Thank you for this magnificent article. International kikedom is sowing the seeds of its own demise, if only they truly HAD been "gassed to death in ovens".

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Thank you for this magnificent article. International kikedom is sowing the seeds of its own demise, if only they truly HAD been "gassed to death in ovens".

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it does indeed

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The Zionists influence in the West is insidious … Australia is no different … criticise Israel and you are attacked as an antisemite … your article is insightful and important

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Bravo. Thank you for this insightful piece of writing. We are not hearing the right voices speak directly to this issue and yours is a clear and passionate one. I hope that you don’t t mind my sharing it.

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Well documented. It makes a lot of sense. You support the truth and you become antisemite.. But what I don't understand is as someone becomes the president / Prime minister of these western countries, defending isreal becomes the highest priority for them. Why is that?

It seams like European Union, NATO, UNGA and UNSC all these were created to support Isreal. If that is the case then ww2 was also started for the creation of the Isreal and germans were used for the purpose.

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I think you are just wrong, and definitely antisemitic.

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I am sorry that you're steeped in propaganda whose only purpose is to blame Jews for all problems in the Middle East and promote mass Jew killing. I pray for peace and less suffering for both Jews and Palestinians and for all of their corrupt leaders to be destroyed. I refuse to say that one group of people deserves compassion while the other group deserves death. In other words, I refuse to be like you.

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Not just the Poles, Russians, & Czechs, but also Gypsies, Gays, Lesbien, & the disabled were also part of the mass slaughter. Where's the gift of stolen land for them? Why isn't money raining down on them? Where's the mass outrage for their slaughter? The Zionists are a cancer, a toxin.

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Jonathan Glazier was understandably a little nervous when he stood to receive his Oscar and read his courageous speech. He no doubt had memories of how Vanessa Redgrave had been received making her acceptance speech for Julia in 1978 when she made a statement in solidarity with Palestinians. Times have changed a bit, Glazier’s speech was applauded twice, Redgrave was booed and heckled mercilessly led by Harvey Weinstein now serving 23 years in prison for rape and his war on women.

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Great article, Jonathan. Glazer is an extremely talented director. Sexy Beast is one of my all time favourite movies. Here’s an opportunity for Sir Ben Kingsley to step up and defend Glazer from this vile circus.

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Hamas created the poverty in Gaza. Gaza was left with gardens, an Israeli built hospital and a better place than before. Hamas destroyed the vegetable gardens, made terrorist tunnels under hospital and citizens. The surrounding arab countries did NOTHING to help. Israel is the size of Nevada and has always been exposed to hate and violence. Threatened of Death to ALL JEWS. HATERS HATE INCLUDING GLAZER.

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So thankful for Gabor Mate and his sons as well.

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The land which is now modern Israel (as distinct from the 1,000s of years of Jewish presence prior to the 20th century) was given to the Jews in 1922 by mandate by the League of Nations at the same time that modern day Egypt and Jordan were officially given their historical lands by mandate. Palestinians weren't mentioned because they formed themselves as a political entity in the 1960s. Many Arabs who were already in the sparsely populated region stayed in Israel where they make up about 20% of the population today. The need for a Jewish state has been demonstrated not only by the Holocaust in Europe but by the complete elimination of Jewish historical populations in Iran, Iraq, Syria and Yemen over the past 50 to 60 years. Refugees who survived those genocides (let's call them what they are) were able to go to Israel. Some of them today unfortunately form the MAGA factions in Israel. They are justifiably bitter but must not be allowed continued violence against neighboring Palestinians. People like that film director, and the author of this article, must stop calling for genocide against all Israelis, and persecution of Jews in other parts of the world. Slaughter of all Jews, worldwide is the basis of the Hamas charter statement, something that anti-semites like to soft-sell in front of general audiences, like the Oscars attendees.

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Nothing you have written is factual Sarah. Mandatory Palestine was a British mandate, governed by British soldiers stationed in Palestine .

There was no Jewish state in 1922. Jews who tried to escape the Nazis had nowhere to go.

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Nothing you have written is factual. Mandatory Palestine was a British mandate. There was no Jewish state in 1922. Jews who tried to escape the Nazis had nowhere to go.


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I am sorry if you misunderstood. I was speaking of the mandates in the 1920s. the modern state of Israel wasn't created until after WWII. There was no place for Jews to go during that war.

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I didnt misunderstand. You wrote "modern Israel was given to the jews in 1922" Completely wrong.

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Thank you to Jonathan Glazer for his bravery speaking up to a Hollywood crowd that was downright hostile to his message. And thank you Jonathan Cook for doing likewise, speaking up into the internet with its Zionist trolls. The truth will remain no matter what mud the propagandists fling at it.

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Much of this seems to revolve around questions (and internecine tussles) about things like identity, moral values, and the authoritative source and application of those values. These are old questions. Very old questions. https://bit.ly/3VjFxcO

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