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Ah just seen this thanks

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Is it because there's a YouTube link embedded in the accompanying picture?

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Eloquent and insightful. Gorgeously concluded.

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Excellent article Jonathan. Monbiot and Owen Jones serve an essential role at the Guardian. They enable the paper to say, "Look, we are progressive" while their centrist and right-of-centre journalists far outnumber them. Monbiot is nothing short of a hypocrite. His selective outrage is absurd. This is a problem that I have noted lately with these transatlantic interviews that are cropping up more often now. Hedges does excellent work but he doesn't seem to know much on Monbiot's work, his contradictory positions, or even the inner workings of the Guardian. For this reason, he is unable to hold Monbiot to account as he should, likely because he doesn't even see that there is a reason to. I detest that paper and I used to be a paying subscriber.

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Great piece. Some years ago I feel into thinking Monbiot was some kind of enlightened voice, probably via the Guardian, exactly as you have laid out here. But then in 2022, early into the Ukraine SMO, I saw a video by Monbiot that left my jaw hanging. He just parroted the main stream media bs like a true lap dog. I'm that single moment he trashed his whole facade. It was an important moment. In fact the COVID, Ukraine, Israeli stories have totally blown apart the entire MSM construct. I have been released! Stickers like yours here confirm my own thinking perfectly!

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Luctalks's substack hints at some ways that may allow you to bypass your present considerations - considerations that I indeed share - here:


He shows how "neoliberalism" (for example) may be something lower than what we ought to consider. He sees how it has a different name, in different continents, for example ("so there must be something behind" - "our considerations are not sufficient").

What would this make of Montbiot? I have no idea, and you know best!

Best of all!

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Thank you for this. I listened to the interview, and will likely buy the book - BUT - at the end, he blames only one political party for the rise of neoliberalism - it's all the fault of the right wing.

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Very good analysis. It reminds me of similar cases here in Brazil, whether associated to the mainstream or alternative media outlets (which makes very difficult to the average citizen to sort out who is doing a good job).

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Does anyone know why Facebook keeps blocking this when i try to share it, i tried 3 times yesterday and once today and they put up a notice on my page...




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Thank you yet again Jonathan for another article reminding me that I am not alone in having noticed a huge lurch to the right by The Guardian some years back. As an ex Guardian journalist you are of course well positioned to know about this. I was surprised that Steve Bell stayed on there so long, as the best cartoonist ever, so long after that lurch took place and was relieved when he eventually left after they started rejecting his hilarious graphic distillation of the crucial issues of the day. I have long noted Monbiot’s prostituting his journalistic services to his traitorous employers. It never ceases to amaze me how money, and/or a firm grip on a man’s balls, can have a miraculous effect on so many people’s judgement.

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One of the most astute and penetrating analyses of UK media I have ever encountered. Keep up the searing work!

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"This isn’t chiefly about Monbiot. It’s about his function in a capitalist economy – and how he contributes to the Guardian’s role of undermining an anti-capitalist, anti-war left."

I understand your point. But you seem to imply that those who are seeking ways to turn around the wrong direction in which we are heading would do better without the Guardian and Monbiot. I think that is wrong.

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"It makes sense of why the Guardian has been paying lip service to concerns about a looming climate catastrophe while actively stoking the very consumer habits and expectations that make reducing CO2 levels impossible."

I remember when the Guardian had the campaign "Keep it in the ground" ... then the campaign disappeared and I never saw a satisfying explanation for this.

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Jonathan, I cannot thank you enough. You put in words everything i have felt wrong and contradictory that is promoted by these corporate intellectuals. Ever notice how Jordan Peterson used to argue about "hierarchies" as the " natural order" and threaten his audiences with the horrors of Marxism. It puzzled me why a clinical psychologist was so passionate about selling unbridled capitalism to the public. They are all serving the same God.

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The Guardian which capitalised on Wikileaks' findings and then threw Julian Assange under the bus? Monbiot is telling himself what he needs to tell himself in order to keep getting whatever trickling-down trinkets there are two be had. Humans are better than we've been told we are but the delusions we can tell ourselves are never-ending.

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Great article, as an ex-oil and gas professional, I used to think the fossil fuel industry was the problem. It wasn’t until 2022 that I realized “business as usual” is everywhere. Even the climate movement is captured by capitalism. Is the answer for George and others financially capable to stop contributing to these organizations? How does independence shift us away from capitalism?

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I find a good rule of thumb (in the UK at least) is listen far more critically to anyone with a private education and associated speech patterans. Having parents able to afford to pay private schooling, one is by definition embedded within the system and bred to continue the status quo. Sir Cur has no such excuse.

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