Disgusting reception from the US congress of a war criminal, they should all be voted out of office!!!

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What planet is this guy on? Ignoring facts and history to highlight his virulent anti-Semitism? Free speech does not save us from raving fools.

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Isn't it interesting that you point the finger squarely at the US, but don't include any culpability for the UK? Didn't the British redraw the morass of lines in the Middle East specifically to create strife? Didn't they create Israel? It's not that the US isn't responsible for being the visible bad guy right now, but it's a bit odd to act like Britain is some kind of bastion of human rights, especially after keeping Assange locked up without charges "for the US".

Being a US lapdog is just a bit too convenient a cover for a country that brutally suppressed countless people on multiple continents for ages. They conducted an operation to drug an entire country to gain access to their economic wealth, a country that is now maligned regularly in western press for the crime of putting their own economic interests ahead of others? Didn't British monarchs, including the one called Lion Heart, conduct crusade after crusade to 'retake the holy land' and plunder its land and treasure, before the US was even a speck in its founding fathers' eyes?

Also, MI6 developing the torture techniques used during the Iraq War, as well as being directly involved in constructing a propaganda operation to convince the public a war with Iraq was necessary for the preservation of western civilization, were positive actions aimed at promoting peace?

The UK isn't defending freedom or democracy, for sure, in its partnership with the US, not anymore than the US is. What exactly is it defending? Why are there still seats reserved for hereditary members in the House of Lords? Who benefits from keeping the monarchy in place, more than the royal family themselves? Isn't it the landed class of nobility that still derive their exemptions from inheritance tax, etc from the existence of the monarchy? How much land do they own, as a group, in Britain alone, about 30%?

Where do they invest their wealth, the wealth they extract from the British public, who are subject to far greater inheritance tax burdens than your average American? Do they put it in hedge funds? Why are the assets of hedge funds protected from view? Is it because they represent the dark money that shapes public opinion and funds secret little spy clubs like the CIA and MI6 to safeguard their fortunes from the evil specters of socialism?

British democracy is as much a ruse as American democracy and every bit the same type of front for normalizing and justifying the torture and destruction of those who would question the economic hegemony of their elite class. Why was a monarchy imposed upon Spain after the fall of Franco? Where does the fantasy that people need a monarchy, because they fail at governing themselves, originate? Why does the Serbian 'royal' family have a web page dedicated to their quest to return to power as monarchs? Why did the queen of Sweden buy her husband, a French 'prince', a castle in France? Did she use the money of the Swedish people to advance the delusions of grandeur of a deposed monarch in a country that had long ago become a republic? Or are these 'royal' families laying the groundwork to once again parasitize the Continent?

Modern monarchies are no more fair and just than old ones. They are the custodians of feudalism, whether is dressed up as democracy with a ceremonial figurehead or honestly recognized as absolute. Britain was involved in an overtly colonial genocide at least as recently as the 50s, ffs. And, what about France? The Vietnam War was a direct consequence of the French insistence on retaking control of "French Indochina" after its liberation from Japanese forces in ww2. The US obliteration of the government of Libya had nothing to do with human rights abuses in that country and everything to do with eliminating a potential rival in Africa for the Franc.

Pretending as if everything would be happy puppies in the world, if the US, and only the US, because Europe has supposedly become so egalitarian and enlightened, would stop meddling, is as big a fiction as the easter bunny being a Christian symbol.

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Excuse me they redrew the map after the Ottoman Empire gave up the ghost- the whole area suffered 1400 years of Islamic imperialism.

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Sorry, but this is way off the mark. It is not some happening-to-be-declining “empire” randomly supporting Israel, which makes no sense. Our decline is directly linked to the takeover of America by Jews, and that of course, is also why America is enslaved by Israel, despite it being against all self-interest.

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The US rogue state lost control over his mostet baby they created.

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yes,in my mind right ti the point… the elites unable to see their demise before their eyes… god help america

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the applauding congress still makes me sick

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Very good article. I would however differ on the statement that he has a US handler. My opinion is that Israel is the handler.

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So disgusting.

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I knew nut and yahoo was a hothead

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Now the Israelis are moving in on Lebanon. Do they not recognize any other countries sovereignty and inviolable borders. They are once again using that "we are only reacting to provocation" pretext. I'm just remarking on what I hear reported on my radio. But it's very alarming. I know it's not the majority of the Jewish people who live in Israel,or it's not a significant proportion of them and it's not supported by many Jewish people in Britain who go on marches with the pro-palestinians. So how do all these politicians get away with it. Over 3 million people marched in UK back in 2003 but Tony Blair still sent out soldiers into Iraq against the popular will

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This is after absorbing 30,000 rockets and relocating 30,000 citizens to avoid a war. No other country in the world would go so far to avoid conflict.

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Falling off the sofa laughing.

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The answer to your question is at trackaipac.com Don't miss it. It shows, e.g., that of the U.S's 100 Senators, ninety-seven are owned by AI:PAC

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Your article is complete propaganda. Those “hospitals” are Hamas strongholds, your casualty numbers are Hamas fabrications- it is Hamas who started this war. Revolting . They took hostages, raped, burned on October 7- If you care about the so-called Palestinians you would not defend Hamas position. Israel is the only democracy in the middle east . The Palestinians unfortunately are brainwashed , bloodthirsty Jew haters and Israel is fighting for its- and ours- existence. As a person of Christian middle eastern descent, I find your article deluded and insulting .

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Wow another clueless Zionist Nazi spewing bullshit propaganda. All your lies have been proven to be just that! LIES!

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Yep. Israel@;$ Gaza had peace and they were living in harmony on October 6….

I wonder why i bother responding to idiots like you. An ignorant idiot. Do you have to work hard on being one?

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Spot on Jonathan 🎯 You speak your truth which is shared by myself and many others throughout the world

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Nothing on Sudan. Nothing on Myanmar. Nothing but click bait to draw in the masses and massage one’s ego.

Independent journalism. Pfft. What exactly about you is ‘against the grain’. The whole world is talking about this conflict. 🤦‍♂️

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The subject of the comment was Israel, as always bankrolled charitably by the U.S. Israel is a totally dependent ward of America. Myanmar and Sudan are not.

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Yes but MY comment was about him being ‘against the grain’ yet writing about what the entirety of every social media feed is about right now.

And if you think “Israel is committing Genocide” is an independent free thinking journalistic ‘against the grain’ thought, well… sure 🤣

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Anyone not disgusted with what is happening in Gaza is, at best, guilty of acute situational morality. Given the way US politicians have been co-opted we probably cannot or will not stop Israel from doing what it is doing. But one would like to think there is no need for the U.S. to be criminally complicit via the endless charity of American taxpayers.

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Look, person of limited attention span, I have not at all commented on Israel. I am stating other places are in issue. You pillock. Sorry to use an ad-hominem but you are purposefully ignoring my argument.

TALK ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE! is my argument, if you want to appear ‘against the grain’. If the whole world is talking about it, you are not INDEPENDENT! 🤣

Stop conflating stuff and arguing because you need an existence and be practical in virtue instead 😘

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Oh dear. Temper, temper. Adios.

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Go and look what your friends in Iran have done today. Murdered 11 Druze children who were playing soccer. Why? Because they live in northern Israel. I imagine you will be delighted and call it “resistance.”

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This is pure bullshit! Those children (who the Terrorist State of Israel happily kills every day) are NOT FUCKING ZIONIST NAZIS! They are Syrian children who the Terrorist State of Israel killed with their messed up Iron Dome missile going bad just like it did before in the same exact town in April! The Terrorist State of Israel is illegally occupying this area also and has no authority to do Jack shit but get their Zionist Nazi asses the fuck out of the Middle East!

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Those Druze refused to become Israeli citizens. It is the only form of protest they have. They live in the illegally occupied Golan Heights.

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Xan these people are madly googling “Druze “ right now they have no idea who they are! Much less that they are “Arab”

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Oh that lie

I heard that cheesey voiced Anthony Blinky thinking he was doing a voice over for a 1950s movie. "We have secret evidence that missile came from I-ran" . But were not going to display it to you. Trust me,I'm a greasy-voiced Snake Oil salesman. These missiles are being lobbed in by the DJB,who also planned,funded and coordinated Oct 7th as the Palestinians are,I'm going to.say this,too shit stupid to ever have pulled off such an effective action so competently.It was the DJB and it is now.

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You are falling for demonic propaganda. God help you.

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