people take the time to look at history of Palestine at least since 1948, you realize the long goal of the Jewish leaders was to do whatever necessary to take most of land that was designated for native Palestinians! Jonathon Cook helps us by remembering the past to clarify the present!

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Language matters, and it shapes how we view the world. It is important that we, each, clarify/rectify what we are hearing, as we hear it, what we read, as we read it. If only that was what our education system thinks they should be doing. Thank you for your ongoing efforts at sanity in an increasingly off-the-rails world.

The best thing Pope Francis could ever do is to make his stand in Gaza, or Bethlehem. He has an opportunity that is unequalled, to say "no" to genocide. If Gaza is no longer an option, thanks to the total blockade by Israel. He could even go to the West Bank, Beirut, or even Teheran, and say, “Not in our name, not on our watch.”

Please sign the petition and share widely.


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"The best thing Pope Francis could ever do is to make his stand in Gaza, or Bethlehem. He has an opportunity that is unequalled, to say "no" to genocide."

Don't hold your breath for the pope to do anything more than to pay lip service. He is but one of the three heads of the elephant like monster in the room we all oppose. He presides in the foreign nation known as The Vatican. The two other heads of the monster reside in the foreign nation known as the City og London. The Rothschilds. The third head of the monster is the DoD in the foreign nation I call the district of criminals.

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Joy in HK , I intend you no disrespect whatever but even The Pope , I feel , would have little to no effect on this Israeli Government ? They have shown , as a ROGUE STATE , they have no RESPECT for any Religion other than their own , in their levelling of both MOSQUES and CHRISTIAN CHURCHES ALIKE including ALL who sought SHELTER within , in both GAZA and LEBANON , those that still stand in JERUSALEM had those called to prayer beaten and threatened by the SETTLERS , POLICE and IDF alike , they also entered the MOSQUE during FRIDAY PRAYERS which is

STRICTLY FORBIDDEN by THE UN as it is nothing less than Sacrilege, illustrating further their ignoring of every Convention of War and of every Treaty they signed agreeing to strict Rules between both PALESTINE and ISRAEL and of which they have gone on to totally ignore and fail to recognise The United Nations at all ?

No Nation Signatory has done this apart from Israel without any retaliation at all from the Member Nations , the United States usually doling out any retribution for infarctions carried out

The USA are of course fully supporting Israel’s WAR on the Middle East by insisting that this non Genocide is entirely within Israel’s remit and its Right to Defend Itself !

As they have to date murdered almost 43,000 known dead which could reasonably be doubled if those under the rubble are found too and included in the death count , over 99,000 the number of horrifically injured men women and children from newborn to teens, through the use of bunker busting bombs used on tightly packed residential homes is truly sickening when Israel’s War Cabinet declares that they are only in pursuit of Hamas Fighters or Terrorists as they call them ? Gaza is totally and utterly destroyed


Over 2 MILLION are permanently DISPLACED , moving each and every day from one area to another” SAFE “

AREA day and night , being bombed or shot along the way . When you consider the population has been starved and denied safe drinking water , medicine , power and fuel for over a year , they resemble the walking dead . Mothers are losing their new borns within days of their Birth as there is no formula milk for them while their mothers unable to breast feed while suffering such serious MALNUTRITION .

Young toddlers have had no milk for a year none of the fresh vegetables they normally would have eaten daily are so thin , they can no longer walk , unable to support themselves . Their previously healthy smiling faces , as their Mothers show us photos taken over a year ago , bear little resemblance to the child lying on a hospital bed or floor . Shrunken faces displaying a deathly pallor , with dark ringed eyes watching the camera as the children either cry weakly or lay silent , unable to gather the strength to utter a sound .

To hear Blinken lie to camera , as does President Biden and our PM Starmer all do the same as a Genocide has unfolded , as the onslaught has gone on even further to the Occupied West Bank and now Lebanon receiving the same MO of total Blitzkreig

Destruction , murder of a civilian population , the closure of exits from the areas they are bombing , so those fleeing are being shot at from each side , the rear, both sides and directly in front of them .

Their homes left behind along with schools and clinics , hospitals etc bombed out .

Those who chose not to leave or could not leave through ill health for example are killed like animals being slaughtered .

This has continued for 20 days now . Over 2000 dead in the first 12 days plus of course the same horribly injured .

Back in Gaza more horror unleashed as tents around a hospital courtyard where badly injured men women and children received what little medical treatment their Doctors and medical staff can administer, were bombed, the entire Courtyard set alight with graphic images of patients burning alive amid the screams of women and children horribly burned and burning .

Two days later we see a child sitting injured from being sniper shot in the middle of a road between bombed out homes , crying out for his Mother , so pitifully . As people begin to leave the ruins around him to help him and try to see his injuries to move him a missile flys in and after the smoke and dust clears we see the child and what were about ten or twelve adults are now nothing but body parts and the sound of screaming cries fill the clearing .



This ALL illustrates WHY I think that a VISIT or INTERVENTION of THE POPE will have an effect on this Rogue States War Cabinet or its IDF , or indeed the American President the UKs Prime Minister or Germanys PM




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