The MSM are traditionally very quick to jump on any Labour person going "off-message" and certainly any contradictions in Labour policy. A pity they've not exposing the tangle Labour should be in by now. I suppose it shows how far to the right Labour has travelled, when most of the MSM are on the right, but also MSM's obeisance to the Israel lobby. And one has to remind oneself that the Chuef Rabbi is a religious leader and supposedly a spiritual person.

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Important points - but surely someone should be pointing out to Miller that the issue goes beyond 'shared values - it concerns International Law, which both UK & US have signed up to, and (in principle) shaped their national laws in respect to International Law on these issues.

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Good points, well made. If only we voters had any real power to hold our government accountable for murders we have not sanctioned nor given them a mandate for.

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Good points, well made. If only we voters had any real power to hold our government accountable for murders we have not sanctioned nor given them a mandate for.

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Always great (thought the reasons for it are sickening) to watch Count Smirkula squirm.

The blob cannot admit to what they are doing and, if possible, they'll kill the whole of the internet outside approved channels to prevent their exposure and punish dissent.

How much longer can this go on?

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What really needs to happen are major challenges to US hegemony. Until these various war criminal administrations here are held accountable, nothing will change.

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What did you expect? Both Keir and Vistoria Starmer are of the Faith, and practrice Shabbat. To quote from June 2024: "17 of the 24 members of Labour's Shadow Cabinet are listed as members of "Labour Friends of Israel" in the just-deleted listing."

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State Department Spokesman …..one of his Credential is Theater ?

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The British Politicians usually have better understanding of what is. Going on, because they are the Colonialists, piece of cake for them, but since the first Monkey evolved into a Brit, they became Colonialists…and they made their International Order….and then there has been further Evolution and then there appeared Zionists or rather Balfour Passed his Colonial Settler Torch or Call it the Baton as. Kamala prefers to call….so, now the old evolution has been rusting away as the Zionists introduced their Colonial Settler Edicts to the tired 248 year old Colonial Settlers rusting in the Titanic !

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So, be it ! Where is the Arab Anger if there has been something like that ever before ?

So, the evolved ones said …. Sand something ?

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"Where is the Arab Anger if there has been something like that ever before?"

Palestine had the support of Jordan, Egypt and a few other countries until they were bribed by US tax payers to look the other way. There is a particularly cozy corner in hell for the government officials that have taken that blood money.

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Panama Man !

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Yes, but in the early days since he was appointed as the Foreign Secretary, he has been Waffling a couple of occasions about international laws being violated …. I remember vaguely, then the Zionists came down on him with a ton of Black Matter ! ….. So, now we have tons of of the Real Thing just making a symbolic meddling with the Lethal Weapons Export Licenses, in case there maybe a need for such Exports to some African Countries where there is more resources or exploit !

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Very Special Relationship for all Occasions and for all Needs !

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Good. I'm glad all those who are complicit in this genocide are beginning to get fearful of their role in it and future justice. And that may include the Shareholders in the Arms Industries that have supplied Israel with their murder weapons. Their fear, if they have it, pales before the fear that Palestinians have been made to fear for so many years.

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The world’s largest sovereign wealth fund has been under pressure since May to divest from the merchants of mass murder that are killing Palestinians.

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Not even a Jews Jew, or a rabbis rabbi, could honestly justify the perpetual brutal treatment that Israel is doing to the defenseless Palestinians, not since Oct. 8th, 2023, but since 1948 . I'm glad I am not religious, while at the same time I am a believer. The Palestinians are picking up tab for what the Germans did in ''Europe''.

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"The Palestinians are picking up tab for what the Germans did in ''Europe''. "

The Zionists created their needed problem, the Nazis. Then via their enormous propaganda machine they create the needed reaction of global collective shame in order to get to their desired goal, the creation of the little squatter state in the M.E.

We were never told in school that the Nazis were financed by Zionists. How else would a Jewish state ever come into existance?

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"The chief rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis, for example, is incensed that the UK is limiting its arming of Israel’s slaughter in Gaza, saying it “beggars belief”."

What beggers my belief is that this 'chief rabbi(t)' claims to be of the Jewish creed of ethics.

Does not the Mosaic law (as opposed to the mo$aiKKK £aw) forbid killing?

But then, $tarmer, Cameron, et al, are probably on their knees on their own sabbath to a deity other than Mar$ Inc and Moo£ah A£mighty.

Meanwhile the Semitic Arabs are divided and conquered by their appointed and anointed roya£$.

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It seems to me that the international legal system is just a minefield of cul-de-sacs and Alice in Wonderland type rabbit holes which can never really be navigated and got to the end of with any definitive decision. A "PLAUSIBLE" genocide! wtf is that? Of course we know why, because the global political power structure is such that anyone coming out and saying the truth that is obvious to millions of people across the world, is going to have their head blasted off, if not literally then in ways that will incapacitate them from continuing a career.

The other fact that never seems to come out anywhere much is that Israel as the occupying force has absolutely no right to so-called "defend itself" it certainly hasn't got a right to start a massacre against a civilian population whereas Hamas has a right defend their occupied territory. Why is this not part and parcel of any debate? it's clear from that point of view that Israel is committing an unholy series of unspeakable acts of terror and therefore innumerable war crimes: indeed a genocide not a plausible one, an actual one.

We need to see every single one of these warmongers and those complicit which probably counts for thousands now, in the dock at The Hague, or better still The Hague needs to be dropped and the process of bringing a case of international war crimes needs to be held in a more neutral country such as South Africa. The Hague is part and parcel of the US/Western European hegemony which I sincerely hope will come to an end very soon.

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Your rightful indignation is truly justified but you know the chances of justice suddenly emerging when the whole western way is based on this toxic mix of corruption, racism and war are zero.

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Hi. Thank you for your comment. I understand why you say that but the chance for justice is never zero, it may be slim but not zero. The clear voices break through eventually. Think of the women demanding the vote in 1930s UK, or Rosa Parkes protesting bussing in US in the 60s, or Gandhi in 1940s. There are many examples, though rare. And that is never the end of the story as we know the challenge continues and will always continue, but continue it must.

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Yes, Kathryn there are a few examples in history, the suffragettes, apartheid in South Africa and others but unfortunately this one’s got a terrible old Testament vibe to it and it just feels ‘God forsaken’ (and that’s coming from an atheist)

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The Suffragette's sucess was inevitable. They were financed by John D. Rockefeller jr.

"Why tax only half the population when you can tax them all?"

- John D. Rockefeller jr. -

God forsaken? Satanic is more to the point.

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Are not both God and Satan human constructs? I used ‘god forsaken’ because of the contemporary horror show’s relationship with ‘holy’ scriptures. Your financing comment seems disingenuous to say the least. The Rockefeller quote proves nothing but your bias. Of course there will always be bad faith actors of choice available behind any historic event if you care to look - I get that. Factual evidence comes in useful though.

I’m guessing which basket your eggs are in.


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Yeah, keep guessing. Are you saying that I am lying regarding the Rockefeller quote? If by "proves nothing but your bias" you mean that it proves my bias against taxes in general, and income tax in particular, then yes. You are correct.

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