In my correspondence with the foreign office and David Cameron, the UK government has made clear that it is fully supporting this genocide. I will not be voting for any of the main parties. Shame on them.

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There needs to be a memorial to the children of Gaza installed in Westminster Square as a permanent reminder of the shameful duplicity of British MPs.

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Great piece, however Andrew Feinstein is not alone in speaking out against the genocide in Gaza. Pamela Fitzpatrick, who is standing as an independent in the general election in Harrow West near London is another principled and vocal politician. Like many decent left wingers she was forced to leave Labour. The Labour candidate Gareth Thomas would not even attend election hustings at local mosques citing personal security concerns. That is how much Labour cares for and respects the local Muslim community. See @pamelafitz4HW

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Indeed, there are many independents doing so. The reference was to Andrew Feinstein taking on Starmer over Gaza in Starmer's own constituency.

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Gaza is the canary in the coal mine for the health of our “advanced” Western societies. We are only semi-conscious, inhaling increasingly large doses of the noxious gases of illiberalism daily. Our democracies are rapidly eroding, co-opted by big money and traditional media establishments which have become fat, docile lapdogs to power. Thank you Jonathan for raising the alarm with your excellent pieces. It is time for a revolution for democracy. We all need to wake up and take control of our democracies and institutions.

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Thank you.

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brilliant Jonathan.thankyou for continuing to touch on the real issues we face.Susan.

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well said jonathan .. could not put it better. There will come day when Starmers his supporters MPS the MSM will hang their heads in shame at what they have supported... lets hope it happens but I am not optomistic

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Jonathan Cook's excavational articles on what's really governing our lives is an essential antidote to the glozing words of our politicians and their facilitators in the mainstream media.

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Both have an oversized tongue, from licking Nate ass.

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Jonathan, just finished watching this minutes ago. It truly is well worth watching.


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