How many people in Britain have been randomly murdered by Jews in the last 10 years? How many have been murdered by Muslim ‘asylum seekers’? The figure must be getting close to the number murdered by the IRA on mainland Britain, but no one is allowed to talk about it.

That’s your answer

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Although Gaza is the most urgent issue, and we cannot turn our eyes from them, there is increasing settler violence and land confiscation in the West Bank, aka illegally Occupied Territory. Here’s a group we can support, made up of committed Israelis and Palestinians working together to protect the Palestinians there.

Work on the Ground: Transforming Lives in Israel-Palestine — American Friends of Combatants for Peace


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There must be an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Pope Francis has said what is needed, now he must do what is needed by going to Gaza and standing for peace, justice and freedom.

Please sign the petition and share widely.


Let us also support UNRWA. If our governments won’t act in accordance with humanity, then we will. https://www.unrwausa.org/donate

Also we can all support the brave doctors who have gone to Gaza: https://palestinian-ama.networkforgood.com/projects/206145-gaza-medical-supplies-oct-2023


Surgeons to Gaza


Let us make our donations to honor Aaron Bushnell, in memory of Hind Rajab, or Dr Jumann Afra.

Here’s a petition to excommunicate Joe Biden: https://www.change.org/p/excommunicate-president-joe-biden-bf979783-ac08-4576-a53f-c786ea23dc9c

These are a few small things we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.

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This Prime Minister definitely Appears to be a Different Species …. A Nearest Relative to the Species that includes the Netanyahu types !

By the way, I am a specialist in Facial Identification !

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Thanks again for your intellectual and moral clarity

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Anyone who quotes Baroness Warsi to support his argument has already lost.

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Great piece of writing. The MSM in the UK is unreliable and inaccurate and Starmer is a loathsome liar and hypocrite that we are now stuck with.

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It looks like Starmer is leading the Nazification of the UK.

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Excellent article. I have said consistently and continue to do so: Sir Keir Starmer is the most dangerous man in Britain.

Also, the neoliberal elite are right to believe Islam is a threat to their way of lives (that being the elite only - not normal Britons). Islam eschews neoliberalism, interest and ungained wealth such as land lording when the property is mortgaged and the renter pays the majority yet the landlord ends up with the property. Economically and financially Islam is much fairer. In this way, it is a massive threat to billionaires and the 1% that rules us. More about it here: https://ayauk.substack.com/p/rethinking-the-narrative-islam-and

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Yeah, I think the fair Islam economics is on display on the Arabian peninsula. Whiteness and Christianity need to disappear

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Americans have rejected neoliberalism and Americans have rejected neoconservatism….and after Matrix Resurrection Americans have even rejected Neo!!!

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Racism and Islamophobia is in their fabric and genetic make up for centuries (talking about the indigenous white ones) !

They yearn for the time they practiced it and feel frustrated now they don’t have capabilities they did once to practice their hate and white supremacy!

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The colour of my skin is white & my gender is male. I was born with these characteristics & do not see them as being in any way negative.

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A wise person once said , don’t look with your eyes, but see with your eyes, even if what you see is not what you want. It will expose the truth.

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Change a few details plus names and you could be writing about Canada where lax lobbying rules produce a Zionist stooge as PM and a hydra headed Zionist lobby calling anything that could hamper their genocide antisemitic.

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One clear trend in the UK and the U.S. is the enemy that ALL major parties abhor with prejudice: Socialism. Protests are riots when the issue is social justice, and the problem participants are communists or anti-fascists or anti-imperialists. The racist abuse of Moslems has been led by God-fearing Christians who are no threat to the God-fearing elites, so lip-service will be applied first, and police beat downs will follow, but the label “terrorist” will be reserved for the hated, principled opponents to systemic aggression.

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Thank You Jonathan

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