Thanks, and well done, and incisive, once again, Jonathan. Just gets more fun by the day, yes? Seems with Truss mucking things up, it's not at all unreasonable to think that Starmer could get into No. 10. But like you, I see, in that event, no "butterfly" emerging to salve the sentiments of the faithful, only the continuing rot of what is indeed appears a most "tawdry cocoon". I subscribe to the well-evidenced notion that only those who prove their bona fides to what I refer to as the "Controlling Class" are able to climb into the "prime" positions of power. After what we went through with Obama over here, it's hard to look at it any other way.

And, as a contextual note, for you: I think I may nearly have some kind of tentative grip on the concept of what (who) are the "Red Wall" types, but you're gonna have to 'splain to me about what (who) are the "red-tops". The Brit Perspective does escape us North Americans from time to time... :-) :-D

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Apologies, Mark. "Red tops" refers to the right-wing tabloid papers that once, in earlier times, used to make their titles distinctive from the rest of the grey front page by printing them in white type set against a red block-background. The Sun still does it: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ0iH3AUmBjRXDWm6gbFRDfAsQKY_5c8uxaIA&usqp=CAU

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Agh! Makes perfect sense! I am familiar with that gaudy color-concept in the tabloids (well, if they sport such awful graphics, I pretty much classify all of them as "tabloids") as depicted in so many stories and references, so your description clarifies the use of the term for me. Thanks and keep up the good work!

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Starmer isn't stupid. He loses the voters and if worst comes to worst, he can bunk off to a comfortable sinecure at some quango or a makework but remarkably lucrative job at some obscure yet well-funded think tank. Maybe a professorship that doesn't have any real teaching duties, if that's his thing.

But if he loses The People Who Matter, he will be cast into Outer Darkness, and that's if he's lucky.

The respective career trajectories of Tony Blair and Jeremy Corbyn are most instructive here.

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