So well done and accurate. But it sounds a bit like someone explaining gravity, or tidal movements. Sadly.

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Having just watched the devil Netanyahu blab for 45 minutes ,I am completely traumatised,I feel physically sick.This is the war criminal who is slaughtering women and children in Palestine,this is the genocidal psychopath who has been condemned by the highest court in the world as illegally occupying Palestine.And the lies,the lies.

And the standing ovation.Sorry,USA ,you are genocidal bastards to invite a war criminal to speak in your country and to applaud him.

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It is clear if a rogue state uses excessive weapons to destroy a defenseless cities killing thousands of civilians just as ALL the focking governments on earth watch and says nothing? The rogue government of Israel is not the only criminal, the UN,and ALL it's members (except Yemen, and South Africa) also criminals who must be removed from powers and pay to rebuild Gaza.

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Thank you for the precious article Jonathan.

Here is my take on the situation


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