Once again, thank you for your journalistic integrity and moral courage; though that should be the norm for everyone

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You couldn't make it up! BBC accused of regular anti Israel bias by 200 entertainment industry bigwigs led by none other than Neil Blair. I shall leave you to peruse his bio and to ponder on the ulterior motives of his "Abraham Initiatives"... For the more conspiracy minded, his strong link to JK Rowling is... interesting shall we say 🤔

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Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.

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I can't even look at anything BBC has to offer. I'm disillusioned by western "democracies" who have front row seats to murder and genocide they've aided - and not giving a shit.

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Nonsense. This is an excellent documentary.

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You've got the title wrong. It was "Utter Nonsense: a Documentary" -- about drug addiction as I recall. I wouldn't call it excellent, but it was fairly good. This BBC travesty on the other hand...might just be worse than even Jonathan claims.

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The BBC has suffered much damage to its previously pristine international reputation over the months since October 7/23.

Much,if not all, of this has been self-inflicted. South African journalists (both broadcast and written) are used to sourcing much of their data from the Corporation. This was apparent in the case of the Russian /Ukraine conflict and in coverage of UK domestic politics - most notably in the corporations key role in the demonisation of former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, and his subsequent political defenostration. The blatant bias evident to anyone with a smidgen of intelligence inherent in the Beeb's Gaza coverage (I wouldn't deign to term it journalism) has torn off the mask worn with such pride for decades. The corporation-the pride of the British establishment and a global icon-has been exposed for the squalid, mendacious, unscrupulous propaganda tool that it is. Nobody here, and probably around the world, who is not an empire simp or an idiot believes anything it says-out of the date and the football scores. Reputations: years to build ;destroyed in seconds.

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All that has been said about the media bias, the genocide being committed by the Zionists in Israel And their

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this is infuriating

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Well at least we are left with no doubts as to your bias in this matter.

Supporting rape murder and torture makes for a very long article.

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What article did you read? Jonathan is agains the rape and torture of Palestinian's by Israel? I suggest you actually read the article.

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BBC newspeak: Palestinians are spoiled ungrateful occupants. Israelis are incredibly kind and tolerant babysitters. The USA is the overworked parent trying to calm things between the two.

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Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are a true mensch: a total human being.

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I’m not going to watch the documentary.

I’m probably biased against the BBC and mainstream media by now.

I’m going to stick my neck out and guess the programme makers disrespect Palestinian voices throughout and no agency is afforded to the people of Gaza.

Does it even mention the plausible genocide?

Zionism’s world class gaslighting has obviously done what it says on the tin.

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I too am sickened by the endless propaganda coming from the mainstream media (BBC, Guardian etc.). They make no effort to report truthfully, in fact the opposite. They make us hate Russia and China to justify a war against them. When Israel was convicted of plausible genocide the BBC only published Israel's claims and when the court ruled that Israel was guilty there was a media frenzy to discredit the ruling and validity of the ICJ. Sadly, nowadays MSM is nothing but lies and state propaganda.

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Lots of words, lots of “righteous outrage”, lots of analysing. What is the solution, though? Wipe out the Israelis, establish another fanatical Islam state, another Iran, another Syria?

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How about the dual-citizens go back home, just as a starting point?

Leave Palestine to the indigenous Palestinian people.

But Europe created "Israel" expressly to rid themselves of the Zionists. Troublemakers all. Lord knows they destroy everything they touch.

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If you want to know about people destroying everything they touch, come live in South Africa with the “noble savage”.

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Racist much?

Great news, btw. Per both Hamas & US Ambassador Boehler negotiations in Doha are close to a deal.

Knesset in panic as their control of the narrative falls apart.

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Stop aiding and abetting. Stop sending arms to Israel. Stop funding the genocide. Stop arresting journalists who tell the truth about this relentless bombing, killing and starvation of Palestinians.

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Thank you JC, You are one of the few independent journalists exposing the propaganda and the official narrative of the Establishment. keep up the good work!

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