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I live in Australia that advocates anti Russia, anti Palestine, anti Iraq, Syria, Iran.. all the One Label righteous Western thinking. Here, the 2022 consumer has become so familiar with the single voice of AUS Media, that they remain convinced this single voice is telling the whole story. In AUST there is only One “News Ltd Network” of information ownership, or influence, across the vast geographic nation of apx. 27 million, mostly White Colonialist inhabitants still inflicting an apologist Genocide over the original Aboriginal inhabitants since Cpt. Cook’s invasion in 1770; in the name of the British Empire.

All opinion goes through this Single Media voice. The Celebrities, even if having come from a rebellious beginnings, are recognised by the mainstream, and reliably employed as over paid sycophants of the Narrative.

Public TV campaign charities, only speak the Narrative of the one voice masquerading as entrepreneurial representatives of the Righteous.

AUS is the example of total media brain washing, and if you publicly dissent, the common man will fight you as a threat to the whole group psychology of SAFETY.

The consumer has been entrained to report “The Dissident” as if it is the “Right Thing to do”. Prime Minister Morrison declares for them to do this right thing. Morrison was an awarded Marketing manager, winning awards for belligerent advertising campaigns that abused the consumer for betraying the collective righteousness of compliance. Who gave the awards? Need we say?

Once the whole media information system is monopolised, the public have little chance of free thought. Free choice. All the Media has to do is tell the consumer that, “Following the Narrative is the choice of freedom” and as we know from as far back as Bernays,

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”

― Edward L. Bernays, Propaganda (1928)

Mr Cook, thank you for your voice. In AUST there is no voice or opinion, and if there is, those voices are summarily sacked without discussion leaving the consumer who asks no questions rewarded for obedience,.. I live under wet concrete. DV

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