According to British historian Lord Acton (1834-1902), “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. …”

Cannot corporate power also be applicable to Big Media and its conduct?

I believe that the New York Times, as a notable example, helped create the Iraq War — a ‘war’ that was much more like a turkey shoot, considering the massive military might attacking the relatively weak country — through then-VP Dick Cheney’s anonymous and knowingly-false claims that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

After the severe damage was done, the Times claimed honest-ignorance innocence on the grounds that it was its blogger’s overzealousness that was really at fault. The same Times that otherwise insists upon securing the non-publishable yet accurate identity of its writers’ anonymous information sources.

Quite memorable was popular Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman’s appearance on Charlie Rose’s show (May 29, 2003), where he ranted about the war’s justification and supposed success:

“… And what we needed to do was to go over to that part of the world and burst that bubble. We needed to go over there basically, uhm, and, uh, uhm, take out a very big stick, right in the heart of that world and burst that bubble.

“And there was only one way to do it because part of that bubble said ‘we’ve got you’ this bubble is actually going to level the balance of power between us and you because we don’t care about life, we’re ready to sacrifice and all you care about is your stock options and your hummers.

"… And what they needed to see was American boys and girls going house to house from Basra to Baghdad, uhm, and basically saying which part of this sentence don’t you understand. You don’t think we care about our open society, you think this bubble fantasy we’re going to just let it go, well suck on this.

“Ok. That, Charlie, was what this war was about. We could have hit Saudi Arabia. It was part of that bubble. We could have hit Pakistan. We hit Iraq, because we could. And that’s the real truth.” ...

Potential translation: 'Just to be on the safe side, let’s error in favor of militarily assaulting, invading and devastating Iraq [and maybe looting their untapped fossil fuel resources].'

What astonishes me is how such pro-War news-media professionals can afterwards sleep at night or look their little children/grandchildren in the face everyday.

But, from another perspective, The Times may have jumped on the atrocity-prone Iraq-invasion bandwagon due to their close proximity to the massive 9/11 blow the city took only a few years prior. There was plenty of that particularly bitter bandwagon going around in Western circles back then. …

Some people feel that a self-compromised or corrupt news media is better than no news media at all. I definitely do not.

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Talk about McCluhan’s Book. The Medium is the Massage

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Was it always this bad or has it gotten worse since Covid. I only woke up during Covid. So I’m not sure

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50 years ago, I lived in NYC, and recall the news persons on the street taking the opinions of "passers by"? It just happened that ALL the passers by were liberal joos delivering the needed "opinions"!

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50 something years ago when I was 10 I lived in Boston and the mayor was very unpopular. The crowd booed him as he talked and right next to it was a record player with cheers so they were only recording the cheers.

I knew something was wrong that day and I told my mother about it. But still, it took a little longer for me to catch onto everything.

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I watch lots of YouTube & Rumble .. they have also broken out into MSM divides… especially since October.. it’s crazy 🤪 … I stopped watching msm during Covid when I shocked by the outright lies coming from everyone.. I was following Alex Berenson from the start & he was spot on ..

I can’t get anyone around me to wake up fully. I think it’s jab now. They still stare at MSM & won’t believe anything anyone else says ..

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That is the top accomplishment of the globalist pieces of shit. They divided us into women and stupid men, blacks and supremacist whites, gays and square straight, progressives and isolationaist racists....NOW, they achieved total severing of the love bonds between siblings, parents and children...

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Yes, peoples own family don’t talk to them because they know the truth. It’s very sad.

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Jonathon since Noam Chomsky’s M as manufacturing consent there have been many developments in the control of news output in mainstream media. For example the fact check network to which many broadcast and print media belong and the government funding of news wires to produce identical news stories with videos, graphs, etc and in many languages. I’ll attach the copy of my research that covers this here. https://judithbrown.substack.com/p/the-control-of-information-9be

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Mainstream corporate news-media’s corrupt coverage of the Palestine-Israel conflict — present and past, but seemingly now more than ever — is to me almost unprecedented. Most have lost so much of their independence and humanity.

I feel that genuine journalists with integrity would tender their resignations and publicly proclaim they can no longer help propagate their employer’s corrupt media product, be it from the Right or Left.

The most journalistically, and perhaps even morally, compromised news-media I've read is Canada’s National Post newspaper. You would really have to read it to believe it, especially since the Oct.7 Hamas attack on Israel. It epitomizes an extreme example of an echo chamber promoting unconditional support for the state of Israel, including its very-long-practiced cruelty towards the Palestinian people. And I mean unconditional support. It's eerily mind-blowing how far downhill it has all gone.

More progressive outlets like Canada's other national newspaper, The Globe and Mail — progressive in regards to essentially following “woke” ideology — can be more deceitful with its essentially pro-Israel coverage and op/ed writing since 10/7. There seems to have been an attempt at appearing objective on this topic when it actually is not.

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