Maybe they think it's ok to inflict a holocaust on Gaza 'cos God said so

"However, you must not let any living thing survive among the cities of these people the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance. You must completely destroy them – the Hethite, Amorite, Canaanite, Perizzite, Hivite, and Jebusite ….” (Deut. 20:16-18)

“Now go and attack the Amalekites and completely destroy everything they have. Do not spare them. Kill men and women, infants and nursing babies, oxen and sheep, camels and donkeys.” (1 Sam 15:3)

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I lived in Palestine. I also have a master's degree in Middle Eastern cultures and religions. We need more and more and more people saying these things. Thank you.

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Yes…. They can’t pull the victim card any more … filth

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A homeland for judism always meant the crestion of a Jewish state. As with the Nacba, that meant an exclusively Jewish state. That aim was initiated and supported by Britian, including its military role in crushing the Arab Revolt of 1936-1939. That is what makes it a colonial project. The Occupation of the West Bank and now the destruction of Gaza backed by the US only clarifies this as the Israeli end game of not subjugation but in fact the elimination of Palestinians from Ersatz Israel

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I believe that Israel and its citizens have totally lost their moral compass and they need to be stopped by any method that can be arranged.

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I've recently read that Germany had actually by all the old traditional standards WON the War that was set off in 1914,they by all the traditional old war rules WON in 1916 and this is why USA joined in as late as 1917 but in order to get the manpower and financial power of USA on "our side" Lord Balfour had to do a deal with international Jewry and the Balfour Declaration was the price of that. After 1945 and that British Government tried to renege on their Faustian deal things got nasty.

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When has religion ever been a civilizing force in the world??

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I am 75 years old & I've always had a problem with understanding the concept of pure 'evil'. I was born just after WW2 & did not experience the Halocaust. In my youth. I have watched limited coverage on BBC of the horrors of the Vietnam War & the US Civil Rights Movement; the 'troubles in N Ireland; as well as the invasion of Iraq & Afghanistan et al. More recently I have watched limited coverage of the Genocide being perpetrated in the Gaza Strip & I know what pure evil is. What really frightens me is the lack of integrity & the hypocrisy of so many of our leaders & politicians who will not speak out nor act to prevent the slaughter of so many innocents by the butchers of the Holy Land. The Nakba just continues.

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You are speaking of the horrors of Oct 7? No? Forgot that one did you?

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No. I am talking Genocide.

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The CIA are horrible and started out as a branch of the Mafia.

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The beautiful part is imagine if they had a legitimate beef? A Martian would assume that the European Palestinians decided in 1948, to set up shop in Judea and Samaria, after Hitler murder 6 million Palestinians. How could any of them possibly believe in God? Talks about a bunch of mean, heartless prikes.

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I am also 75 and have experieneced much the same, including US meddling in South America. I agree with you.

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Israel. Only one part of the “Levant,” That area of the world where cultures and people clash and have for millennium or longer.

Western, Eurocentric, civilization has swallowed fairy-tales for centuries relating to the area. From the time of the far ancient Greeks until the modern era (2024) the Levant has held a singular fascination.

The base stories held in the West are those created by Jews and their ancestors, recompiled by hirelings causing thousands to suffer and die at the onset of that masterpiece of propaganda-The Bible.

Until such time, which will not occur in my lifetime, that ‘The West’ turns off the money supply to Israel, no real change will happen.

Every act Israel has committed since its modern founding has been objected to. Every act. Yet, the money keeps flowing.

The main groups, other than the duplicit West money/political backers are Jewish. Israelis are only one part. Complicit American and European Jews form the majority of the forces supporting Israel’s aggression. Without Western political change the Levant Wars will continue.

There are old antisemitic cartoons depicting “greedy Jews.” Israeli policies have proven that those cartoons were ‘spot on.’

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Good, to the point article, Jonathan.

> We have been lied to for decades about the creation of Israel.

Yep, and that illegal creation of a racist, ZioNazi entity on stolen Palestinian Arab land was based on lies about the holocaust, the so-called extermination of 6 million Jews, many in gas chambers.

The existence of gas chambers has never been scientifically proven and what are shown to school kids and other naive, unsuspecting visitors are risible attempts at turning a lie into fact.

As for the 6 million, the late holocaust "expert", Jewish Raul Hilberg calculated 5.1 million, while Jewish "expert" Gerald Reitlinger calculated 4 million. Of course, as Jews they are never labeled as holocaust deniers, yet the International Red Cross reported in 1979 that the total number of Jewish deaths in the 15 major concentration camps amounted to 300,000, 1/20th of the famous claimed Six Million.

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Isn't that the banality of evil?

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The excuses no longer work--but they keep using them. We need to call out these lame excuses each and every time anyone attempts to lie about the reality of Israel and Israelis and their treatment of the Palestinian people. The Israelis have always been genocidal monsters. It's their culture.

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Great article! Have you sent it to any of the mainstream newspapers?

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I am absolutely furious at the lies we have been fed for decades. I am even more furious at myself for just believing them!

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My mother was an anti-Zionist and somehow was very familiar with that was and what had gone on in Palestine, and the profound prejudice that motivated it. Her political views on this issue made some in the family claim she was an anti-Semite which absolutely was not true. They shut everyone down, especially in the past who saw the reality of the brutality inflicted on a people, as well as the potential of creating a war which just might end us all. Don't blame yourself since most of the US was complicit in creating a black out on the truth.

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It's unbelievable what they have done and continue to try to do. Your mother sounds like a good woman. God bless her!

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She was! Thanks.

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I used the South Africa Flag because I think the only independent country in this planet is South Africa.

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There are others, starting with Yemen where the Houthis have done a sterling job so far on inflicting huge damage on the ZioNazi regime by just implementing the UN Charter that says all countries have the obligation to prevent and stop genocide.

Then there are the many Muslim countries that do not recognize the ZioNazi entity, such as Malaysia, Indonesia, and others.

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That is true for the Hooties but the only countries that joined South Africa in ICJ are Mixico on May , Spain in June and lastly after 10 months Turkeye . Malaysia , Indonesia… they don’t have the guts to do it.

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I agree with that, but look at it from the positive side: at least their joining South Africa's 1st step gives more weight to the case and may well encourage others to jump on the bandwagon, the more the happier and the better.

I do agree that South Africa is the hero about this, no question about it.

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