There is little support for this being a delibreate killing and anyone who seen street fighting in the gaza conflict up close knows that it is difficult to prevent friendly fire injuries. Israel is passionate about making sure innocents are not injured and endures great risks of its own soldiers to avoid the, Israel also embraces a strong free press. Any statements to the contrary are incorrect.

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I doubt Israel killed Abu Akleh to send a message. I don’t doubt that somebody either shot her for whatever reason or acted recklessly, and that it was an Israeli.

Having said that: The reality is, Iran controls Lebanon through Hizbullah, Gaza through Hamas, and is a destabilizing force in the region and world, and if a Palestinian country were to be established in the West Bank, Iran would control that also via the same methods.

Israel was supposed to be a country for Jews to be first class, and not second class, citizens. It can’t be a society whereby there is a chance that Jews become a minority, or lose the right to self determination. Jews ended up in Israel because: 1) the Holocaust; 2) Arab expulsion; Immigration after that wouldn’t have happened without those two events of genocide and mass disenfranchisement.

If somebody can explain to me how to guarantee the Jews from Arab countries who were expelled, and their descendants, as well as Holocaust survivors and their descendants, sanctity WITHOUT special privileges, while ALSO guaranteeing the Palestinians the same within Israel, I’m listening.

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This detailed report of the extra judicial killings by Israel over the years is as depressing as it is thorough! We seem stuck in an endless cycle.

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Having Israeli investigate their killing of Shireen Abu Akleh is like Minneapolis police investigate their killing of George Floyd!

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